2010 World Series of Poker

Event #3: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Mitchell Looking Good

Mitchell - loves his rail
Mitchell - loves his rail

"Nick Mitchell!" cried the beeriest of the beered-up Mitchell rail. "NICK Mitchell, Nick Mitch-ELL, Nick MITCH-ell," he continued, going through every possible permutation of accent and cadence.

Eventually the rather embarrassed-looking Mitchell couldn't ignore him any longer. "I love you, Tyler," he chuckled. This was the wrong thing to say.

"Oh my god did you hear that?" Tyler enthused. "He looks SO good."

"Why don't you take a shot?" another railer joked.

"I WISH I could take a shot at that," Tyler continued. "God he's so good-looking."

Tags: Nicholas Mitchell

Level: 29

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 10,000

Bhatti Doubles Through

Deepak Bhatti open-shoved {A-Clubs}{K-Diamonds} from under-the-gun for 405,000; Gabe Costner called one seat down with {10-Clubs}{10-Hearts}. After both blinds, one of which - Bart Davis - folded {A-}{K-}, we had our showdown.

The {2-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{6-Clubs} flop changed nothing, but the {K-Spades} turn did, and by the {4-Diamonds} river, it was all over.

Bhatti now on 850,000.

Tags: Deepak BhattiGabe Costner

Beer & TV Equipment Don't Mix

The beered-up Mitchellites have just had a supervisor come and have a word with them about standing up on the final table set and approaching the table - this is apparently Not Allowed. Once they'd had it explained to them that the organizers basically just don't want anyone injured or any of the lovely expensive equipment up here broken, they were actually very reasonable through their beer goggles - but this happy exchange of ideas was interrupted when they all stood up because up on the table, a player was all in...

Davis Doubles Through Mitchell

Davis does the double
Davis does the double

We didn't have to wait long for some juicy action, as it folded around to Bart Davis on the button, and he went all in for 630,000. Nick Mitchell reshoved in the small blind, big blind Deepak Bhatti wisely got out of their way, and they were on their backs.

Davis: {k-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}
Mitchell: {k-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}

Upon learning that their boy Mitchell was dominaitng the all-in player, the by now extremely tipsy rail went wild.

Board: {6-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} bink! {3-Spades}{k-Spades}{2-Diamonds}

Davis' double up was to 1.4 million, below average but no longer in any immediate danger. The rail quietened down a little, but Mitchell is no trouble either - he was left with 2.2 million after that encounter.

Tags: Bart DavisNicholas Mitchell

Slowly Slowly Catchy Big Handy

Since then, this has been a flop-free game, with our players taking turns raising preflop and picking up the blinds and antes without a fight every time.

Isaac Settle, Bart Daivs and Deepak Bhatti are all firmly in the danger zone, though, so we expect to see some serious action before long.

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