2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Day: 3
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Mihai Trofim Eliminated in 16th Place ($15,900)

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Mihai Trofim
Mihai Trofim

Action folded around to the blinds, where Mihai Trofim limped from the small blind. Lavrentiy Ni used his option to raise to 350,000 and Trofim responded by three-betting to 1,520,000. Ni announced he was all in and Trofim called all in for approximately 2,700,000 total.

Mihai Trofim: A5All in
Lavrentiy Ni: AQ

Trofim found himself dominated, and the QA49K runout left Ni with two pair to eliminate Trofim in 16th place.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Lavrentiy Ni kz
Lavrentiy Ni
Profile photo of Mihai Trofim md
Mihai Trofim

Tags: Lavrentiy NiMihai Trofim

Pieter Theelen Eliminated in 17th Place ($15,900)

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Pieter Theelen
Pieter Theelen

Action was picked up on the flop of 7K8. Pieter Theelen checked to Samuel Fournier who bet 175,000. Theelen then check-raised to 600,000. Fournier called.

On the 10 turn, Theelen bet 1,100,000. Fournier moved all in for 3,785,000. Theelen made the call.

Pieter Theelen: K8All in
Samuel Fournier: 77

Theelen's two pair were in a rough shape against Fournier's set, and he filled up on the 10 river to eliminate Theelen.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Samuel Fournier fr
Samuel Fournier
Profile photo of Pieter Theelen nl
Pieter Theelen

Tags: Pieter TheelenSamuel Fournier

Matthias Lipp Eliminated In 18th Place ($13,620)

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Matthias Lipp
Matthias Lipp

Aleksandr Razinkov opened from the button to 250,000. Matthias Lipp raised to 1,300,000 from the small blind. The big blind folded before Razinkov asked for the rest of Lipp's chips. Lipp called.

Matthias Lipp: KJAll in
Aleksandr Razinkov: 99

Razinkov made two pair across the 87587 runout to send Lipp to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Aleksandr Razinkov ru
Aleksandr Razinkov
Profile photo of Matthias Lipp at
Matthias Lipp

Tags: Aleksandr RazinkovMatthias Lipp

Wei Takes Chip Lead With Huge Double

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Guoliang Wei
Guoliang Wei

Guoliang Wei open raised to 250,000 from the button and Alexey Badulin three-bet to 650,000 from the small blind. Wei then quickly-four bet and Badulin snap-shoved all in, which Wei called for 5,400,000. It was a huge pot and Wei was at risk as the cards were turned.

Guoliang Wei: AA All in
Alexey Badulin: 99

The board ran out 10875A and Badulin picked up a straight draw on the flop to bring the sweats. Wei held and further improved to a set of aces on the river, doubling his stack and taking the chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Guoliang Wei cn
Guoliang Wei
Profile photo of Alexey Badulin ru
Alexey Badulin

Tags: Alexey BadulinGuoliang Wei

Bobby James Eliminated in 19th Place ($13,260)

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Bobby James
Bobby James

Bobby James raised to 250,000 from late position and Alexey Badulin three-bet to 760,000 from the small blind. James four-bet all in, and Badulin made the call with the bigger stack. The cards were turned, with James at risk.

Bobby James: 44 All in
Alexey Badulin: AJ

The board ran out Q976A and James managed to stay ahead all the way up to the river, when Badulin paired his ace to win the pot. James was eliminated from the tournament in 19th place for $13,260.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Alexey Badulin ru
Alexey Badulin
Profile photo of Bobby James gb
Bobby James

Tags: Alexey BadulinBobby James

Radoslav Stoyanov Eliminated in 20th Place ($11,050)

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Radoslav Stoyanov
Radoslav Stoyanov

Radoslav Stoyanov moved all in from the hijack for 930,000. Pieter Theelen called on the button and the blinds folded.

Radoslav Stoyanov: 66All in
Pieter Theelen: AJ

Theelen's top pair on the 10J4 flop became trips on the J turn. Stoyanov was sent to the payout desk on the K river.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Pieter Theelen nl
Pieter Theelen
Profile photo of Radoslav Stoyanov bg
Radoslav Stoyanov

Tags: Radoslav StoyanovPieter Theelen

Igor Abelmasov Eliminated in 21st Place ($11,050)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
lgor Abelmasov
lgor Abelmasov

Recep Aydemir opened to 200,000 from the hijack and just behind him, Igor Abelmasov three-bet to 1,055,000 — leaving himself just 5,000 behind. Guoliang Wei then shoved from the small blind for approximately 4,000,000, which got a fold from Aydemir and a call from Abelmasov to put himself at risk.

Igor Abelmasov: KJAll in
Guoliang Wei: AK

Abelmasov would need some help against Wei's big slick, but the 53988 runout bricked out to eliminate Abelmasov in 21st place.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Guoliang Wei cn
Guoliang Wei
Profile photo of Recep Aydemir tr
Recep Aydemir
Profile photo of Igor Abelmasov ru
Igor Abelmasov

Tags: Guoliang WeiIgor AbelmasovRecep Aydemir

Worthington-Leese Doubles in Classic Cooler

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Leo Worthington-Leese
Leo Worthington-Leese

Leo Worthington-Leese opened to 200,000 from middle position. Pieter Theelen three-bet to 455,000. Worthington-Leese then moved all in for 1,675,000 and Theelen called.

Leo Worthington-Leese: AAAll in
Pieter Theelen: KK

Worthington-Leese's rockets held against the cowboys of Theelen across the 845Q5 runout to secure the double up.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Pieter Theelen nl
Pieter Theelen
Profile photo of Leo Worthington-Leese gb
Leo Worthington-Leese

Tags: Leo Worthington-LeesePieter Theelen

Vladislav Dubanov Eliminated in 22nd Place ($11,050)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Vladislav Dubanov
Vladislav Dubanov

Hugo Delmaire-Sizes raised to 250,000 from late position and Vladislav Dubanov moved all in from the small blind for 630,000. Delmaire-Sizes called with the bigger stack and players turned their cards.

Vladislav Dubanov: A3 All in
Hugo Delmaire-Sizes: 77

The board ran out 1049J2 and Delmaire-Sizes held with his pocket sevens to win the pot. Dubanov was eliminated in 22nd place for $11,050.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Hugo Delmaire-Sizes fr
Hugo Delmaire-Sizes
Profile photo of Vladislav Dubanov ru
Vladislav Dubanov

Tags: Hugo Delmaire-SizesVladislav Dubanov

Shankui Li Eliminated in 23rd Place ($11,050)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Shankui Li
Shankui Li

Muhtar Taysi opened from middle position and was called by Shankui Li in the big blind.

Li check-called a 200,000 bet from Taysi on the 9105 flop and checked again after the Q fell on the turn.

Taysi bet 400,000 and Li shoved for a bit under one million total. Taysi called and hands were revealed.

Shankui Li: K10All in
Muhtar Taysi: 99

Li was drawing to a jack for a straight, but the K river left him second best against Taysi's set and he was eliminated in 23rd place.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Muhtar Taysi tr
Muhtar Taysi
Profile photo of Shankui Li cn
Shankui Li

Tags: Muhtar TaysiShankui Li