2024 World Series of Poker

Trayner in Control

Level 45 : Blinds 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante

Eugene Tito raised to 13,000,000 with A2 in the cutoff, and Malcolm Trayner three-bet to 39,000,000 with QQ. The action got back to Tito and he elected to let it go.

In the next hand, Trayner raised to 13,000,000 from the small blind with Q2 and Tito called from the big blind with A5.

When the flop came down J8Q both players checked to the 8 turn. Trayner check-called a bet of 11,000,000 from Tito. The river Q when check-check and Trayner took down another pot with a full house after he tabled Q2.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Eugene Tito us
Eugene Tito

Tags: Eugene TitoMalcolm Trayner

Trayner Picks Off Richards

Level 45 : Blinds 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante
Malcolm Trayner
Malcolm Trayner

Malcolm Trayner opened the button to 12,000,000 with Q9. Carson Richards defended his big blind with 74 and players went heads up to a flop.

596 rolled off and Trayner continued for 12,000,000. Richards made the call.

The turn 10 slowed the action down resulting in both players checking to see a free river card.

Edwards fired out 50,000,000 on the Q river and Trayner made the call with his two-pair adding to his overwhelming chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards

Tags: Carson RichardsMalcolm Trayner

Richards Takes it Away on the Turn

Level 45 : Blinds 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante

Carson Richards opened from the button to 12,000,000 with K6 and Malcolm Trayner defended his big blind with 75.

The flop came K45 and after Trayner checked, Richards fired a bet of 17,000,000. Trayner called.

A 2 hit the river and Trayner checked it over to Richards, who fired another bet of 25,000,000. Trayner let it go.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards

Tags: Carson RichardsMalcolm Trayner

Oshri Azran Eliminated in 5th Place ($240,350)

Level 45 : Blinds 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante
Oshri Azran
Oshri Azran

Malcolm Trayner moved all in from the hijack, covering the entire table. Action folded around to Oshri Azran in the big blind who made the call for his tournament life.

Oshri Azran: AQ All in
Malcolm Trayner: J8

The board ran out 77K84 and Trayner drilled the turn to eliminate another opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Oshri Azran us
Oshri Azran

Tags: Malcolm TraynerOshri Azran

Amir Mirrasouli Eliminated in 6th Place ($186,080)

Level 45 : Blinds 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante
Amir Mirrasouli
Amir Mirrasouli

Malcolm Trayner meant to raise from the button but limped in for 6,000,000. Amir Mirrasouli shoved for 46,000,000 from the small blind, and when the action got back to Trayner, he called.

Amir Mirrasouli: A10 All in
Malcolm Trayner: 66

Mirrasouli needed to win a flip if he wanted to keep his run in the Mystery Millions event going but he never managed it as the J34J5 board kept the pocket sixes of Trayner in the lead throughout the hand.

Trayner holds almost half of the chips in play after that hand.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Amir Mirrasouli us
Amir Mirrasouli

Tags: Amir MirrasouliMalcolm Trayner

Level: 45

Blinds: 3,000,000/6,000,000

Ante: 6,000,000

Trayner's Aggression Pays Off

Level 44 : Blinds 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante
Malcolm Trayner
Malcolm Trayner

Eugene Tito opened the action with a raise to 11,000,000 from under the gun with AK. Malcolm Trayner made the call in the small blind with Q9 and Amir Mirrasouli completed the big blind with Q9.

The flop peeled off 676 and Mirrasouli led out for 10,000,000. Tito folded before Trayner raised all in for 86,000,000. Mirrasouli quickly got out of the way and Trayner raked in a nice pot.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Eugene Tito us
Eugene Tito
Amir Mirrasouli us
Amir Mirrasouli

Tags: Amir MirrasouliEugene TitoMalcolm Trayner

Trayner Gets a C-Bet Through

Level 44 : Blinds 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante

Malcolm Trayner raised to 10,000,000 with 89 and Amir Mirrasouli called from the hijack holding 55.

Both saw the K9A flop and Trayner continued with a sizing of 10,000,000. Mirrasouli quickly folded.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Amir Mirrasouli us
Amir Mirrasouli

Tags: Amir MirrasouliMalcolm Trayner