2009 World Series of Poker

Event 57 - $10,000 World Championship No Limit Hold'em
Day: 2b
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Geller Gone

It's never fun to lose a beauty, let alone Ms. Geller
It's never fun to lose a beauty, let alone Ms. Geller
Maya Geller pushed from middle position for her last 15,600 and found action from the player on her immediate left.

Geller: {K-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}
Opponent: {A-Spades}{K-Hearts}

The board ran out {6-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{K-Spades}{3-Spades}{7-Clubs} to see Geller exit to the rail just an orbit or two short of the last break.

Alaei Sets Up

Daniel Alaei is another to have recently doubled up with a flopped set. His {2-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} spiked a set on a {K-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} flop and got paid off for his last 11,500 against an opponent holding {K-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}.

The turn was the {4-Spades} and river the {5-Hearts} and Alaei now finds himself with some breathing room with 41,500 chips.

Tags: Daniel Alaei

La Belle Vie

Jean-Robert Bellande saw a {7-Spades} {5-Hearts} {3-Hearts} flop with two other players. It checked to him and he bet 6,000. The first player called, but the second player went all in for 15,000. Bellande reraised to 27,000, the caller folded, and they were on their backs.

All In Gentleman: {6-Spades} {6-Diamonds} for a pair and a gutshot
Bellande: {J-Hearts} {J-Clubs}

Turn: {Q-Diamonds}
River: {Q-Hearts}

Bellande's up to 117,500.

Plastik Fantastic

David Plastik and his opponent were all in on a flop of {8-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} with Plastik holding the nuts with {8-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} but his opponent was drawing with {9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} for an open-ended straight draw.

The turn was the {4-Hearts} and river the {J-Diamonds} and Plastik holds to double to 45,000 chips.

Tags: David Plastik

Lemke Closes In On Chip Leaders

Brian Lemke opened the pot to 2,100 before a player in late position bumped it to 6,200.

Lemke called, before checking the {9-Hearts}{7-Spades}{3-Spades} flop. His opponent fired 7,900 before Lemke reraised to 17,000 total. His opponent then moved all in for 43,000 more and Lemke called.

Lemke: {7-Hearts}{3-Hearts}
Opponent: {10-Spades}{6-Spades}

The turn and river would fall the {J-Clubs} and {6-Hearts} to see Lemke send his opponent to the rail while soaring to a healthy 291,000 in chips.

Kings for Caesar

A player in middle position raised to 2,500, got one caller, then Phil Hellmuth reraised to 10,000 from the hijack seat. It folded back around to the original raiser who called, and the third player got out.

The flop came {Q-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{K-Diamonds}. Hellmuth's opponent checked, he waited about fifteen seconds, then bet 7,000, and his opponent folded. Hellmuth showed pocket kings as he dragged the pot.

The Poker Brat has 139,000 now.

Tags: Phil Hellmuth

Hachem Sends One Packing

With a raise to 2,000 ahead of him, Tony Hachem made the call from the button to go heads up to the {4-Clubs}{J-Spades}{10-Spades} flop.

The original raiser led out for 3,700 before Hachem raised to 7,900. The original aggressor then pushed his last 11,000 into the middle and Hachem made the call.

Hachem: {J-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}
Opponent: {A-Spades}{Q-Spades}

Having to fade a King, spade or running cards to see his opponent make two-pair or trips, Hachem would dodge well when the {J-Clubs} fell on the turn to severely cripple his opponent's outs to just one.

When the {7-Spades} peeled on the river, Hachem would eliminated an opponent while climbing back to over 180,000 in chips.

Cernuto Loses More Chips

"Miami" John Cernuto stuck in a bet of 4,200 with the board reading {A-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds} {9-Clubs} {10-Clubs}. The pot sat at approximately 10,000 chips. Ken McKusick was his opponent in the hand and he raised to 18,000. Cernuto tanked and then mucked his hand.

"We even if I show you?" asked McKusick. Cernuto nodded. McKusick then showed {A-Spades} {Q-Diamonds}.

"I thought it was ace queen." mentioned Cernuto.

Tags: "Miami John""Miami"John Cernuto


Tran's the man
Tran's the man
Theo Tran has had a fine post-dinner run to put him up to around 130,000.

He raised preflop and then called a reraise. He and his opponent checked the {8-Hearts} {3-Clubs} {2-Clubs} flop, and Tran check-called a 6,100 bet on the {A-Clubs} turn. Come the {4-Diamonds} river, Tran bet out 45,000, enough to put his opponent all in, and the player folded.

That put him up to 100,000.

Then, a little later, there was a three-way all in at his table, Tran holding {A-Clubs} {A-Spades} and his opponents holding {K-Hearts} {J-Spades} and {A-Diamonds} {Q-Diamonds} respectively. Not enough help for the all in two on the {K-Spades} {Q-Hearts} {9-Diamonds} {5-Spades} {3-Spades} board, and Tran was over 130,000.

"Anthony, don't write that down," he urged our field reporter, "I don't want people to know I pick up chips with aces."

Jennifer Harman turned to Anthony. "And the rest of them with kings," she added.


And if that weren't enough, the very next hand Tran found pocket tens and ran into an opponent holding pocket threes for quads on a {3-Hearts} {3-Diamonds} {J-Hearts} {J-Spades} {5-Hearts} board -- and managed to lose no more than 5,000 or so. He's resting on a shade below 130,000 currently.

Tags: Theo Tran