2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€50,000 EPT Super High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Tamas Adamszki Captures His Second EPT Prague Trophy in the €50,000 Super High Roller

Level 18 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Tamas Adamszki
Tamas Adamszki

Tamas Adamszki set a goal for himself at the start of 2023 as he prepared to transition to playing more live poker tournaments: try to replicate the success he had online over a career that spanned more than a decade to the live arena.

He accomplished that in a big way today when the Hungarian emerged as the champion of the €50,000 Super High Roller at the PokerStars European Poker Tour Prague, defeating fellow Hungarian Laszlo Bujtas to earn €394,670 following a heads-up deal. The win is Adamszki’s second one here in Prague after he won the €10,200 No-Limit Hold’em event a few days ago, increasing his winnings from these two events to more than €500,000.

“I’m very happy. I didn’t accept that I would win two trophies at one event like this in Prague. So it’s a wonderful feeling to be here,” he said following his victory.

Adamzski was exclusively an online pro before this year. His first live cash wasn't until EPT Prague last year. His largest live cash before coming to Prague was for just over $70,000.

With that meager live background, he prepared to take on some of the best players in the world in this event, including online crushers like Bujtas and Niklas Astedt to past EPT champions such as Steve O’Dwyer, Dimitar Danchev, and Ognyan Dimov. Beating a small but elite 23-player field like this one and being the one to hoist the trophy at the end meant a lot to a player who’s well on his way to establishing himself amidst their ranks.

“It’s a lot because this is the strongest field that there’ll ever be at an EPT, a Super High Roller. So it’s a pleasure to play here and take those achievements,” he said.

Final Table results

1Tamas AdamszkiHungary€394,670*
2Laszlo BujtasHungary€386,360*
3Teun MulderNetherlands€200,800
4Tsugunari TomaJapan€133,900

*Denotes a heads-up deal

Day 2 Action

The 11 returning players from Day 1 were joined by three new arrivals at the start of the day, creating a total field of 23 entries and a €1,115,730 prize pool.

Bujtas picked up aces to send out Yuto Suzuki as the day's first casualty. Ole Schemion, one of the players to jump in at the start of the day, quickly doubled up with aces versus kings but then shoved all in again for 420,000 with a pair of sixes. Bujtas picked up kings in the big blind and called to end Schemion’s tournament early.

Gregoire Auzoux, Motoyoshi Okamura, and Vladimir Troyanovskiy then fell as the final table of nine was set. Bujtas, who needed three bullets to survive the first day of the tournament, found himself as the chip leader with 1,370,000, more than 500,000 clear of his closest challenger Juan Pardo. Adamszki was in third place with 800,000.

Danchev, champion of the PCA a decade ago, was the first to leave the final table when, down to his last 55,000, he moved all in and Bujtas called with two aces. Teun Mulder then doubled up for 428,000 with two kings against the pocket tens of O’Dwyer.

Adamszki was also all in for 430,000 with two nines but Pardo picked up aces to leave Adamszki at serious risk of elimination. A nine on the flop gave Adamszki new hope with a set, but Pardo also picked up a flush draw. The turn and river were safe for Adamszki and he managed the miracle double up.

O’Dwyer doubled up twice on the river to stay alive, while Adamszki soon got the better of Pardo again. With already nearly 300,000 in the pot on the river, Pardo shoved for 130,000 with just ace-high and Adamszki picked him off with a rivered set of threes.

O’Dwyer’s luck finally ran out when he was all in with two nines against Bujtas’ ace-jack. The board brought four eights and Bujtas won the pot with his ace-kicker to send O’Dwyer to the rail. Kayhan Mokri and Jules Dickerson, the two table short-stacks, then tangled in a pot when Mokri won a race with fives against ace-jack to bust Dickerson in sixth place and bring the field down to the money bubble. It was Mokri who burst the bubble shortly after, jamming for 234,000 from the small blind as Mulder called in the big blind and won the pot with king-high to bust the start-of-day chip leader.

Kayhan Mokri
Kayhan Mokri

With the average stack nearly 100 big blinds, the final four players settled into a war of attrition. Finally, after more than an hour of four-handed play, Tsugunari Toma got his last 369,000 in the middle on the turn with two queens and doubled up off Adamszki holding two eights.

