2010 World Series of Poker

Event #3: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

The Crowd Go Bhatti

Some of Nicholas Mitchell's fans appear to have taken Deepak Bhatti under their wing, so they were overjoyed when he doubled up off Bart Davis. Coming over the top of Davis' open, Bhatthi slid his remaining chips across the line and awaited his opponent's decision. Davis said that he couldn't fold and made the call with {A-Hearts}{3-Clubs}. Bhatti tabled {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}.

Board: {2-Clubs}{7-Spades}{5-Clubs}{3-Spades}{J-Diamonds}.

Bhatti back up to a million and showing the never-say-die attitude of Rocky 1 to 6 combined.

Tags: Bart DavisDeepak Bhatti

Chop Chop

Deepak Bhatti and Nicholas Mitchell chop one up, {A-Clubs}{5-Hearts} versus {A-Hearts}{2-Hearts} on a {4-Clubs}{Q-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}. The Mitchellites tried their best to will out a deuce, but to no avail.

Mitchell certainly has his support here today, and they have remained vocal throughout. One chap is perhaps the most intoxicated I have ever seen anyone railing a final table. At any moment I expect him to strip naked and dance on the table. He's already hugged two security guards.

Level: 30

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 15,000

Costner Shines

Gabe Costner
Gabe Costner

One man who's shone today is Gabe Costner; he currently has 3.5 million and is looking in great shape. Still, he's not untouchable, it's anyone's game...

Mitchell Extends His Lead, Ignores His Rail

Nick Mitchell, currently our chip leader, has been doing an excellent job of ignoring his screaming fans and getting on with the serious business of accumulating more chips.

On one occasion, Mitchell raised in the cutoff and both Gabe Costner and Aadam Daya called in the blinds to see a {k-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{a-Hearts} flop. It checked around to Mitchell who continuation bet and both blinds quickly folded; the Mitchellites went crazy with the screaming and the celebrating and the quaffing and spilling of beers. One of them briefly choked on his drink, but we think he was OK.

A couple hands later and Aadam Daya opened for 250,000 under the gun, only to face a reraise to 580,000 from Mitchell on the button - "As the crowd fell silent," as one of the Mitchellites urged us to report. The blinds both folded, so too did Daya, and the crowd was no longer silent.

"Show your aces!" they cried, but Mitchell didn't show a thing.

Tags: Nicholas Mitchell

Cory Brown Eliminated in 6th Place ($116,141)

Cory Brown
Cory Brown

Eliminations are like buses today. Before I'd barely had time to soak up the last exit, we encountered another, Cory Brown following Isaac Settle out of the Amazon Room.

On a {9-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} flop, all the chips found their way into the middle, Brown in all sorts of bother with {J-Hearts}{9-Clubs} versus the {10-Hearts}{7-Hearts} of Gabe Constner. The {A-Clubs} was a blank, and the {6-Hearts} river filled the flush to send Brown hurtling out in sixth.

Tags: Cory BrownGabe Costner

Latest Chip Counts

Seat 2: Bart Davis -- 2,050,000
Seat 3: Nicholas Mitchell -- 3,550,000
Seat 4: Deepak Bhatti -- 850,000
Seat 5: Gabe Costner -- 1,650,000
Seat 7: Aadam Daya -- 3,300,000
Seat 8: Isaac Settle -- 700,000
Seat 9: Cory Brown -- 2,050,000

Settle Gets Antsy

Isaac Settle lost a small pot to Nick Mitchell, and so it was that he was down to just 285,0000 when he shoved from the button. Small blind Cory Brown wasn't interested, but Bart Davis, with the 100,000 big blind already invested in the hand, made the call.

Settle: {k-Diamonds}{j-Spades}
Davis: {9-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}

Board: {8-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{k-Hearts}

No nasty outdraws spoiled the fun, and Settle doubled up to around 700,000 - but that's still only seven big blinds. The grinding continues...

Tags: Bart DavisIsaac Settle

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