2009 World Series of Poker

Event 57 - $10,000 World Championship No Limit Hold'em
Day: 2b
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Persaud Sick

Persaud good they named him Nik
Persaud good they named him Nik
There was one limper before Nik Persaud raised. The gent on the button called, as did the limper, and they saw a {4-Clubs} {7-Clubs} {2-Hearts} flop. The limper checked, and Persaud fiddled around with his chips for a while before betting 4,400. Mr. Button called, Mr. Limper passed, and they were heads up to the {4-Spades} turn.

Persaud now checked to his opponent, who bet 5,500. A pause from Persaud, a call, and they proceeded to the {6-Clubs} river. Two checks, and Mr. Button turned over an unexpected {10-Clubs} {5-Clubs} for a flush; Persaud looked sadly down at his pocket {10-Spades} {10-Hearts} before throwing them, rather violently, back at the dealer.

Persaud down to 26,000.

Tags: Nik Persaud

Durrrr Chipping Up

Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has been a raising machine as of late, opening multiple pots in a row. He seems to take down the pot every time he makes a continuation bet, and although currently only at 22,000, he has added nicely to his stack over the past few orbits.

Tags: Tom Dwan

Carter King Drops to 120,000

Action folded around to Carter King on the button who raised to 1,600. The small blind made the call.

The flop came {A-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} {8-Spades} and both players checked to the turn, which brought the {A-Spades} . The small blind bet out 1,725 and King called.

The river was the {J-Clubs} and the small blind bet out again, this time for 3,375. King thought for about a minute before folding.

Carter "ckingusc" King, who started the day with 170,000, is down to around 120,000.

Tags: Carter King

Daneshgar Delight At Delicious River

Joining the action on the turn of a {6-Spades} {4-Clubs} {J-Hearts} {7-Clubs} board, David Daneshgar raised a 2,300 bet to 5,000 before betting a further 15,000 on the {5-Clubs} river after his opponent had checked.

Daneshgar was called and flipped {8-Clubs} {8-Spades}, having pipped his opponent's {A-Clubs} {J-Diamonds} on the end.

Daneshgar up to 71,000

Dong Plateaus

One of Australia's most successful online players, Jonathan "xMONSTERxDONGx" Karamalikis has been starting to get active here but struggling to build his chip stack on Day 2b.

With a limper in front of him, Karamalikis raised it up to 2,500 from the cutoff, before the button raised it to 6,000. The limper folded and Karamalikis made the call.

The flop landed {3-Spades}{8-Spades}{6-Hearts}. Karamalikis checked and his opponent moved all in for around 18,000 with Karamalikis insta-folding.

A few hands later Karamalikis opened the action with a raise to 1,500 from under the gun. A middle position player made it 4,200 and when play folded back to Karamalikis he made it 15,000 to go. His opponent moved all in and Karamalikis quickly called for most of his chips.

Karamalikis tabled {A-Diamonds}{K-Spades} but his opponent revealed {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs} for the same hand and they chopped it up on a board of {3-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}.

The "Dong" is still stuck on around 65,000 chips.

Tags: Jonathan KaramalikisxMONSTERxDONGx

Farmar Staying Positive

Lakers player, Jordan Farmar (Day 1d)
Lakers player, Jordan Farmar (Day 1d)
Los Angeles Lakes player Jordan Farmar called a raise to 3,100 and then the big blind called as well. The flop came down {4-Hearts} {3-Clubs} {2-Diamonds}. The big blind bet out 2,800, the preflop raiser folded, and Farmar called.

The turn paired the board with the {3-Hearts} and the big blind fired 6,400. Farmar called again.

The river was the {10-Clubs} and the big blind bet out once more, making it 15,000 this time. Farmar tanked and then made the call.

The big blind showed pocket sevens and announced two pair. Farmar mucked his hand. "Nice hand." he said. "No worries, it's all good."

Farmar is still over 100,000.

Tags: Jordan Farmar

Grinder Ground Down, Out

Michael Mizrachi
Michael Mizrachi
Over on the secondary feature table, Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi has been eliminated.

He had been below average stack-wise all day, and just now got it all in with a straight flush draw against an opponent who had king-jack on a king-high flop. The turn and river didn't help Mizrachi, and he hit the rail.

Mizrachi's spot at the table has been taken by Paul "X-22" Magriel, who currently has 24,000. We imagine he is fully aware that represents an "M" of just over 15.

Tags: Michael MizrachiPaul Magriel

Action All Around Schaefer

We discovered Brandon Schaefer with around 25,000 over in the far corner of the Amazon room, but doing so we saw a huge hand play out in front of us.

The board read {9-Hearts} {4-Hearts} {10-Hearts} and all the money went in to create a possible 100,000 pot. The first player flipped over {9-Clubs} {9-Spades} before saying, "Aces with the {A-Hearts}?" while his opponent said, "No, Kings with with {K-Hearts}," showing {K-Hearts} {K-Clubs}.

The turn brought a few additional outs in the {Q-Clubs} but the river was the {6-Hearts} and the player with the set of nines loudly slammed his fist into the table causing a slight tremor as everyone else stayed fairly silent.