Toma’s time as a big stack, though, proved to be short-lived. Soon afterward, he moved all in on the turn with a pair and flush draw as Bujtas called for his last 1,331,000 with top pair. Toma missed the river and Bujtas scooped the more than 3,000,000-chip pot to take an overwhelming chip lead. Bujtas then jammed from the small blind and Toma called for his last 200,000. Toma hit a pair of queens on the flop to take the lead, but Bujtas turned a pair of aces and Japan’s all-time leading money winner was sent out in fourth place adding €133,900 to his career total.

Adamszki dropped Mulder to a short stack when he moved all in on the river and Mulder tanked for several minutes before saving his last 550,000 for another spot. Mulder then moved all in for 545,000 with king-four and Adamszki called with king-ten, hitting two pair on the flop to bust Mulder in third place.

Teun Mulder
Teun Mulder

Bujtas led 3,385,000 to 2,365,000 at the start of the all-Hungarian heads-up match as the two players agreed to a deal, Bujtas taking €386,360 and Adamszki €354,670 as they left €40,000 left to play for.

On the first hand of heads-up, Adamszki swung the lead his way when Bujtas bombed the river for 935,000 and Adamszki snap-called with a full house. The two players then agreed to shorten the levels to 20 minutes as Adamszki remained comfortably ahead until what proved to be the final hand.

Laszlo Bujtas
Laszlo Bujtas

In a limped pot, Adamszki jammed all in on the river and Bujtas called for 1,200,000. Adamszki turned over a flush while Bujtas could only show a pair of aces as he settled for a second-place finish.

For Adamszki, playing heads-up against his fellow countryman and friend was a challenge but the cards were in his favor on this day. “He plays heads-up cash games. I played heads-up sit-n-gos for a living like six years ago. So it’s pretty tough to play against him. But I went on a heater, so he couldn’t do anything about this run. So it was very tough,” Adamszki said.

Tamas Adamszki - Laszlo Bujtas
Tamas Adamszki - Laszlo Bujtas

Adamszki would’ve been easy to overlook at the start of the tournament in this field filled with some of the biggest stars in poker. He spent his entire career playing online until only recently venturing onto the live felt. His performance here in Prague, with two trophies including the most prestigious for the high rollers, ensured he won’t be overlooked again. And his foray into the live arena is only getting started.

That concludes PokerNews' coverage of the €50,000 EPT Prague Super High Roller. Stay tuned for more coverage as the Main Event gets underway here at the Hilton Prague in the Czech capital.

Tags: Dimitar DanchevGregoire AuzouxJuan PardoJules DickersonKayhan MokriLaszlo BujtasMotoyoshi OkamuraOle SchemionSteve O’DwyerTamas AdamszkiTeun MulderTsugunari TomaVladimir TroyanovskiyYuto Suzuki

Laszlo Bujtas Eliminated in 2nd Place (€386,360)

Level 18 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Laszlo Bujtas
Laszlo Bujtas

Tamas Adamszki limped in from the button and the Laszlo Bujtas checked his option from the big blind.

Bujtas check-called for 50,000 on the 982 flop which brought in the A turn. Bujtas check-called for 250,000, which left him with around 1,200,000 behind.

On the 4 river. Bujtas checked and Adamszki moved all in as the bigger stack. After a few moments of thinking time, Bujtas called.

Adamszki instantly tabled his J3, which backdoored a flush. Bujtas had 93, which then went into the muck.

Congratulations to Adamszki for his second win at EPT Prague. He gets €394,670 for the victory.

Player Chips Progress
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas

Tags: Laszlo BujtasTamas Adamszki

Deal Agreed!

Level 15 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Laszlo Bujtas
Laszlo Bujtas

Lazlo Bujtas and Tamas Adamszki have come to an agreement regarding the prize pool.

Bujtas has banked €386,360, while Adamszki will take at least €354,670. The duo will then play for the remaining €40,000 and the trophy.

Teun Mulder Eliminated in 3rd Place (€200,800)

Level 15 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Teun Mulder
Teun Mulder

Teun Mulder jammed for 545,000 from the small blind and Tamas Adamszki called after getting a count from the big blind.

"Good luck," said Adamszki.

Teun Mulder: K4
Tamas Adamszki: K10

Mulder was dominated and was drawing extremely thin after the AA10 flop. The Q turn brought in some chop-outs but the 6 river confirmed Mulder's exit.

