2009 World Series of Poker

Event 57 - $10,000 World Championship No Limit Hold'em
Day: 2b
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Dropping Down...Fast!

With the board now reading 1,905 remaining today, it means that we've lost over 1,000 players in just 5 hours of play.

Or 200 players an hour.

Or more than 3 players a minute.

Altmeyer On the Ascent

Andreas Altmeyer was just involved in a huge three-way all-in hand in which he had both of his opponents covered. The money went in on a flop of {8-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{6-Hearts}. Altmeyer had {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} for top set, one opponent had {7-Spades}{5-Spades} for the flopped straight, and the third had {J-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} for a draw to a higher straight.

The turn was the {J-Spades}, changing nothing, but the river came the {6-Spades}, giving Altmeyer the full house and knocking out two opponents. That huge pot pushes Altmeyer up to 315,000.

Tags: Andreas Altmeyer

Cernuto Doubles an Opponent

"All in and call table 72!" yelled the dealer. off and running were the ESPN camera crew from the other side of the room knowing that "Miami" John Cernuto was seated at that table. What do ya know, when the cameras got there, Cernuto had called a player's all-in bet with pocket eights. The other player held {A-Spades} {Q-Diamonds}.

The flop came down {K-Diamonds} {Q-Hearts} {9-Diamonds} and paired up with Cernuto's opponent, giving him the lead. The turn was the {2-Hearts} and the river the {4-Hearts}. Cernuto lost the hand and lost 11,300 from his stack.

Tags: "Miami John""Miami"John Cernuto

Shulman Doubles; Schwartz Eliminated

Jeff Shulman doubled up to 170,000 after he got all in on the flop of {8-Hearts} {5-Hearts} {2-Spades} holding pocket fives against his opponent's pocket kings. The turn was the {3-Hearts} and the river was the {3-Spades}.

* * * *

Noah Schwartz raised to 3,000 and another player reraised to 15,000. Schwartz moved all in for 28,000 total and the player called.

Schwartz held {A-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds} against his opponent's pocket eights, but failed to improve on the hand and was sent to the rail.

Tags: Jeff ShulmanNoah Schwartz

McKusick Gains Heat From a Cold Deck

There's was a ton of commotion over at table 72 in the orange section just a brief moment ago. We turned to the table to see three players all in. One player held {K-Hearts} {K-Spades} and another player held {K-Diamonds} {K-Clubs}. Both were terribly dominated by the third player's {A-Diamonds} {A-Clubs}.

The board ran out {Q-Hearts} {7-Hearts} {2-Clubs} {4-Hearts} {A-Hearts}, to give the player holding the {K-Hearts} the nut flush. That player was Ken McKusick out of Baltimore, Maryland and he now has nearly 120,000 chips.

To make things even more interesting, two players in the hand held jacks and another player held pocket sevens. Cold deck much?

Tags: Ken McKusick

Those Are Maya Chips

It folded around to Maya Geller who raised from the small blind, then the big blind reraised. Geller wasn't about to abandon the chips she'd already put in the middle, and repopped it all in. Her opponent called.

Geller turned over {Q-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds} while her opponent tabled {3-Spades}{3-Hearts}. The board came {J-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{A-Spades}{8-Hearts}{J-Spades}, and Geller's queens held up. After having lost chips earlier she's hanging on with 20,500.

Tags: Maya Geller

All Aboard The Ivey Train

We didn't catch the details but Phil Ivey is now commanding a stack of 230,000 thanks to a massive clash with Jonas Molander.

The chips were in preflop with Ivey's pocket kings in control against Molander's ace-king.

The board bricked out safely for Ivey as he raked in the 200,000+ pot to send Molander crashing out of the tournament.

Tags: Phil Ivey

ElkY on the Rise

Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier dipped below 100,000 for a little while, but has climbed back up.

In a hand with the board reading {10-Hearts} {J-Diamonds} {7-Spades} {9-Clubs} {4-Hearts}, ElkY check-called bets of 10,000 and 15,000 on the turn and river, respectively.

His opponent insta-mucked and ElkY collected the chips without a showdown, upping his stack to 170,000.

Tags: Bertrand Grospellier