2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€50,000 EPT Super High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Kayhan Mokri Bags the Chip Lead on Day 1 of the €50,000 Super High Roller

Level 8 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Kayhan Mokri
Kayhan Mokri

There’s something about Super High Rollers on the PokerStars European Poker Tour that brings out the best in Kayhan Mokri.

Earlier this year, Mokri won the €100,000 Super High Roller at EPT Barcelona as he solidified his status as one of the best high rollers in the game. The Norwegian pro has now made his presence felt here at EPT Prague, ending Day 1 of the €50,000 Super High Roller as the chip leader over the remaining 11 players.

Mokri busted Laszlo Bujtas with top pair when Bujtas missed straight and flush draws on the river, on his way to bagging up 813,000 as he seeks another prestigious EPT title.

EPT champion Steve O’Dwyer, who won this event in 2015, is in second place. O’Dwyer was the first player eliminated on the day when he ran trip aces into Jules Dickerson’s full house but managed to build his stack up to 691,000 on his second bullet, including taking down a big pot against Mokri when he shoved for 240,000 on the river.

Day 1 Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Kayhan MokriNorway813,000136
2Steve O'DwyerIreland691,000115
3Juan PardoSpain685,000114
4Tamas AdamszkiHungary564,00094
5Jules DickersonUnited Kingdom521,00087
6Laszlo BujtasHungary439,00073
7Gregoire AuzouxFrance425,00071
8Vladimir TroyanovskiyRussia291,00049
9Dimitar DanchevBulgaria280,00047
10Teun MulderNetherlands195,00033
11Yuto SuzukiJapan89,00015

Juan Pardo (685,000), Tamas Adamszki (564,000), and Dickerson (521,000) round out the top five. Adamszki, like O’Dwyer, was one of the first players to bust. His second bullet, though, went much better as he made trip sevens to bust the luckless Bujtas, then filled up to crack Ognyan Dimov’s pocket kings in a more than 600,000-chip pot.

Tamas Adamszki
Tamas Adamszki

Bujtas required three bullets to make it through the day with 439,000. Others returning for Day 2 include Vladimir Troyanovskiy (291,000), EPT champion Dimitar Danchev (280,000), and Teun Mulder (195,000), who won a €25,000 event here in Prague earlier this week.

Some of the notable players who couldn't find a bag include Niklas Astedt and Tsugunari Toma. Indeed, two bullets weren’t enough for Astedt, the Swedish online legend, to survive Day 1, while Toma, Japan’s all-time money winner, also busted during the day.

Day 2 resumes tomorrow, on Monday December 11, at 12:30 p.m. local time. The action picks up on Level 9 with blinds of 3,000-6,000 and a 6,000 big blind ante. Late registration is open until the start of Day 2, so there is still time for more players to jump in and add to the 20 total entries so far.

PokerNews will be back tomorrow inside the Hilton Prague as this star-studded field returns to battle for the prestigious title.

Tags: Dimitar DanchevGregoire AuzouxJuan PardoJules DickersonKayhan MokriLaszlo BujtasNiklas AstedtOgnyan DimovSteve O'DwyerTamas AdamszkiTeun MulderTsugunari TomaVladimir TroyanovskiyYuto Suzuki

Troyanovskiy, Mulder Shove

Level 7 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Vladimir Troyanovskiy

There was around 60,000 in the pot as Vladimir Troyanovskiy and Dimitar Danchev went heads-up to a flop of 7Q2. Troyanovskiy then bet 25,000 from the button before Danchev raised to 70,000 in the cutoff.

Troyanovskiy then moved all in for 261,000 and Danchev folded.

At the same time at the other table, Teun Mulder bet 35,000 from under the gun on a board of J843 and Tamas Adamszki called on the button.

The river was the 4 and Mulder moved all in for around 120,000. Adamszki quickly folded.

Player Chips Progress
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder

Tags: Dimitar DanchevTamas AdamszkiTeun MulderVladimir Troyanovskiy

Mokri Can't Bluff Adamszki

Level 7 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Tamas Adamszki
Tamas Adamszki

Kayhan Mokri raised to 10,000 on the button and was called by Tamas Adamszki and Juan Pardo in the blinds.

The flop came 1069 and Mokri bet 12,000. Only Pardo called.

Both players checked the 10 turn before Mokri bet 28,000 on the 8 river. Adamszki called.

Mokri showed K5 for a bluff and Adamszki turned over K9 for two pair to win the pot.

"I'm never bluffing you again," Mokri said.

Player Chips Progress
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 1 Chip Leader
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo

Tags: Juan PardoKayhan MokriTamas Adamszki

O'Dwyer Doubles up

Level 7 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Steve O'Dwyer
Steve O'Dwyer

After reentering the tournament Steve O'Dwyer found a double to get back in the mix.

The pot started with a 10,000 open from Tamas Adamszki followed by a raise to 22,000 by Yuto Suzuki.

Teun Mulder then reraised to 42,000 with O'Dwyer next to act jamming all his chips in the middle.