Player Chips Progress
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder

Tags: Tamas AdamszkiTeun Mulder

Adamszki Shoves, Mulder Goes Deep in the Tank

Level 15 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Tamas Adamszki
Tamas Adamszki

Teun Mulder raised to 55,000 on the button, Tamas Adamszki three-bet to 235,000 in the small blind, and Mulder called.

The flop came 3K8 and Adamszki bet 175,000. Mulder called and the 7 fell on the turn.

Adamszki then bet 265,000 and Mulder again called. The river was the A and Adamszki moved all in.

Mulder, with 550,000 remaining, burned through the rest of his time banks as he spent several minutes shuffling his chips and considering the decision. He nearly allowed the clock to run out again before folding as Adamszki took the big pot.

"Good river or bad river," Laszlo Bujtas said, but neither Adamszki or Mulder replied.

Player Chips Progress
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder

Tags: Tamas AdamszkiTeun Mulder

Tsugunari Toma Eliminated in 4th Place (€133,900)

Level 14 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Tsugunari Toma
Tsugunari Toma

Laszlo Bujtas raised enough from the small blind to put big blind Tsugunari Toma all in, and Toma called for around 200,000.

Tsugunari Toma: Q3
Laszlo Bujtas: A5

Toma took the lead on the 4Q10 flop with top pair, but Bujtas hit the A on the turn. The river was the K and Toma was eliminated in fourth place.

Player Chips Progress
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas
Tsugunari Toma jp
Tsugunari Toma

Tags: Laszlo BujtasTsugunari Toma

Bujtas Holds On to Take a Massive Chip Lead

Level 14 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Laszlo Bujtas
Laszlo Bujtas

Laszlo Bujtas raised to 45,000 on the button and Tsugunari Toma called, as did big blind Teun Mulder.

The flop came 6Q10 and Bujtas bet 85,000. Both opponents called and the 4 fell on the turn.

Bujtas then bet 410,000 and Toma used a time bank before moving all in. Mulder folded, but Bujtas called for 1,331,000.

Toma showed 43 for a pair and flush draw, while Bujtas turned over AQ for top pair. The 9 river missed Toma and Bujtas earned a massive double up.

"I would've called if he called," Mulder lamented, saying he had king-jack and would've hit a straight on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder
Tsugunari Toma jp
Tsugunari Toma

Tags: Laszlo BujtasTeun MulderTsugunari Toma

Toma Doubles Off Adamszki

Level 14 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Tsugunari Toma
Tsugunari Toma

Teun Mulder raised to 45,000 under the gun and Tamas Adamszki called on the button. Tsugunari Toma then three-bet to 160,000 in the big blind and only Adamszki called.

The flop came 935 and Toma bet 186,000. Adamszki called and the J fell on the turn. Toma then moved all in for 369,000.

Adamszki called and Toma turned over QQ. "I'm dead," Adamszki said as he showed 88.

The river was the 3 and Toma doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Tsugunari Toma jp
Tsugunari Toma
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki

Tags: Tamas AdamszkiTeun MulderTsugunari Toma

Mokri Bubbles €50,000 EPT Super High Roller

Level 13 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Kayhan Mokri
Kayhan Mokri

After getting a walk in the big blind the previous hand, Kayhan Mokri jammed for 234,000 from the small blind and after a count, Teun Mulder called from the big blind.

Kayhan Mokri: Q10
Teun Mulder: K10

Mokri was dominated and found no help on the A84 flop. The start of day chip leader began leaving his seat after the A turn and he said his goodbyes after the 2 river confirmed his departure.

Player Chips Progress
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Kayhan MokriTeun Mulder

Short Stacks Collide as Mokri Takes Out Dickerson

Level 13 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Jules Dickerson
Jules Dickerson

"We have more time banks than chips. That's a bad sign," Jules Dickerson told fellow table short-stack Kayhan Mokri.

"I do, actually," Mokri said, counting out his time banks. "I might use them just to annoy if I know I'm going to bust. Go out with a bang," Mokri added.

Mokri then raised to 100,000 under the gun and Dickerson called for his last 70,000.

Jules Dickerson: AJ
Kayhan Mokri: 55

The two opponents were racing as the Q8296 board left Mokri's fives in the lead and sent Dickerson to the rail.

"I have 202 behind. So stop asking me. I said it aloud," Mokri told his tablemates after the hand.

Player Chips Progress
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 1 Chip Leader
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson

Tags: Jules DickersonKayhan Mokri