2009 World Series of Poker

Event 57 - $10,000 World Championship No Limit Hold'em
Day: 2b
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Watkinson Loses Ground

Lee Watkinson is down to 67,000. He had fired 4,000 on a {8-Clubs} {8-Spades} {2-Hearts} flop and another 10,000 on the {Q-Hearts} turn.

Both players checked the {6-Hearts} river and Watkinson showed a missed {K-Spades} {J-Spades} that his stubborn opponent had decided not to fold against, holding {4-Clubs} {4-Diamonds}, the latter winning the pot.

Ivey Down, Back Up

After losing a few chips, Phil Ivey called a button-raise from the small blind and saw a {7-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} flop.

He and his opponent took a free card as the {Q-Diamonds} hit fourth street. Ivey bet 4,000 and the player on the button called, leading to the {A-Diamonds} on fifth street. Ivey bet 8,000 and his opponent called, insta-mucking when Ivey tabled {7-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds} for a flush.

After the hand, Ivey is sitting on a stack of 148,000.

Tags: Phil Ivey

Raising Hellmuth

"And Phil is all in!"

So said the announcer over on the feature table a moment ago. There'd been some back-and-forthing with preflop raises and reraises between Hellmuth and an opponent before the flop, culminating in the Poker Brat's all-in bet. His opponent -- whom Hellmuth had covered -- let it go, and Hellmuth showed pocket queens.

The day continues to go well for Hellmuth, who is now sitting with 120,000.

Tags: Phil Hellmuth

Who's Your MacDaddy?

Panesis was on the feature table during his first day of play
Panesis was on the feature table during his first day of play
Evan "MacDaddy34" Panesis opened the action with a raise to 1,500. Only the player in the small blind called. The flop came {9-Spades} {5-Clubs} {3-Spades} and the player checked to Panesis. He fired a bet of 1,800 before his opponent check-raised to 4,500. Panesis called.

The turn brought the {9-Clubs} and the small blind led for 11,000 into Panesis. Panesis then shoved all in for 32,025 total and this sent his opponent into the tank. Eventually, he made the call, tabling pocket sevens. Panesis held {A-Spades} {9-Hearts} for trip nines.

The river blanked with the {10-Hearts}, allowing Panesis to double up to 80,000.

Tags: "MacDaddy34"Evan Panesis

No Moore

With a raise in front of him, a short stacked Mark Moore moved all in for roughly 7,000 in chips from the button. Mark Skrypec made the call as did the original raisor.

The flop came {8-Hearts}{8-Spades}{7-Spades} and both live players checked. The turn was the {K-Hearts} and Skrypec tossed out 4,000 with his opponent instantly folding {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Spades} face up.

"I have a full house!" declared Moore and confidently tabled {7-Clubs}{7-Hearts}, however he was in shock to see Skrypec reveal {8-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} for quads!

The river was a meaningless {2-Hearts} and Moore makes a slow trek back out into the hallways with a bit of a story to tell.

Leah Busts

Heading back to Canada
Heading back to Canada
Mike Leah pushed all in leaving himself one single 25-denomination chip. He found a caller for that 4,950 and the remaining 25 to see the cards tabled.

Leah: {3-Clubs}{2-Clubs}
Opponent: {8-Clubs}{8-Hearts}

The board ran out {10-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{4-Spades} to see Leah hit the rail.

Straight Through the Back Door for Yasui

Grant Yasui raised to 1,700 from late position, the button reraised to 4,300, and it folded back to Yasui who called. The flop came {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}. Yasui bet 5,000, and his opponent called. The turn was the {8-Hearts}, and this time Yasui checked. His opponent bet 11,000, and Yasui called.

The river was the the {J-Hearts}. Both players checked. Yasui's opponent showed pocket eights for the flopped set, and Yasui turned over {A-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} for the backdoor straight. It even took the dealer an extra beat to figure out Yasui was best. He's now up to 117,000.

Tags: Grant Yasui