2012 Aussie Millions

$1,000 No-Limit Hold'em Opening Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2012 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Brendon Rubie
Winning Hand
200,000 AUD
Event Info
1,000 AUD
Prize Pool
946,000 AUD
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

First Blood to Sibaei

On the first hand of the final table, Rob Angood opened for 50,000 from middle position and was called by both Naz Sibaei on the button and Tamara Volkoff in the big blind. When the flop came down {Q-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}, Volkoff checked, Angood bet 63,000, and Sibaei came in for a raise to 200,000.

Both Volkoff and Angood gave it up, and Sibaei laid claim to the first pot of the day.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Rob Angood gb
Rob Angood
Profile photo of Naz Sibaei
Naz Sibaei

Tags: Naz SibaeiRob AngoodTamara Volkoff

Level: 20

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 2,000

Who Will Be the First Champion of the 2012 Crown’s Aussie Millions Poker Championship?

Last night, Day 2 of the 2012 Aussie Millions Opening Event came to an end with ten players, forgoing the original plan of playing to a winner and adding an impromptu Day 3 to the schedule. Leading the final table is Scott Wilson, who comes in with 2.628 million, while young Australian pro Brendon Rubie is in second place with 1.625 million.

As we’ve highlighted many time before, this event was a “repchage”; meaning players who busted in the earlier flights were able to reenter in the following. The first starting flight, Day 1a, drew 274 players, while Day 1b a bit less at 251; however, Day 1c boosted the number as 421 entries made the three-day total 946 players. The remaining players are guaranteed at least $10,900 AUD, though a juicy $200,000 is waiting for the winner.

Here’s a look at the final table of the 2012 Crown’s Aussie Millions Poker Championship Opening Event:

Final Table

1Tam Truong934,000
2Tamara Volkoff191,000
3Brendon Rubie1,625,000
4Sean Robey262,000
5Sherif Derias696,000
6Rob Angood1,384,000
7Scott Wilson2,628,000
8Manny Stavropoulos554,000
9John Thomson363,000
10Naz Sibaei849,000

With action kicking off at 15,000/30,000 blinds, there are obviously a few short stacks at the final table. That being the case, we expect some early knockouts as the big stacks look to bully the table. The final table action on Day 3 is set to begin at 12:10 AEST Monday (17:10 PST Sunday), just a little over two hours from right now, so be sure to join us then as PokerNews brings you all the actions and eliminations as the first champion of the 2012 Crown’s Aussie Millions Poker Championship is crowned.

$1,000 No-Limit Hold'em Opening Event

Day 3 Started