2008 World Series of Poker

39th Annual World Series of Poker Main Event
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

"This is a Trap, I Know It"

Just before break, we saw an interesting hand playing out between Pat Lyons and Rock Cloutier. Lyons was the preflop raiser, making it 12,000 to play. Cloutier came along, and the two men went heads up to the flop.

It rolled out {Q-Hearts} {9-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds}. Lyons continued out with a bet of 30,000 chips. Cloutier put in a raise, making it 70,000 straight. When the raise was put out, Lyons said, "This is a trap, I know it." Immediately after saying that though, he reraised all in for 190,000. He then added, "I'm not playing around either, Rock. I have the best hand here. I know what you have. If you muck your hand face up, I promise I will show you my hand."

Cloutier went into the tank for five or six minutes, with Lyons continuing to try and convince his man to fold. Finally, Rock disobeyed and made the call, putting Lyons at risk of elimination.

Cloutier turned over {A-Spades} {Q-Clubs} for top-top, but it was in trouble against the {K-Diamonds} {K-Hearts} of Lyons. The turn and river blanked off, and Lyons dragged in a nice pot, chipping him up to 300,000. Cloutier has slid down to 80,000.