2015 PokerStars.fr EPT Season 11 Deauville

€5,300 Main Event
Day: 1b
Event Info

2015 PokerStars.fr EPT Season 11 Deauville

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Vogelhuber Does As He Pleases

Level 4 : 100/200, 25 ante

Bernd Vogelhuber, a qualifier from Germany, seems to be bemusing his table mates. Every time we pass by the table he seems to be in a hand and putting players to a decision.

A while earlier Artem Litvinov told him, “Don’t bluff.”

“What is bluff?” Vogelhuber responded, to which Litvinov, who would never resort to such tactics, informed him, “Betting when you don’t have a good hand. It’s very bad.” Perhaps he had in mind and earlier hand where Litvinov bluffed the river and Vogelhuber called him with two-pair.

On the river of a board reading {9-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{8-Spades}{a-Spades}{8-Clubs} Bruno Lopes bet 1,300 but quickly laid it down when Vogelhuber raised him to 3,350. On the very next hand Erwann Pecheux opened for 500 and called a 1,200 three-bet from Vogelhuber.

On a board of {6-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{j-Hearts} Pecheux opened the door with a check and Vogelhuber stormed straight in with a bet of 1,700. Pecheux looked pained, he wasn’t the first, but mucked his hand.

Vogelhuber finished 24th in the Deauville Poker Cup for €1,720 earlier this week and is currently over his starting stack and having a lot of fun.

Player Chips Progress
Bernd Vogelhuber de
Bernd Vogelhuber