2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Day: 1a
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Sergei Bortsov Bags the Lead in Day 1a of Eureka Main Event

Level 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Sergei Bortsov
Sergei Bortsov

Poker players from across the globe have made their way to the luxurious Merit Royal Diamond Hotel Casino & Spa for another edition of PokerStars European Poker Tour Cyprus. The festivities kicked off today with Day 1a of the Eureka Main Event, which drew 220 entrants by the time late registration closed.

After the last hand was dealt, Sergei Bortsov emerged as the chip leader of the remaining 33 players after bagging up 598,000 in chips. His next closest competitor was Mateusz Sikora, who was the only other player to breach the 500k mark after ending with an even 500,000.

Eureka Main Event Day 1a Top Ten Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip Count
1Sergei BortsovRussia598,000
2Mateusz SikoraPoland500,000
3Vladislav DubanovRussia477,000
4Giorgiy SkhulukhiyaRussia433,000
5Eduard TasoevRussia423,000
6Santiago NadalMexico387,000
7Lan HaoyenanChina315,000
8Yueksel SavsaSwitzerland295,000
9Oleg UstinovichRussia240,000
10Mehmet DemirkolTurkey226,000

Bortsov got off to a good start after catching Nichita Verbitchii in a bluff to nearly double his starting stack. From that point on, Bortsov steadily built his stack throughout the day.

Barny Boatman, who won the EPT Paris Main Event earlier this year, was in attendance from the start and more than tripled his starting stack at one point after flopping the nut flush and getting paid. However, Boatman was unable to hang onto his momentum and ended up busting just ten spots away from the Day-2 bubble.

Barny Boatman Nina Krasilnikova
Barny Boatman Nina Krasilnikova

Two players were all in on the stone bubble, which saw Yueksel Savsa doubling up with ace-king while Andrei Kaigorodtsev busted after calling Sikora down with top pair against Sikora's trips.

All players who earned a Day-2 berth have already made the money, although the exact amount of a min-cash won't be calculated until after all starting flights have been played to completion.

Other notables who entered but were unable to find a bag include Nick Palma, Dinesh Alt, Pablo Silva, Viet Van Vo and Nina Krasilnikova — who busted after getting all in with a dominated ace against Rustam Kabdylsalykov on an ace-high flop and failing to improve.

All players who failed to make it to Day 2 still have several chances left as the event has four more starting flights. Day 1c is the next flight, scheduled to begin on Thursday, October 10 at 12 p.m. local time. Day 2 will take place on Saturday, October 12 at noon.

Be sure to stick with PokerNews as we continue to bring you all the action as EPT Cyrpus is just getting warmed up!

Sikora Eliminates Kaigorodtsev on the Bubble

Level 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Mateusz Sikora
Mateusz Sikora

Mateusz Sikora opened to 12,000 from the hijack and was called by Andrei Kaigorodtsev in the big blind.

Kaigorodtsev proceeded to check-call bets from Sikora on every street. First for 10,000 on the 1010K flop, then for 30,000 on the 3 turn, and lastly for Kaigorodtsev's last 65,000 on the 4 river after a lengthy tank.

Sikora tabled 105 for trip tens and Kaigorodtsev let out a sigh of disappointment as he revealed KJ for kings-up to be eliminated on the stone bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mateusz Sikora pl
Mateusz Sikora
Profile photo of Andrei Kaigorodtsev ru
Andrei Kaigorodtsev

Tags: Andrei KaigorodtsevMateusz Sikora

Tsoy Doubles Through Godzdanker

Level 15 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Serghei Tsoy
Serghei Tsoy

Vadzim Godzdanker opened to 8,000 from middle position and Serghei Tsoy three-bet to 18,000 from the cutoff. It was folded back around to Godzdanker, who called.

Godzdanker check-called a 25,000 bet from Tsoy on the JQK flop and then bet enough to put Tsoy all in on the 3 turn. Tsoy called all in for his last 27,000 and a showdown was held.

Serghei Tsoy: QQAll in
Vadzim Godzdanker: KQ

Godzdanker had flopped top two pair, but was well behind Tsoy's set of queens.

The 3 river left Tsoy best with a full house and he doubled up through Godzdanker.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Serghei Tsoy uz
Serghei Tsoy
Profile photo of Vadzim Godzdanker by
Vadzim Godzdanker

Tags: Serghei TsoyVadzim Godzdanker

Rajkovic Quadruples Up in Four Way All In

Level 13 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Adi Rajkovic
Adi Rajkovic

Grigoli Liklikadze moved all in from early position for 31,000 and Adi Rajkovic called all in from the next seat across for 30,000. Nina Krasilnikova got the count and then made the call, then Sven Stok moved all in over the top from the big blind for a little more than 30,000, which Krasilnikova called.

Four players turned their cards for the all in.

Grigoli Liklikadze: A8 All in
Adi Rajkovic: AA All in
Sven Stok: KK All in
Nina Krasilnikova: A10

The board ran out 102J85. Stok survived by winning a small side pot, while Rajkovic held with his pocket aces to quadruple up his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Adi Rajkovic at
Adi Rajkovic
Profile photo of Nina Krasilnikova ru
Nina Krasilnikova
Profile photo of Sven Stok nl
Sven Stok
Profile photo of Grigoli Liklikadze ge
Grigoli Liklikadze

Tags: Adi RajkovicGrigoli LiklikadzeNina KrasilnikovaSven Stok

Lebor's Bold Move Backfires as Peternell Holds Strong

Level 12 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Benjamin Lebor
Benjamin Lebor

Silvia Peternell opened the action with a raise to 4,000 from early position, and Viet Van Vo called from the cutoff. However, Benjamin Lebor in the big blind had bigger ambitions, three-betting to 20,000. Peternell made the call, while Vo folded.

