2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Day: 2
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Theelen Injects Some Adrenaline into Table 10, Eliminates Demydenko

Level 22 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Pieter Theelen
Pieter Theelen

Pieter Theelen was dealt premiums in back-to-back hands which brought some adrenaline to the table.

First, Aleksandr Razinkov raised to 40,000 from under the gun and Theelen made it 120,000 from the next seat. When it got back to Razinkov, he shoved for around 700,000, and Theelen snap-called.

Aleksandr Razinkov: KK All in
Pieter Theelen: KK

Both had the same hand but Razinkov was freerolling after the flop of Q96 gave him a flush draw. Luckily for Theelen, the board bricked out, coming 810, which meant they chopped the pot.

In the very next hand, Theelen raised to 40,000 from under the gun and Tetiana Demydenko shoved for around 300,000 from middle position. When it got back to Theelen, he called.

Tetiana Demydenko: 1010 All in
Pieter Theelen: QQ

Theelen managed to win this one as the runout of J6952 kept his pocket queens in the lead, which sent Demydenko to the rail.

"It was such a relaxing vibe, then just all this adrenaline out of nowhere," said Theelen after the hand. "You see guys, I only play these kinds of hands," he added.

Tetiana Demydenko
Tetiana Demydenko
Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Pieter Theelen nl
Pieter Theelen
Profile photo of Aleksandr Razinkov ru
Aleksandr Razinkov
Profile photo of Tetiana Demydenko ua
Tetiana Demydenko

Tags: Aleksandr RazinkovPieter TheelenTetiana Demydenko

Reichel Three-Bets Flop

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Frank Reichel
Frank Reichel

Frank Reichel had raised under the gun and Arian Hassankashani defended his big blind when a flop of 6910 appeared. After a check, a bet, and a raise, Reichel piled in 400,000 with a three-bet.

Undeterred, Hassankashani called to the 8 turn, which was checked by both. Hassankashani then fired 80,000 on the Q river, which Reichel raised to 285,000.

Hassankashani thought for a while and then committed a call. Reichel turned over JJ for a straight to the queen, taking down the huge pot and crossing the two-million mark.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Frank Reichel de
Frank Reichel
Profile photo of Mihai Trofim md
Mihai Trofim
Profile photo of Alf Martinsson se
Alf Martinsson
Profile photo of Arian Hassankashani gb
Arian Hassankashani
Profile photo of Andre Marquardt de
Andre Marquardt
Profile photo of Andrey Daniliuk ru
Andrey Daniliuk
Profile photo of Pouya Ranjehdel ir
Pouya Ranjehdel

Tags: Arian HassankashaniFrank Reichel

Kozieja Futilely Stalls for Pay Jump

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Grzegorz Kozieja
Grzegorz Kozieja

Grzegorz Kozieja raised to 100,000 in the hijack, leaving only 20,000 behind. Andrey Daniliuk called in the big blind, after which he put Kozieja all-in on the 695 flop.

One elimination away from a pay jump, Kozieja waited with calling until the clock was called and the end of his countdown was reached.

Grzegorz Kozieja: K7 All in
Andrey Daniliuk: A8

The 7 turn gave Daniliuk a straight and the 6 river did not bring a chop, sending Kozieja to the rail as the last person to receive $2,900.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andrey Daniliuk ru
Andrey Daniliuk
Profile photo of Grzegorz Kozieja pl
Grzegorz Kozieja

Tags: Andrey DaniliukGrzegorz Kozieja

Spragg Check-Raises the Flop

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Marle Spragg
Marle Spragg

Marle Spragg opened from under the gun to 30,000 and Alessandro Siena three-bet from the next seat to 90,000. Once action got back to Spragg, she called.

They went to a monotone flop of AK7 where Spragg checked, Siena bet 30,000, and Spragg stuck in a raise to 110,000. After some deliberation, Siena called.

