Top Pair Podcast 304: For a Successful Home Game, Just Stay Calm!


In episode 304 of the Top Pair Home Game Poker Podcast, Bruce Briggs and Robbie Strazynski review a home game situation that gets WAY out of hand and give you tips to avoid and diffuse tense incidents.

Bruce is boasting a 20% home game ROI as of late and had a special visitor from the Caribbean attend his latest session. Robbie reports back from his Jury Duty at the American Poker Awards, has a funny Daniel Negreanu story to share, and enjoyed twenty hours of good old LA metropolitan poker.

In closing, Bruce relates another infamous “Gutterball-ism” that you won’t soon forget.

Top Pair thanks their sponsors, J Design Cards and the Poker Notes Live mobile app, for their support. Be sure to check ‘em out!

Show Time Stamps

1:09–31:08How Ya Runnin?
 Robbie: Attended the American Poker Awards in Los Angeles and had “Jury Duty,” one of nine people tasked with selecting the winners. Played 20 hours of poker in four of the big LA card rooms, ended up a winner!
14:05 Rubbing shoulders with poker celebs and a cute Daniel Negreanu story: “Mazel tov!”
 Bruce: Still enjoying 20% ROI in home games! How to convert Holde’m players to non-Hold’em games; it’s kind of like a lobster…
26:25Salt Lake City home game has an annual visitor from the Caribbean.
32:27–53:26Cards in the Air!
 A home game incident gets so out-of-hand that the husband and wife co-hosts suspend the game entirely after running it for over six years!
 Some important tips for how to avoid and diffuse dicey situations, calm tensions, and maintain a happy atmosphere at the home game tables. Above all: remember that when you’re hosting or attending, you’re there to HAVE FUN!
53:27What the @$%& Did Gutterball Say This Time?!
 What’s Gutterball’s favorite part of a home game? Well, it sure isn’t “the winning”…

You can subscribe to PokerNews’ Top Pair Home Game Poker podcast on iTunes here, or you can access the RSS feed here. The PokerNews Podcast family of podcasts is now available on audioBoom.

Follow the show on Facebook and be sure to join in the conversation on Twitter at #PNTopPair.

Follow hosts Bruce Briggs @toppair and Robbie Strazynski @cardplayerlife, also available via email:

* First 296 episodes are archived and available at

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