2024 World Series of Poker

Event #81: $10,000 WSOP Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
2,500,000 / 5,000,000
Players Info - Day 5
Players Left

Song's Stack Soars After Hero Call Goes Wrong

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Stephen Song
Stephen Song

Tomoki Matsuda opened to 120,000 and was called by Stephen Song in the big blind.

Song checked to Matsuda on the 105Q flop and he continued for 115,000. Song then check-raised to 375,000 and Matsuda called.

Matsuda called a 650,000 bet from Song on the 2 turn and Song announced he was all in on the 6 river, which was enough to put Matsuda all in for his last 1,700,000.

Matsuda went deep into the tank and the clock was called after about eight minutes.

The floor counted Matsuda down from five seconds and Matsuda stuck in a call at the last moment.

Song turned over Q10 for top two pair and Matsuda showed he called with AK for just ace-high — eliminating him from the tournament and sending the massive pot Song's way.

Player Chips Progress
Stephen Song us
Stephen Song
Day 5 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Tomoki Matsuda jp
Tomoki Matsuda

Tags: Stephen SongTomoki Matsuda

Lightbourne Shines After Winning a Big Flip

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Iaron Lightbourne
Iaron Lightbourne

In a massive preflop showdown, Iaron Lightbourne was the player at risk for 2,385,000 against Luigi Curcio to unleash the following coin flip.

Iaron Lightbourne: AK All in
Luigi Curcio: QQ

The A98 flop vaulted Lightbourne into the lead, but he had a sweat to endure on the J turn, as Curcio picked up a gutshot. No ten or queen came on the 8 river, and the Brit doubled to join the bigger stacks in the penultimate level of the night.

Player Chips Progress
Iaron Lightbourne gb
Iaron Lightbourne
Luigi Curcio it
Luigi Curcio

Tags: Iaron LightbourneLuigi Curcio

Rast Rivers the Flush

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Brian Rast
Brian Rast

Brian Rast raised to 115,000 from an early position with A2 and Manuel Machado defended A10 in the big blind.

The 4810 flop gave Machado top pair and Rast was looking at a nut flush draw. Machado checked and Rast bet 155,000, Machado made the call.

The 6 turn got another check from Machado and Rast raised to 440,000. Machado called, taking the players to the river.

The diamond came in on the river for Rast, with the 6 completing the board. Machado checked and Rast bet 1,000,000. After just over a minute of tanking, Machado called with the pair of tens, giving the stack to Rast.

Player Chips Progress
Manuel Machado pt
Manuel Machado
Brian Rast us
Brian Rast
WSOP 6X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Brian RastManuel Machado

Astedt Doesn't Back Down From Kim's Five-Bet

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Niklas Astedt
Niklas Astedt

Kenneth Kim had a three-bet of 300,000 in front of him from the button before Niklas Astedt four-bet to 900,000 in middle position. Kim five-bet to 1,800,000, and Astedt called.

Both players checked the 6QJ flop. The turn was the 5 and Astedt led out for 800,000.

Kim quickly folded, and Astedt took the pot, building his stack up close to 8,000,000.

Player Chips Progress
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt
Day 9 Chip Leader
Kenneth Kim us
Kenneth Kim

Tags: Kenneth KimNiklas Astedt

"Vamos!"; Martinez Spikes the Turn to Double Off Swenson

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Gaston Martinez
Gaston Martinez

Gaston Martinez and Andrew Swenson saw a flop of 892 when Swenson bet 200,000 from under the gun.

Martinez raised to 550,000 in the big blind and Swenson moved all in. Martinez snap-called for 1,750,000.

Gaston Martinez: K4 All in
Andrew Swenson: JJ

Swenson was ahead with his jacks, while Martinez was on a flush draw as he shot out of his seat and began pacing around the table.

Martinez didn't make his flush on the turn, but he did hit the K to take the lead with a pair of kings. The river was the 3 and Martinez doubled up.

"Vamos," he yelled out as he returned to the table.

"You didn't have to be so greedy, my friend. Vamos for Messi," Swenson added, taking the bad beat with a smile still on his face.

Player Chips Progress
Gaston Martinez ar
Gaston Martinez
Andrew Swenson us
Andrew Swenson

Tags: Andrew SwensonGaston Martinez

Dourado Puts the Wheels in Motion for Ayoub's Wild Ride to the Rail

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Aloisio Dourado
Aloisio Dourado

Steven Ayoub opened to 80,000 from early position and called when Aloisio Dourado three-bet to 250,000 from middle position. Ayoub check-called for 175,000 on the K98 flop and then check-called Dourado's jam of 850,000 on the 9 turn. Ayoub tabled 66 but was behind his opponent's AK, who took in the double up after the K river.

On the next deal, Ayoub put in his last 285,000 from under the gun and Hiroki Nawa called on his direct left. Ayoub turned over A6 and was dominated by Nawa's AQ. Ayoub paired up on the 862103 runout to stay in contention.

