Top Pair Podcast 343: Best Tips for How to Avoid Types of Poker Tilt

Bruce Briggs and Robbie Strazynski review a great strategy article on five different types of tilt and how to avoid them at the table. Of course, they also fill you in on their latest adventures and misadventures in their local home games.

George Chao from BBO Poker Tables is back with a brand new segment on racetracks. No, not the kind that have horses, but rather the kind you’ll find at the felt! Plus, Ben Ludlow’s got a great One Outer segment with hot takes on what all the fuss is about presidential candidate Andrew Yang’s online poker tweet.

Top Pair thanks their sponsor, the Poker Notes Live mobile app, for their support. Be sure to check it out!

Show Time Stamps

1:17–23:05How Ya Runnin?
1:35Robbie: Session #1 was the birthday home game with good friends, had the birthday rungood. Second-biggest winner in a five-hour, eight-player session. Losing out on money that you could’ve won (i.e., failure to bet and maximize value) is no less a mistake than making bad calls or other bad plays.
7:10Session #2, second-biggest winner in a 4.5-hour, four-player session. Observing the difference in playing full ring game vs. short-handed when it’s a home game; one of them just being the absolute amount of money in play (i.e., it’s less, pretty much by definition). If you always lose when you go all-in, should you always just leave one chip behind to change the momentum and confuse the poker gods?
11:05Heading to Prague for a poker trip to have fun and play cash games from Nov. 25-28.
14:30Bruce: Managed to break even, but only because of not actually playing any poker.
16:05Former guest Jim Donahue has written a new poker book specifically focused on straddling.
20:45Brian writes in to share that he’s got a special Thanksgiving charity tournament to benefit a local food pantry. Discussing giving back through poker.
24:30Poker Talk: Reviewing a strategy article by Grzegorz Bochniak about the 5 Types of Poker Tilt and How to Avoid Them.
41:20Table Talk with George Chao of BBO Poker Tables
 Discussing whether it’s better for a poker table to have a racetrack or not. A racetrack is a real, wood, hard surface between the armrest and the table’s felt, and there are advantages to having it as well as disadvantages.
44:50Ben Ludlow’s One Outer: Discussing some hot takes and the repercussions of Presidential candidate Andrew Yang tweeting about online poker.

You can subscribe to PokerNews’ Top Pair Home Game Poker podcast on iTunes here, or you can access the RSS feed here.

Follow hosts Bruce Briggs @toppair and Robbie Strazynski @cardplayerlife, also available via email:

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