2008 World Series of Poker

39th Annual World Series of Poker Main Event
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Tino Dancer

Tino Lechich
Tino Lechich
The small blind limps in and the cutoff raises to 6,500. T6 pro Tino Lechich calls and the small blind calls. The flop is {A-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} and everyone checks. The turn is {Q-Hearts} and everyone checks to Tino, who bets 10,000. Everyone folds and Tino now has 350,000.

The Master Finds Some Action

Men "The Master" Nguyen
Men "The Master" Nguyen
Men "The Master" Nguyen has been nursing the short stack for quite some time now. He has moved all in several times for between 20-30,000, but never gotten any takers. Each time, he was imploring his opponents to give him action with friendly banter: "Got to call," he said once when the big blind was debating his decision. "Two choices: Double me up or bust me," he said the next time.

Men finally found a spot where he could push and get some action. He got things started with a raise to 7,000 from early position. Andy Houson came over the top all in for 25,000 from mid position, and Frank Russo made the call in the big blind. Action came back to The Master, and he reraised all in for a total of 27,700, which Russo called as well. With the betting action complete, the hands were turned up:

Nguyen: {A-Spades} {A-Diamonds}
Houson: {K-Clubs} {10-Clubs}
Russo: {A-Hearts} {8-Hearts}

The board blanked off for Houson and Russo, and The Master triples his way up to 110,000 chips -- the most he's had in quite some time.

Flash Gordon

Aaron Gordon was faced with calling an all-in bet of around 50,000 from his opponent on a {J-Diamonds} {J-Clubs} {8-Hearts} {7-Clubs} board. After tanking for a few minutes, he made the call and showed {10-Spades} {9-Spades}. His opponent held {K-Spades} {J-Spades}.

The river was the {10-Clubs} and didn't give Gordon's opponent a full house. This pot shot Gordon up to 380,000.

Tags: Aaron Gordon

Loeckey Locks Up More Chips

According to Tim Loeckey, he reraised to 25,000 after a player made it 8,000 to go. The player called.

The flop came down {8-?} {7-?} {2-?} and Loeckey led for 45,000. His opponent moved all in for 95,000 and Loeckey called with pocket queens. His opponent held {7-?} {6-?}. The turn and river blanked off and the pot catapulted Loeckey over 420,000.

Tags: Tim Loeckey

Sang His Last Song

Jose Barbero raised to 6,000 and found a caller in the small blind before Andy Griggs moved all in for 45,000. Barbero then raised again to try and isolate Griggs and it worked as the small blind player folded.

Griggs turned over {5-Hearts} {5-Spades} and as Barbero turned over {6-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds} he yelled "I have two overs!"

Before the rest of the cards were dealt, Barbero was asked by a couple of table mates "Are you insane?" and "Did you not take your medication this morning?"

The board came {10-Diamonds} {9-Hearts} {4-Clubs} {K-Clubs} {6-Clubs} to eliminate the Country singer and propel Barbero up to 296,000.

Tags: Andy GriggsJose Barbero

Farhad Runs into Aces

Farhad Sinae called an all in preflop against an opponent, holding {A-Clubs} {K-Clubs}. His opponent had pocket aces and Farhad was in need of help. The board ran {7-Diamonds} {6-Spades} {9-Spades} {8-Diamonds} {2-Diamonds} and Farhad was unable to improve. After the hand, Farhad is down to just 50,000.

Maybe You Don't Realize...

All in preflop, Soren Petersen has {10-?}{10-?} versus his opponent's {A-?}{K-?}. As the board runs out {10-?}{J-?}{5-?}{5-?}{Q-?}, Soren reacts negatively to the Q on the river (giving his opponent a straight), not realizing he made a boat on the turn. Quickly realizing his error, he drags the pot, moving up to 240,000.