Then, in a limped pot between the blinds, Daniel Zadok and Ayoub checked action through to the river for the final board to read 4J8Q4. Zadok bet 150,000 and Ayoub called. Zadok had trips with 64 to take the pot. Ayoub flashed the 8 and lamented about letting Zadok get there.

The following hand, Michael Jagroo raised to 300,000 from middle position, leaving 45,000 behind. Ayoub jammed from the small blind as the slightly bigger stack and Jagroo put in the rest of his chips. Ayoub, with QxJx, was flipping against 88. Ayoub paired up on the Q64 flop to take the lead and looked to send Jagroo out after the 5 turn. The 8 river saw Jagroo improve to a set of eights, leaving Ayoub with 95,000.

Ayoub folded his hand on the next shuffle but the last of it went in when he was in the cutoff. Dourado and Boris Kolev called from the blinds. Dourado led out for 150,000 on the QJ10 flop and then check-called for 305,000 on the 10 turn. The 5 river then checked through to showdown.

Dourado tabled K9 for a king-high straight, besting Kolev's Q9. Ayoub turned over Q7, and wished the table good luck before he headed to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Zadok il
Daniel Zadok
Aloisio Dourado br
Aloisio Dourado
Boris Kolev bg
Boris Kolev
WSOP 2X Winner
Hiroki Nawa jp
Hiroki Nawa
Michael Jagroo us
Michael Jagroo
Steven Ayoub us
Steven Ayoub

Tags: Aloisio DouradoBoris KolevDaniel ZadokHiroki NawaMichael JagrooSteven Ayoub

Astedt Gets Paid by Brumaru

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Niklas Astedt
Niklas Astedt

Niklas Astedt raised to 80,000 on the button and Alexandru Brumaru called in the big blind.

The flop came K102 and Astedt bet 60,000. Brumaru called and the A fell on the turn.

Astedt then bet 175,000 and Brumaru again called. The 9 fell on the river and Astedt fired out 450,000 this time.

Brumaru spent several minutes in the tank before calling as Astedt turned over AQ for a flush to win the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt
Day 9 Chip Leader
Alexandru Brumaru ro
Alexandru Brumaru

Tags: Alexandru BrumaruNiklas Astedt

Tamayo Picks Off Dorneles With Kings

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Jonathan Tamayo
Jonathan Tamayo

Luis Dorneles raised to 80,000 in early position, and Abdullah Al-Shanti called in middle position. Jonathan Tamayo then three-bet to 350,000 in the cutoff, Dorneles moved all in for 800,000, and Al-Shanti folded. Tamayo, though, snap-called.

Luis Dorneles: QQ All in
Jonathan Tamayo: KK

Tamayo had woken up with kings, leaving Dorneles at risk of elimination. The board ran out 27J58, and Dorneles found no help on his way to the payout desk.

"You're on fire, bro," Al-Shanti told Tamayo after the hand.

Player Chips Progress
Neal Corcoran us
Neal Corcoran
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
James Reid ca
James Reid
Isaac Kempton us
Isaac Kempton
Abdullah Al-Shanti gb
Abdullah Al-Shanti
Luis Dorneles br
Luis Dorneles

Tags: Abdullah Al-ShantiJonathan TamayoLuis Dorneles

Foxen Takes From Landerman

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Kristen Foxen
Kristen Foxen

Action was followed from the 7103 flop when Apple Landerman raised from the small blind to 250,000 with AQ. Kristen Foxen called from the big blind with A10, who was ahead with a pair of tens.

The turn came A which kept Foxen ahead, now sat with two pair, but Landerman also paired his Ace. Landerman bet 250,000 and Foxen called behind.

The 9 river prompted Landerman to bet 325,000 and Foxen opted to raise to 1,500,000. Landerman eventually called and Foxen took a huge pot.

Player Chips Progress
Kristen Foxen ca
Kristen Foxen
WSOP 4X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Apple Landerman us
Apple Landerman

Tags: Apple LandermanKristen Foxen

Sopotnytskyi Flushes Zerbib to the Rail

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Taras Sopotnytskyi
Taras Sopotnytskyi

Taras Sopotnytskyi raised to 80,000 in early position before Jerome Zerbib moved all in for 1,020,000 in the small blind. Sopotnytskyi confirmed the amount before calling.

Jerome Zerbib: QQ All in
Taras Sopotnytskyi: AK

Zerbib's queens remained ahead on the 6109 flop, but Sopotnytskyi picked up a flush draw to go with his overcards. The 8 turn completed his flush and left Zerbib drawing dead by the 2 river and on his way to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Cameron Mixson us
Cameron Mixson
Taras Sopotnytskyi gb
Taras Sopotnytskyi
Jerome Zerbib fr
Jerome Zerbib

Tags: Jerome ZerbibTaras Sopotnytskyi