Top Pair Podcast 306: Who's At Your Ultimate Fantasy Home Poker Game?


In episode 306 of the Top Pair Home Game Poker Podcast, Bruce Briggs and Robbie Strazynski engage in a fantasy draft of sorts to see which players they’d love to have seated at their ultimate home poker game. Some of their selections might shock you!

The guys then catch you up on all their own home game happenings, with Robbie barely getting any time to play but winning heaps, while Bruce looks to purposely bust out of a tournament early… for financial reasons?!

In closing, a poetic One Outer segment that’ll leave the taste of sorbet in your mouth.

Top Pair thanks their sponsors, J Design Cards, the Poker Notes Live mobile app, and Buy Bitcoin, for their support. Be sure to check ‘em out!

Show Time Stamps

1:01–21:52How Ya Runnin?
 Robbie: Only 2.5 hours to play home game poker in the last two weeks; reflections on the difficulty of leaving when the game’s still going, especially when you’re up big and running well. Plus a fun hit & run story.
 Bruce: Still adding new games into the weekly home game mix. Up 120 BB in the latest cash game! Also, discussing an interesting situation where it pays to be the “lonesome loser” in a poker tournament. Does a crazy style of play in order to try and bust out first make you a douche?
23:11–54:04Just a Few Folks Coming Over…
23:45Brief review of Mike Sexton’s Dream Home Game. Should it be a cash game or sit n’ go? What refreshments to serve? What music should be playing in the background, if at all? Who would the lineup consist of?
27:45Who would the players be in Bruce and Robbie’s 9-handed home game, and why? Two players apiece from each category listed below.
28:28Poker Heroes: Barry Greenstein and Phil Gordon (Bruce); Daniel Negreanu and Chris Moneymaker (Robbie)
34:15Historical Figures: President Harry Truman and Johnny Carson (Robbie); President Richard Nixon and Winston Churchill (Bruce)
39:10Celebrities: Jason Alexander and Lou Diamond Phillips (Bruce); Ray Romano and Gabe Kaplan (Robbie)
46:10Fictional Characters: James Bond and Macho Man Randy Savage (Robbie); Tyrion Lannister and Jamil Malik
54:13One Outer – Within a rotation of a bunch of mixed games, a very poetic reflection on the role that No Limit Hold’em plays. Sorbet, anyone?

You can subscribe to PokerNews’ Top Pair Home Game Poker podcast on iTunes here, or you can access the RSS feed here. The PokerNews Podcast family of podcasts is now available on audioBoom.

Follow the show on Facebook and be sure to join in the conversation on Twitter at #PNTopPair.

Follow hosts Bruce Briggs @toppair and Robbie Strazynski @cardplayerlife, also available via email:

* First 296 episodes are archived and available at

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