2008 World Series of Poker

39th Annual World Series of Poker Main Event
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Huntress' License Revoked

Huntress from day 1d
Huntress from day 1d
On a flop of {9-Clubs} {A-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds}, Vito Branciforte checked to William Huntress who bet 20,000 and was called by Matt Graham. Branciforte then raised all in and only Huntress called.

Huntress: {A-Clubs} {J-Spades}
Branciforte: {Q-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds}

Board: {9-Clubs} {A-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds} {10-Clubs}

Branciforte's flush eliminated Huntress. After the hand, Branciforte moved up to 560,000 in chips.

Tags: William Huntress

No More Action for Jackson

Markus Golser and Paul Jackson saw a {9-Diamonds} {8-Hearts} {A-Diamonds} flop and, after a series of bets and raises, all the chips were in the middle. Jackson showed {7-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} for a pair and a flush draw, whereas Golser showed {A-Hearts} {K-Clubs} for top pair.

The turn came {K-Spades} and river {3-Hearts} to miss the flush and eliminate Jackson. Golser climbing again and is up to 178,000.

Tags: Markus GolserPaul Jackson

Welcome to the Table

Paul Christoffersson, with 380,000, has just joined a group of big stacks at table 2:

David Saab 230,000
Frankie O'Dell 270,000
Nenad Medic 240,000
James McManus 400,000
Joel Fischbein 290,000
And don't forget the chip leader, Sigurd Eskeland with 680,000.

Set for a Flush

Steven Goosen raised to 7,200 from middle position before calling a reraise to 18,000 from J R Reiss on the button. The flop came down {4-Spades} {9-Spades} {5-Hearts}.

Goosen checked to face a bet of 19,000 from Reiss, which he raised up to 45,000. Reiss then moved all in over the top and Goosen called. Goosen tabled {5-Spades} {5-Clubs} for a flopped set. As Reiss turned over {A-Spades} {10-Spades} for the nut flush draw, Goosen said "Now that's not what I wanted to see".

The turn came {7-Spades} to bring the flush for Reiss. Goosen would need to fill up as the river came {J-Hearts}. No good for Goosen as he sees the 336,000 pot go to Reiss. Goosen down to 75,000.

Tags: Steven Goosen

Crazy Hand Alert

KK Bad for Bax
KK Bad for Bax
When you deal as many hands as we have seen at the Rio over the last six weeks, hands like the ones that follow are bound to happen.

Keith Ferrera raised it up under the gun. A short stack a couple players down moved all in. Cliff 'Johnny Bax' Josephy reraised. The player next to act folded what he said were two queens. All the money went in, and the players exposed their hands.

Ferrera: A A
Bax: K K
Short Stack: J J

The player who folded the queens shot out of his seat when a queen hit the flop. Unfortunately for Bax, no king hit the board, and Keith Ferrera shot up to 460,000 in chips. Bax tumbles all the way down to 50,000.

Level: 13

Blinds: 1,200/2,400

Ante: 300

"This is a Trap, I Know It"

Just before break, we saw an interesting hand playing out between Pat Lyons and Rock Cloutier. Lyons was the preflop raiser, making it 12,000 to play. Cloutier came along, and the two men went heads up to the flop.

It rolled out {Q-Hearts} {9-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds}. Lyons continued out with a bet of 30,000 chips. Cloutier put in a raise, making it 70,000 straight. When the raise was put out, Lyons said, "This is a trap, I know it." Immediately after saying that though, he reraised all in for 190,000. He then added, "I'm not playing around either, Rock. I have the best hand here. I know what you have. If you muck your hand face up, I promise I will show you my hand."

Cloutier went into the tank for five or six minutes, with Lyons continuing to try and convince his man to fold. Finally, Rock disobeyed and made the call, putting Lyons at risk of elimination.

Cloutier turned over {A-Spades} {Q-Clubs} for top-top, but it was in trouble against the {K-Diamonds} {K-Hearts} of Lyons. The turn and river blanked off, and Lyons dragged in a nice pot, chipping him up to 300,000. Cloutier has slid down to 80,000.