2008 World Series of Poker

39th Annual World Series of Poker Main Event
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000


Pat Poels has just won a 47,000 pot off Jeff Madsen and another player. He flopped set of tens but slowed down from the turn onwards as a third spade hit. Still a nice pot to put him up to 220,000.

Tags: Pat Poels

Lane Loves Fourth Street

From middle position, David Benefield raised it up to 6,000, and action passed around to Jon Lane in late position. He reraised all in for 38,000, and Benefield made the call, turning over {2-Spades} {2-Hearts}. Lane was racing for his tournament life with {A-Diamonds} {J-Hearts}.

The flop was not so hot for Lane, coming down {8-Clubs} {8-Spades} {6-Spades}. The turn brought salvation though when the {A-Spades} peeled off the deck, making him top pair. He still needed to fade a deuce or a spade on the river though, and the {Q-Clubs} was the right color for Benefield, but not the right shape. He kindly doubles up Lane, who is back up to 85,000.

Tags: David BenefieldJon Lane

Matt Graham Eliminated

Graham Eliminated
Graham Eliminated
On a flop of {3-Clubs} {8-Clubs} {7-Spades}, Matt Graham moved all in against John Gordon and Gordon made the call.

Gordon: {K-Diamonds} {K-Hearts}
Graham: {Q-Spades} {Q-Diamonds}

The turn of the {4-Spades} and river of the {8-Diamonds} helped neither player, and Graham is eliminated shy of the dinner break.

Tags: Matt Graham


On a flop of {8-Spades}{3-Clubs}{5-Spades}, Raymond Latinsky and Ivan Demidov are all in.

Latinsky: {7-Hearts}{6-Spades}
Demidov: {J-Clubs}{J-Spades}

The turn and river are {A-Clubs}{5-Hearts} and Latinsky is busted. Demidov has 445,000.

Joseph Grue Eliminated

Joseph Grue was eliminated after pushing all in preflop with pocket kings and running into his opponent's pocket aces. The pocket aces held up and Grue was eliminated from the field.


Anahit Galajian moved all in from the cutoff after it was folded around to her. Shane Warne called from the button before Steven Landfish reraised enough to put Warne all in. Warne made the call so we had a three-way showdown.

Galajian: {J-Hearts} {9-Hearts}
Warne: {10-Diamonds} {10-Spades}
Landfish: {A-Spades} {K-Clubs}

The board ran {A-Clubs} {Q-Spades} {3-Diamonds} {4-Clubs} {8-Spades}. The ace was enough to give us a double-knockout including Cricket legend, Shane Warne.

Landfish up to 366,000.

Tags: Shane Warne