2024 World Series of Poker

Richards Closes the Gap

Level 46 : Blinds 4,000,000/80,000,000, 80,000,000 ante

Carson Richards opened the button to 18,000,000 with A8 and Malcolm Trayner called with A5.

Both checked the K43 flop and saw a 4 fall on the turn. Trayner check-called a bet of 15,000,000 from Richards.

The 7 river went check-check and Richards took it down as his kicker played.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards

Tags: Carson RichardsMalcolm Trayner

Trayner Three-Bets Light

Level 46 : Blinds 4,000,000/80,000,000, 80,000,000 ante

Carson Richards raised to 19,000,000 with K4 and Malcolm Trayner three-bet to 64,000,000 holding 95. Richards called.

The flop fell 83J and Trayner fired out a bet of 52,000,000. Richards folded.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards

Tags: Carson RichardsMalcolm Trayner

Richards Doubles in the First Hand of Heads-Up Play

Level 46 : Blinds 4,000,000/80,000,000, 80,000,000 ante
Carson Richards
Carson Richards

Malcolm Trayner raised the button to 17,000,000 from the button and Carson Richards shoved for 154,000,000. Trayner snap-called.

Carson Richards: 76 All in
Malcolm Trayner: AK

In the very first hand of heads-up play, both player's stacks found their way into the middle of the table and gave Trayner a shot at capturing his first bracelet.

The flop of 8AJ couldn't have been more dramatical as Richards picked up a flush draw and Trayner flopped top pair.

Richards added more outs on the 5 turn as he picked up an open-ended straight draw, but it was the flush draw that came to fruition as the 2 gave Richards the pot and a path back into the contest.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards

Tags: Carson RichardsMalcolm Trayner

Eugene Tito Eliminated in 3rd Place ($407,970)

Level 46 : Blinds 4,000,000/80,000,000, 80,000,000 ante
Eugene Tito
Eugene Tito

Eugene Tito moved all in from the button for his last 5,000,000 chips. Carson Richards made the call in the small blind before Malcolm Trayner three-bet from the big blind to 26,000,000. Richards made the fold and Tito and Trayner went heads up to a full board.

Eugene Tito: QJ All in
Malcolm Trayner: 87

The board ran out 695A6 and Trayner eliminated another player.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Eugene Tito us
Eugene Tito

Tags: Carson RichardsEugene TitoMalcolm Trayner

Tito Not Out Yet

Level 46 : Blinds 4,000,000/80,000,000, 80,000,000 ante

Carson Richards limped in from the button and Malcolm Trayner called from the small blind. Eugene Tito was already forced all in from the big blind for around 6,000,000.

Both players checked the KQ10 flop and Richards led out on the A turn, which got Trayner to fold.

Eugene Tito: KJ All in
Carson Richards: J4

Tito and Richards both chopped the pot with a straight as they saw the 6 complete the board.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards
Eugene Tito us
Eugene Tito

Tags: Carson RichardsEugene TitoMalcolm Trayner

Richards Finds the Dream Spot to Double

Level 46 : Blinds 4,000,000/80,000,000, 80,000,000 ante
Carson Richards
Carson Richards

Eugene Tito raised to 40,000,000 from the button. Carson Richards moved all in for his last 43,000,000 and Tito made the call.

Carson Richards: AA All in
Eugene Tito: A6

The board ran out 10248Q and Richards found the dream spot to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards
Eugene Tito us
Eugene Tito

Tags: Carson RichardsEugene Tito

Level: 46

Blinds: 4,000,000/80,000,000

Ante: 80,000,000

Junho Song Eliminated in 4th Place ($312,250)

Level 45 : Blinds 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante
Junho Song
Junho Song

Carson Richards opened to 12,000,000 from the small blind, and Junho Song shoved from the big blind. Richards made the call which put Song at risk.

Junho Song: J8 All in
Carson Richards: AK

Song never found any help on the 3310710 runout.

Player Chips Progress
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards
Junho Song us
Junho Song

Tags: Carson RichardsJunho Song

Tito Doubles

Level 45 : Blinds 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante
Eugene Tito
Eugene Tito

Malcolm Trayner moved all in from the cutoff before Eugene Tito made the call for his tournament life on the button.

Eugene Tito: A8 All in
Malcolm Trayner: J9

The board ran out 357510 and Tito's Ace high held on for the winner, asserting himself into second place at the final table.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Eugene Tito us
Eugene Tito

Tags: Eugene TitoMalcolm Trayner