The flop came down J108 and Lebor wasted no time, shoving all in. Peternell snap-called.

"Seriously?" Lebor muttered as Peternell revealed AA for an overpair, while he showed AK, hoping for a miracle straight.

Despite his wish for a queen, the turn and river didn’t cooperate, delivering 5 and 10 instead. With nothing left to save him, Lebor packed up.

"Dang, I don’t even know why I did it," Lebor said with a shake of his head as he left the table.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Silvia Peternell at
Silvia Peternell
Profile photo of Viet Van Vo us
Viet Van Vo
Profile photo of Benjamin Lebor gb
Benjamin Lebor

Tags: Benjamin LeborSilvia PeternellViet Van Vo

Sandev Scores Two Double Ups

Level 11 : Blinds 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Georgi Sandev
Georgi Sandev

Georgi Sandev moved all in from middle position with a short stack of 8,500 and was looked up by Mustafa Simsek, who called on the button with the covering stack. Players flipped their cards.

Georgi Sandev: A10 All in
Mustafa Simsek: A5

The board ran out 8Q897 and Sandev held with his ace-ten-high to double up his stack to around 21,000.

The next hand, Sandev was all in again preflop, this time against Mateusz Andrezej Sikora. Sandev was once again covered and at risk as players turned their cards.

Georgi Sandev: AK All in
Mateusz Andrezej Sikora: JJ

The board ran out 107A109 and Sandev paired his ace on the flop to double up his stack again.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mateusz Sikora pl
Mateusz Sikora
Profile photo of Georgi Sandev bg
Georgi Sandev
Profile photo of Mustafa Simsek tr
Mustafa Simsek

Tags: Georgi SandevMateusz Andrezej SikoraMustafa Simsek

Krasilnikova Busts to Boatman

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Nina Krasilnikova
Nina Krasilnikova

Action folded around to Barny Boatman in the small blind, who had 5,000 in the middle as a reraise. Nina Krasilnikova moved all in from the big blind for 21,000 and Boatman made the call with the bigger stack. Players turned their cards.

Nina Krasilnikova: KJ All in
Barny Boatman: AQ

The board ran out 492A4 and Boatman paired his ace on the turn. Krasilnikova tapped the table and took her leave as Boatman scooped the pot. She has since fired her second bullet of the day.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Barny Boatman gb
Barny Boatman
Profile photo of Nina Krasilnikova ru
Nina Krasilnikova

Tags: Barny BoatmanNina Krasilnikova

Set Over Set: Livshitz Falls to Dzemidau's Jacks

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Victoria Livschitz
Victoria Livschitz

Victoria Livschitz set the tone with a raise to 2,400, but Artur Dzemidau, sitting in the hijack, responded with a bold three-bet to 7,000. Livschitz made the call, eager to see the flop.

When the flop came down J3A, Livschitz checked, and Dzemidau seized the moment to bet 4,000. Livschitz then sprang into action with a hefty raise to 16,000, prompting Dzemidau to call.

The 2 on the turn saw Livschitz check again, but Dzemidau kept up the pressure with a bet of 11,000. After checking her cards, Livschitz went all in for about 45,000, and Dzemidau didn’t hesitate to call.

As they turned their cards over, Livschitz revealed 22 for a set of deuces, while Dzemidau showed JJ for a flopped set of jacks. The 8 on the river didn’t change anything, and Livschitz was sent to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Artur Dzemidau by
Artur Dzemidau
Profile photo of Victoria Livschitz us
Victoria Livschitz

Tags: Artur DzemidauVictoria Livshitz

Del Pino Picks Off Pavlos' Bluff

Level 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Omar del Pino
Omar del Pino

Nick Palma opened to 2,500 from the hijack and was called by Pavlou Pavlos in the cutoff, Omar Del Pino in the small blind, and Erwin Wiechers in the big blind for a four-way pot.

Everyone checked on the 8107 flop and 3 turn and then Del Pino led out for 2,600 after the 2 completed the board. Wiechers and Palma quickly folded, but Pavlos raised to 12,000. Del Pino didn't believe and called and Pavlos tabled 44.

Del Pino had it beat with his K7 for a pair of sevens and he collected the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Pavlou Pavlos cy
Pavlou Pavlos
Profile photo of Omar Del Pino es
Omar Del Pino
Profile photo of Nick Palma us
Nick Palma
Profile photo of Erwin Wiechers nl
Erwin Wiechers

Tags: Erwin WiechersNick PalmaOmar Del Pino

Skhuluhiya Continues to Chip Up

Level 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya

Guiyang Wang raised to 2,000 from under the gun, Giorgiy Skhuluhiya called in late position, Grigoli Liklikadzei called on the button and the big blind came along.

The flop came 61010 and action checked to Liklikadze, who made it 3,000 to go. Only Skhuluhiya made the call.

The turn was the J and Skhuluhiya checked. Liklikadze bet 8,500 and Skhuluhiya called. The river came the Q and both players checked to showdown.

Skhuluhiya had AJ for two pair, jacks with the tens on board. Liklikadze mucked and Skhuluhiya scooped the pot, chipping up to around 230,000.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Giorgiy Skhuluhiya ge
Giorgiy Skhuluhiya
Profile photo of Grigoli Liklikadze ge
Grigoli Liklikadze

Tags: Giorgiy SkhuluhiyaGrigoli LiklikadzeiGuiyang Wang