A 3 dropped on the turn and Spragg continued to show strength with a bet of 135,000, which got a quick fold out of Siena.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Marle Spragg us
Marle Spragg
Profile photo of Alf Martinsson se
Alf Martinsson
Profile photo of Preben Stokkan no
Preben Stokkan
Profile photo of Alessandro Siena it
Alessandro Siena
Profile photo of Denis Zelenkin ru
Denis Zelenkin

Tags: Alessandro SienaMarle Spragg

Controversy at Table 2 Leads to Carnage in Successive Hands

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Frank Reichel
Frank Reichel

Absolute bedlam ensued here at Table 2 in successive hands.

Hassan Nashar opened to 25,000 from early position and faced a three-bet jam from Frank Reichel to 207,000. As Reichel announced he was all in and before anyone else behind him had acted, Nashar said, "All in."

The floor was called and Nashar stated he was just repeating what Reichel had said and it wasn't intended to be a declaration of his intentions as to his action. It was ruled that the declaration would stand if the action was not changed.

Nashar was playing around 700,000. Andre Marquardt was next to act after Reichel, and he called Reichel's all-in. He did not change the action, so Nashar's declaration was ruled to be binding.

Marquardt was initially confused by this ruling after making the call, but ultimately he called off for the rest of his stack versus Nashar, who had him covered.

With a crowd gathering due to the commotion, a bizarre three-way all-in scenario had been created, and no one seemed particularly happy about it.

Frank Reichel: AK All in
Andre Marquardt: AQ All in
Hassan Nashar: 86

Reichel was ahead and his triple-up was confirmed by the J549K runout, giving Reichel a pair of kings. Marquardt was consoled with winning the side pot against Nashar for his remaining 394,000 stack.

Nashar was fuming and before the dealer had even shuffled the deck for the next hand, he announced he was all in and shoved his last 149,000 into the middle. The dealer had to call the floor again, and Nashar told the dealer, "Call the floor, I can do what the f*ck I want."

The cards were dealt after Nashar's verbal declaration of all in was ruled to stand.

With 149,000 in the middle blind, the other players smelled blood. Santiago Nadal was next to act after Nashar, and he moved all in for 220,000. Action folded to Reichel, who moved all in with the covering stack, to create another three-way all-in scenario.

Hassan Nashar: Q10 All in
Santiago Nadal: A8 All in
Frank Reichel: AA

Reichel had woken up with rockets and must have thought he was in dreamland. Although Nashar flopped top pair on the Q62 flop, the 42 turn and river were bricks, and Reichel scooped another big pot.

Nashar exited the tournament area still raging and the other players sat silently, stunned by what had just transpired, while Reichel more than quadrupled his stack in successive hands.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Frank Reichel de
Frank Reichel
Profile photo of Andre Marquardt de
Andre Marquardt
Profile photo of Hassan Nashar gm
Hassan Nashar
Profile photo of Santiago Nadal mx
Santiago Nadal

Tags: Andre MarquardtFrank ReichelHassan NasharSantiago Nadal

Sitbon Bets the River, Badulin Goes Bluff Catching

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Julien Sitbon
Julien Sitbon

Georgi Sandev opened to 25,000 from the hijack and got called by Alexey Badulin in the cutoff, Julien Sitbon on the button, and Christos Christou in the big blind.

The four went to a flop of Q28 which checked around to Sitbon, who fired 32,000. Christou and Sandev both folded, but Badulin stuck around with a call.

An 8 on the turn was checked through to the Q river where Badulin checked, and Sitbon fired 67,000. Badulin thought it over for some time before he elected to call.

Sitbon then showed a bluff with 33 and had three-high as there were two pairs on board, and Badulin had that pipped with A3 for ace-high.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Alexey Badulin ru
Alexey Badulin
Profile photo of Julien Sitbon fr
Julien Sitbon
Profile photo of Victoria Livschitz us
Victoria Livschitz
Profile photo of Christos Christou cy
Christos Christou
Profile photo of Bobby James gb
Bobby James
Profile photo of Georgi Sandev bg
Georgi Sandev
Profile photo of Loukas Nikolaou gb
Loukas Nikolaou

Tags: Alexey BadulinChristos ChristouGeorgi SandevJulien Sitbon

Seaton Seething After Running Kings Into Del Pino's Aces

Level 19 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Omar del Pino
Omar del Pino

With almost 400,000 chips in the pot on a board of 5394, Omar Del Pino checked it over to Archibald Seaton, who fired a small bet of 60,000. Del Pino then clicked it to 125,000, then Seaton shoved. Del Pino snap-called for his stack of 294,000.

