2024 World Series of Poker

Richards Takes it Away on the Turn

Level 45 : Blinds 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante

Carson Richards opened from the button to 12,000,000 with K6 and Malcolm Trayner defended his big blind with 75.

The flop came K45 and after Trayner checked, Richards fired a bet of 17,000,000. Trayner called.

A 2 hit the river and Trayner checked it over to Richards, who fired another bet of 25,000,000. Trayner let it go.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards

Tags: Carson RichardsMalcolm Trayner