2008 World Series of Poker

39th Annual World Series of Poker Main Event
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000


Brandon Schaefer's stack has been getting smaller and smaller all day. Just before the break, his final move was to call all in with {K-?} {Q-?} after he was reraised. Unfortunately for him, his foe had {Q-?} {Q-?} that stood up to knock out Schaefer.

Tags: Brandon Schaefer

Larry Has the Wright Idea

From under the gun, Paul Renaud comes in raising to 6,000. Larry Wright puts in a reraise all in, enough to cover his man. Renaud makes the call for a total of 40,000, and it is showdown time:

Renaud: {3-?} {3-?}
Wright: {7-?} {7-?}

The board comes out {6-?} {2-?} {K-?} {K-?} {K-?}, and Wright's full house beats that of Renaud. Wright chips up to 240,000, knocking out a player in the process.

Victor Ramdin Takes a Big Hit

Victor Ramdin raised to 6,000 from under the gun and action folded around to Yde van Deutekom in the cutoff and he reraised to 18,000. When action got back to Ramdin, he instantly made it 63,000 to play and van Deutekom went into the tank.

After about four minutes, the clock was called and van Deutekom made the call. The flop came {8-Spades} {6-Clubs} {5-Diamonds} and Ramdin checked. Van Deutekom bet 45,000 and Ramdin called.

The turn fell the {2-Diamonds} and Ramdin moved all in. He had van Deutekom well covered and the bet put van Deutekom into the tank once more. After about five minutes, another clock was called by the same player who called for it earlier in the hand. Van Deutekom made what seemed to be a call out of frustration and the players showed:

Van Deutekom: {K-Clubs} {K-Diamonds}
Ramdin: {J-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds}

The turn fell the {6-Spades} which missed Ramdin's flush and straight draws. He lost the hand and was left with 291,000 while van Deutekom doubled up to just over 400,000

Marked Man

Markus Golser was heads-up with Cedric Kolstad and the flop was out as {4-Diamonds} {10-Clubs} {8-Clubs}. A series of bets and raises saw all the chips in the middle.

Golser was confident with {8-Diamonds} {10-Hearts}, but Kolstad revealed a monstrous {10-Diamonds} {10-Spades}. The turn and river blanked, sending Golser's stack back down to 76,000.

Tags: Markus Golser

Break Time....Not So Fast

With around seven minutes left in the level, our clock decided it was time to go to break and jumped straight to the break. The whole room came alive with chatter as everyone was trying to figure out if it was break time or not. The floor staff were quick to jump on the issue and let everyone know that this wasn't a break, just that the clock had skipped.

The clock is tired, it wanted an early break. Now it will have to wait a few more minutes.

Not Easy to do

Jani Vilmunen faced a raise to 13,000 that he reraised another 32,400. His opponent then raised another 70,000 on top and that caused Vilmunen to go in to the tank. He sat there for nearly ten minutes thinking over his decision then folded {K-?} {K-?} face-up.

He asked his opponent not to reveal his hand and he didn't. The rest of the table seemed to agree it was a good lay-down though.

Tags: Jani Vilmunen

They're TRYING to Bust Him!

Phil Hellmuth just stood up from his chair and searched the rail for his lovely wife. When he found her a few tables away, he also found a listening ear:

"Honey. Honey, they dealt me ace-king and they dealt him aces. I mean, c'mon..." He turned to walk away, then looked over his shoulder to add, "I got away immediately, but it cost me twenty thousand."

Tags: Phil Hellmuth

Cha Chang! Becker Takes a Huge Hit

Preflop, Brandon Becker raised to 5,500 and Kai Chang made the call. On a flop of {3-Spades} {8-Clubs} {K-Diamonds}, Becker bet out 12,500 and Chang made the call.

The flop brought the {6-Diamonds} and Becker bet out 27,700. Chang made the call.

When the river fell the {7-Hearts}, Becker moved all in. He had Chang covered. Chang called for 77,800.

Becker showed {A-Spades} {J-Clubs} for air, and Chang showed {K-Hearts} {10-Clubs} for a pair of kings.

After the hand, Chang moved up to 250,000 in chips, and Becker is left with only 92,000.

Tags: Brandon BeckerKai Chang