Omar Del Pino: AA All in
Archibald Seaton: KK

It was a dream spot for Del Pino, who was one card away from a stack of around a million chips. Inversely, Seaton was on the brink of being left super short-stacked as he only had around 70,000 behind. The river card was paint, but not what Seaton was hoping for as the J kept the pocket aces of Del Pino in the lead.

Archibald Seaton
Archibald Seaton
Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Arian Hassankashani gb
Arian Hassankashani
Profile photo of Omar Del Pino es
Omar Del Pino
Profile photo of Guoliang Wei cn
Guoliang Wei
Profile photo of Alexandre Reard fr
Alexandre Reard
Profile photo of Gil Aboodi us
Gil Aboodi
Profile photo of Archibald Seaton gb
Archibald Seaton

Tags: Archibald SeatonOmar Del Pino

Pateychuk Spikes River to Claim Double Knockout

Level 19 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Andrey Pateychuk
Andrey Pateychuk

Bruno Sanzoni moved all in from the cutoff for 117,000, and Andrey Pateychuk rejammed from the small blind. Oleg Ustinovich was in the big blind, playing around 210,000, and he also moved his chips into the middle.

Bruno Sanzoni: A7 All in
Oleg Ustinovich: AQ All in
Andrey Pateychuk: A9

Ustinovich was in great shape with the dominating ace, and he improved to top pair on the Q103 flop.

The 8 turn had Sanzoni up out of his chair, but brought danger for Ustinovich as Pateychuk now held the nut flush draw.

Sure enough, the 7 rolled off on the river, sending a chunky pot to Pateychuk and sending both of his opponents to the rail.

Pateychuk started the day with just 95,000 and seems to have been on a roll in Day 2 so far.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andrey Pateychuk ru
Andrey Pateychuk
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Bruno Sanzoni ar
Bruno Sanzoni
Profile photo of Oleg Ustinovich ru
Oleg Ustinovich

Tags: Andrey PateychukBruno SanzoniOleg Ustinovich

Reigning Champion Ahuja Ejected By Mamut's Ladies

Level 19 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Nikolai Mamut
Nikolai Mamut

Ankit Ahuja was seen with his entire stack of around 225,000 in the middle and Nikolai Mamut was trying to eliminate the reigning champion.

Ankit Ahuja: A10 All in
Nikolai Mamut: QQ

Ahuja needed some help from the dealer if he wanted to survive, but his future looked bleak after the 39K flop. A 9 on the turn left Ahuja with just three outs, and the 6 river meant last year's champion in this event hit the rail.

Ankit Ahuja
Ankit Ahuja
Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Nikolai Mamut ru
Nikolai Mamut
Profile photo of Ankit Ahuja in
Ankit Ahuja

Tags: Ankit AhujaNikolai Mamut

Marquardt Shoves Out of Turn, Busts Zazian

Level 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Andre Marquardt limped in for 8,000 from under the gun. Alik Zazian moved all in for 80,000 from middle position. Nikita Voznesenskiy called on the button.

Whilst Frank Reichel was contemplating his decision, Marquardt announced all in. He quickly realized he acted out of turn and apologised to Reichel and Voznesenskiy. Both Voznesenskiy and Reichel folded.

Alik Zazian: A4All in
Andre Marquardt: AK

Marquardt's Big Slick held across the 381067 runout to secure Zazian's stack.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andre Marquardt de
Andre Marquardt
Profile photo of Nikita Voznesenskiy ru
Nikita Voznesenskiy
Profile photo of Frank Reichel de
Frank Reichel
Profile photo of Alik Zazian ru
Alik Zazian

Tags: Alik ZazianAndre MarquardtFrank ReichelNikita Voznesenskiy