A quick call from Mulder showed AK with O'Dwyer behind showing AQ

The flop changed things running out 99Q2J and ensuring O'Dwyer got the full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder

Tags: Steve O'DwyerTamas AdamszkiTeun MulderYuto Suzuki

Danchev Makes the Nuts on Bujtas

Level 7 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Dimitar Danchev
Dimitar Danchev

Dimitar Danchev raised to 9,000 in the cutoff and Laszlo Bujtas called in the big blind.

Both players checked the 2J4 flop. The turn was the 5 and Danchev bet 24,000. Bujtas called.

The river came the 7 and Danchev bet 60,000. Bujtas again called and Danchev showed A8 for the nut flush to win the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas

Tags: Dimitar DanchevLaszlo Bujtas

Bujtas Makes the Nuts to Bust Astedt

Level 6 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Niklas Åstedt
Niklas Åstedt

On the last hand before break, Niklas Astedt raised to 6,000 in the hijack, Laszlo Bujtas three-bet to 18,000 in the cutoff, and Astedt called.

The flop came K6Q and Bujtas bet 14,000. Astedt then moved all in for 50,000 and Bujtas called.

Niklas Astedt: J10
Laszlo Bujtas: A10

Both players had straight draws, but it was Bujtas who completed his straight as the board came 4J to send Astedt to the rail.

"Nuts for you," Astedt said as he headed for the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt

Tags: Laszlo BujtasNiklas Astedt

Pardo Takes a Bite Out of Mokri; Danchev Doubles Off Astedt

Level 6 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Dimitar Danchev
Dimitar Danchev

A massive pile of chips was already in the middle as Kayhan Mokri and Juan Pardo went to the river on a board of 233K9. Pardo then bet 125,000 in the big blind.

Mokri called on the button and Pardo showed Q3 for trips. "I guess I had to jinx it, huh," Mokri said as he mucked.

At the same time at the other table, Dimitar Danchev bet 50,000 from the big blind on a board of 8736 before Niklas Astedt moved all in from the button. Danchev quickly called for his last 158,000.

Astedt had 106 for a pair and flush draw, while Danchev had 87 for two pair. The river was the Q and Danchev doubled up.

Laszlo Bujtas fired his third bullet in the tournament and took his seat between Astedt and Danchev.

Player Chips Progress
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 1 Chip Leader
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt

Tags: Dimitar DanchevJuan PardoKayhan MokriNiklas Astedt

Mokri Puts the Final Blow on Bujtas

Level 6 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Kayhan Mokri
Kayhan Mokri

Laszlo Bujtas raised to 7,000 under the gun, then called when Kayhan Mokri three-bet to 30,000 in the small blind.

The flop came 8Q3 and Mokri bet 22,000. Bujtas called and both players checked down the 8 turn and 3 river as Mokri showed Q10 to win the pot.

The next hand, the roles were reversed as Mokri made it 7,000 on the button and Bujtas three-bet to 30,000 in the big blind. Mokri began laughing as he called.

The flop was KQ5 and Bujtas continued for 18,000. Mokri called and the 4 fell on the turn.

Bujtas checked to Mokri who bet 33,500. Bujtas then moved all in for around 180,000 more and Mokri snap-called.

Bujtas showed A10 for straight and flush draws, while Mokri had K8 for top pair and his own flush draw. The 7 river missed Bujtas and he headed to the rail for the second time today.

Player Chips Progress
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 1 Chip Leader
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas

Tags: Kayhan MokriLaszlo Bujtas

Adamszki Fills Up to Bust Dimov in Massive Pot

Level 5 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Tamas Adamszki
Tamas Adamszki

Tamas Adamszki raised to 6,000 under the gun, Ognyan Dimov three-bet to 24,000 in the small blind, and Adamszki called.

The flop came 510J and Dimov checked to Adamszki who bet 32,000. Dimov called.

The turn was the 10 and Adamszki bet another 75,000. Dimov again called and the 2 fell on the river.

Adamszki then moved all in and Dimov tanked for a moment before calling for his last 300,000. He showed KK, but Adamszki had J10 for a full house to win the massive pot and send Dimov crashing to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki
Ognyan Dimov bg
Ognyan Dimov
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ognyan DimovTamas Adamszki

Suzuki Cracks Mulder's Aces For a Knockout

Level 4 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Yuto Suzuki
Yuto Suzuki

Heads up on a flop of JJ10, Teun Mulder put out a bet from the cutoff before Yuto Suzuki moved all in from the small blind. Mulder called for around 150,000.

Teun Mulder: AA
Yuto Suzuki: QQ

Mulder was ahead with his aces as the turn came the K. The river was the 9 and Suzuki spiked a straight to send Mulder to the rail.

Niklas Astedt rejoined the field a few minutes after busting his first bullet.

Player Chips Progress
Yuto Suzuki jp
Yuto Suzuki
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder

Tags: Teun MulderYuto Suzuki