2009 World Series of Poker

Event 57 - $10,000 World Championship No Limit Hold'em
Day: 2b
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Down and Up for BeL0WaB0Ve

Kevin "BeL0WaB0Ve" Saul
Kevin "BeL0WaB0Ve" Saul
Kevin "BeL0WaB0Ve" Saul's day hasn't gone very well during the first two levels. He started the day with more than 85,000, but during the first three hours of play had slipped down under the 20,000-chip mark.

Bit of an upturn, though, just now for Saul. He was all in after a flop of {A-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{K-Hearts} with {A-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds} against his opponent's {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}. The turn was the {5-Clubs} and the river the {9-Spades}, and Saul is back up to 40,000.

Tags: Kevin Saul

De Leon Angeles No More

Christian De Leon Angeles
Christian De Leon Angeles
Christian De Leon Angeles has been sent packing from the tournament when he was all in preflop with {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts} against an opponent's {5-Spades}{5-Hearts}.

The board ran out {4-Hearts}{8-Spades}{8-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} to see De Leon Angeles hit the rail.

You Are the Weakest Hollink, Goodbye

Dreadfulness upon dreadfulness as Rob Hollink gets it in massively ahead and then gets horribly outdrawn.

Hollink raised under the gun with {Q-Hearts} {Q-Diamonds} and the gent on his left reraised. Hollink pushed, found himself massively ahead of his opponent's {A-Diamonds} {Q-Clubs}, and then got smacked in the face by the wet kipper of the deck.

Board: {J-Spades} {5-Clubs} {4-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds} {2-Hearts}

Tags: Rob Hollink

Hachem Doubles

There was 7,000 in the middle on the flop of {8-Spades} {3-Hearts} {2-Spades} when Joe Hachem got all in with his opponent. Hachem held two queens, {Q-Spades} {Q-Hearts}, and his opponent held {10-Spades} {5-Spades}. The turn was the {4-Clubs} and the river the {10-Hearts}. With the board missing all of his opponent's draws and leaving him with just a pair of tens, Hachem was able to double up to 62,000.

Tags: Joe hachem

Outhred Out

Alex Outhred has been eliminated. Three players saw a K-J-9 flop. Outhred checked, an opponent bet 4,200, and it folded back to Outhred who called.

The turn was a four. Outhred again checked, his opponent bet 15,000, Outhred check-raised all in for 35,000, and his opponent called.

Outhred showed A-J, but his opponent had A-K. The river bricked out for Outhred, and he hit the rail.

Tags: Alex Outhred

Cernuto With Aces

"Miami" John Cernuto reraised to 3,625 after a player opened to 1,675. A player behind Cernuto reraised all in and the first raiser folded. Cernuto wasn't so willing and made the call, holding pocket aces. The all-in player held {K-Hearts} {J-Diamonds}.

The board ran out {A-Hearts} {Q-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} {3-Spades} {K-Diamonds} to give Cernuto the elimination, the pot, and put him up to 55,000.

Tags: "Miami John""Miami"John Cernuto

River Saves Alaei

Danny Alaei
Danny Alaei
After a flop of {Q-Clubs} {J-Clubs} {10-Hearts} Danny Alaei is all in with {K-Spades} {9-Clubs} for a flopped straight. However, he faced the higher straight of his opponent with {A-Spades} {K-Diamonds} .

The board filled out {Q-Clubs} {J-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {6-Diamonds} {A-Diamonds} giving both players Broadway. Alaei is saved from elimination thanks to the chopped pot.

Tags: Danny Alaei

Hinkle Kicker Takes It

After a flop of {9-Clubs}{4-Spades}{Q-Spades}, Blair Hinkle bet 2,200 from the cutoff, and the player on the button raised to 7,000. Hinkle called. Both checked the {3-Spades} turn. Both also checked the {9-Hearts} river.

Both players had a queen, but Hinkle's king bested his opponent's eight for a kicker. Hinkle is at 95,000.

Tags: Blair Hinkle

Player Makes Hero Call vs. Alexander Kostritsyn

With over 40,000 in the pot, on a board of {Q-Spades} {10-Diamonds} {3-Clubs} {6-Hearts} {2-Hearts} Alex Kostritsyn bet 33,000 from under the gun.

His opponent in late position went into the tank for several minutes, trying to get Kostritsyn to talk to him. After asking his name, and subsequently why he wouldn't talk to him, he gave up and simply asked the dealer to spread the pot.

Eventually, he said "I call" and slammed {10-Hearts} {9-Clubs} to the felt for second pair.

Alex Kostritsyn mucked his hand after his failed bluff attempt, leaving him with 82,000.

Tags: Alexander Kostritsyn