2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€50,000 EPT Super High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Astedt, Toma Join the Rail

Level 4 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Niklas Åstedt
Niklas Åstedt

Niklas Astedt was all in for his last 40,000 from the hijack and up against Jules Dickerson in the big blind.

Niklas Astedt: 88
Jules Dickerson: AK

The flop came A97 and Dickerson took the lead with a pair of aces. The board ran out 64 and Astedt headed to the exit.

At the same time at the other table, Kayhan Mokri three-bet to 14,000 over a preflop raise by Yuto Suzuki. Tsugunari Toma moved all in for 45,000 in the big blind, Suzuki called, and Mokri folded.

Tsugunari Toma: AK
Yuto Suzuki: AA

The board ran out 736Q2 and Suzuki's aces rocketed Toma off to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 1 Chip Leader
Yuto Suzuki jp
Yuto Suzuki
Tsugunari Toma jp
Tsugunari Toma
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt

Tags: Jules DickersonKayhan MokriNiklas AstedtTsugunari TomaYuto Suzuki

Adamszki Trips Bujtas to the Rail

Level 4 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Laszlo Bujtas
Laszlo Bujtas

Laszlo Bujtas raised to 5,000 in the cutoff, then called when Tamas Adamszki three-bet to 22,000 in the big blind.

The flop came A57 and Adamszki bet 20,000. Bujtas called and the 7 fell on the turn.

Adamszki then bet 75,000 and Bujtas again called. The river was the 9 and Adamszki moved all in.

Bujtas quickly called for his last 140,000 and turned over AK for two pair. Adamszki, though, showed 107 for trip sevens as Bujtas was sent to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas

Tags: Laszlo BujtasTamas Adamszki

Dimov Fills Up to Double Off Adamszki

Level 3 : Blinds 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Ognyan Dimov
Ognyan Dimov

Ognyan Dimov and Tamas Adamszki went heads-up in a three-bet pot and around 30,000 in the middle as the flop came 8K2. Adamszki then bet 12,000 from the small blind and Dimov called in the cutoff.

The turn was the 7 and Adamszki bet 75,000. Dimov again called and the K fell on the river. Adamszki slowed down and checked before Dimov moved all in for 171,500.

Adamszki burned through three time banks before calling as Dimov showed 77 for a turned set that became a full house on the river. Adamszki got up to leave before a recount showed he barely had Dimov covered.

Player Chips Progress
Ognyan Dimov bg
Ognyan Dimov
EPT 1X Winner
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki

Tags: Ognyan DimovTamas Adamszki

Dickerson Puts a Big Cooler on O'Dwyer

Level 3 : Blinds 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Steve O'Dwyer
Steve O'Dwyer

Steve O'Dwyer raised to 3,500 in the cutoff and received calls by Jules Dickerson on the button and big blind Vladimir Troyanovskiy.

The flop came 9A3 and O'Dwyer bet 10,500. Dickerson called, while Troyanovskiy got out of the way.

O'Dwyer bet another 17,000 on the 4 turn and Dickerson again called. The river was the A and O'Dwyer checked.

Dickerson then moved all in and O'Dwyer quickly called for his last 200,000. Dickerson turned over 99 for a full house and O'Dwyer sighed and showed AK before making his way to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Jules DickersonSteve O'DwyerVladimir Troyanovskiy

Pardo Calls Down Danchev With Jacks

Level 2 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Juan Pardo
Juan Pardo

Juan Pardo bet 5,000 from the button on a flop of Q47, Dimitar Danchev raised to 12,000 in the big blind, and Pardo called.

The turn came the 5 and Danchev bet 25,000. Pardo again called and the 4 fell on the river.

Danchev slowed down and checked, and Pardo quickly checked back. Danchev showed 65 for a missed straight draw and Pardo took the pot with JJ.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Dimitar DanchevJuan Pardo

O'Dwyer Checks Back Trips

Level 1 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Steve O'Dwyer
Steve O'Dwyer

Heads-up in a blind versus blind battle, Steve O'Dwyer bet 6,000 on a flop of A96 and Juan Pardo called.

The turn came the A and O'Dwyer bet 33,000. Pardo again called, then checked to O'Dwyer on the 3 river.

O'Dwyer paused for a moment before checking back. Pardo turned over J9 for two pair, but O'Dwyer had AQ for trip aces to take the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo

Tags: Juan PardoSteve O'Dwyer

Bujtas Takes Down Toma's Kings

Level 1 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Laszlo Bujtas
Laszlo Bujtas

Action folded to Tsugunari Toma in the small blind who raised to 3,000. Laszlo Bujtas called in the big blind and they went heads-up to the A25 flop.

Toma bet 3,000 and Bujtas raised to 8,000. Toma called and checked over to Bujtas on the 6 turn. Bujtas then bet 16,000 and Toma called.

Both players checked the 7 river and Bujtas turned over A4 for top pair. Toma tossed KK into the muck as he took another hit to his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas
Tsugunari Toma jp
Tsugunari Toma

Tags: Laszlo BujtasTsugunari Toma

Poker's Elite Get Their Chance to Shine in the €50,000 EPT Super High Roller

EPT Branding
EPT Branding

The date poker’s high rollers have had circled on their calendars since the 2023 PokerStars European Poker Tour Prague festival began is finally here when the €50,000 EPT Super High Roller kicks off at 12:30 p.m. local time.

Originally scheduled with 30-minute levels, the decision was made last night to increase the levels to 60 minutes. Players begin with a 250,000 starting stack. Day 1 consists of eight levels, with late registration remaining open until the end of Level 10 on Day 2. Unlimited reentries are allowed during the registration period.

The list of past champions of this event reads as a veritable who’s who among poker’s elite, including Stephen Chidwick, Matthias Eibinger, Steve O’Dwyer, and even King’s Casino owner Leon Tsoukernik. Timothy Adams won this event twice, in March 2022 and 2017.

Rodrigo Seiji
Rodrigo Seiji

Last year’s tournament saw Brazil’s Rodrigo Seiji conquer a 55-player field, defeating Sergio Aido heads-up at the end of a final table that also included Daniel Dvoress, EPT champion Dimitar Danchev, and PokerStars Team Pro Sam Grafton.

Past Champions

December 2022Rodrigo Seiji55€773,630Sergio Aido
March 2022Timothy Adams45€742,200Orpen Kisacikoglu
2019Stephen Chidwick44€725,710Bertrand Grospellier
2018Matthias Eibinger40€653,000Andras Nemeth
2017Timothy Adams34€555,000Mikita Badziakouski

At this year's festival, high-stakes regulars Teun Mulder and Ole Schemion took down €25,000 buy-in events and are anticipated to be in the field today chasing a second EPT Prague trophy. It will be an elite crop of players who descend on the Hilton Prague today as they battle for the prestigious title.

PokerNews will follow all the action and provide live updates throughout the event until one player adds their name to the illustrious list of champions.

Tags: Andras NemethDimitar DanchevOle SchemionSteve O’DwyerTeun Mulder