2023 WSOP Europe

Event #7: €1,650 NLH 6-max
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 WSOP Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Kamphues Departs, Penev on the Rise

Level 22 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Zlatin Penev
Zlatin Penev

All the chips went into the middle preflop when Timo Kamphues moved all in from the big blind for 400,000 and was called by Zlatin Penev in the hijack.

Timo Kamphues: QQ
Zlatin Penev: KK

Penev was in the lead and after the flop of KQ6 both players made a set. Kamphues could not find his one-outer though as the 75 completed the board to move Penev towards the top of the chip rankings, while Kamphues headed for the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Zlatin Penev bg
Zlatin Penev
Timo Kamphues de
Timo Kamphues

Tags: Andrei SpataruTraian Stanciu

Krueger Sent Packing by Kleinhans

Level 22 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Klas Krueger
Klas Krueger

Klas Krueger moved all in from under the gun for 140,000 and was called by Alexander Kleinhans in the big blind.

Klas Krueger: 109
Alexander Kleinhans: KQ

Krueger could not connect with his suited connectors, as Kleinhans improved to trip queens after the board of A32QQ to send Krueger out of the competition.

Player Chips Progress
Alexander Kleinhans de
Alexander Kleinhans
Klas Krueger de
Klas Krueger

Tags: Alexander KleinhansKlas Krueger

Day 1 Chip Leader Hodaj Crashes Out Due to Kraft Work

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Besmir Hodaj
Besmir Hodaj

Florian Kraft bet 25,000 from the hijack and was met with a huge all-in from Besmir Hodaj on the button for 380,000. Kraft made the call to put the over night chip leader at risk.

Besmir Hodaj: AJ
Florian Kraft: KK

Kraft was the favorite to win the hand and the runout of Q836Q provided no help for the Italian to send him crashing out of the tournament. Kraft is now amongst the chip leaders.

Player Chips Progress
Florian Kraft de
Florian Kraft
Besmir Hodaj it
Besmir Hodaj
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Besmir HodajFlorian Kraft

Vaskresenski Eliminated by Thiemer

Level 20 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Jorge Ufano
Jorge Ufano

Another three players were eliminated including Andrea Dato, Sascha Minerva, as well as Maksim Vaskresenski. The latter was flipped out by Frederik Thiemer when 77 could not hold up against AK on a board of K44Q10.

Jorge Ufano also ended up at risk but had the best of it with AA, as Joao Tomas only revealed the 1010 in one of the biggest pots of the tournament so far.

There was no upset on the J6362 runout for Ufano to double.

Player Chips Progress
Jorge Ufano es
Jorge Ufano
Joao Tomas pt
Joao Tomas
Frederik Thiemer de
Frederik Thiemer
Maksim Vaskresenski pl
Maksim Vaskresenski
Andrea Dato it
Andrea Dato
WPT 1X Winner
Sascha Minerva de
Sascha Minerva

Tags: Andrea DatoFrederik ThiemerJoao TomasJorge UfanoMaksim VaskresenskiSascha Minerva

Rollercoaster Two Hands for Wilke

Level 20 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Dennis Wilke
Dennis Wilke

In a blind on blind confrontation, Robert Burlacu bet 70,000 from the small blind leaving only 4,000 behind. Dennis Wilke in the big blind made the call.

A monotone flop of 972 saw Wilke bet 4,000 to put Burlacu at risk. Burlacu waited out as long as he could to try to ladder a pay jump before he was forced to call.

Robert Burlacu: Q2
Dennis Wilke: JJ

Wilke dominated and after the 5 turn Burcalu only had three outs. He tossed his queen next to the river slot and the dealer duly obliged by tabling the Q to complete the board and gave Barcalu top pair. Wilke jokingly shouted "How dare you!" at the dealer for dishing out a bad beat.

The very next hand Wilke was in another blind on blind all in situation with Aaron Duczack in the big blind. The Canadian was art risk for 160,000.

Aaron Duczak: AJ
Dennis Wilke: K10

Duczak was ahead preflop but a king on the flop on the completed board of KQ385 spelt curtains for the Canadian who headed to the paycage.

Player Chips Progress
Dennis Wilke de
Dennis Wilke
Robert Burlacu ro
Robert Burlacu
Aaron Duczak ca
Aaron Duczak

Tags: Aaron DuczackDennis WilkeRobert Burlacu

Peluso Eliminated by Gehrmann

Level 20 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Fabio Peluso
Fabio Peluso

Michael Gehrmann jammed into Fabio Peluso and the Italian called it off, having previously seen his stack decimated to fewer than ten big blinds.

Fabio Peluso: J10
Michael Gehrmann: A2

The K739K board missed both players and ace-high was good to eliminate Peluso.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Gehrmann de
Michael Gehrmann
Fabio Peluso it
Fabio Peluso
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Fabio PelusoMichael Gehrmann

Butnoras Gets Revenge on Peluso

Level 19 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Deividas Butnoras
Deividas Butnoras

There was an all-in and a call preflop with Deividas Butnoras at risk against an old foe in Fabio Peluso. The Italian barely covered the Lithuanian.

Deividas Butnoras: AQ
Fabio Peluso: A9

Peluso was behind and virtually drawing dead after a lady in the window on the board of Q10558 gave Butnoras two pair and ensured a double up leaving Peluso with less than ten big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Deividas Butnoras lt
Deividas Butnoras
Fabio Peluso it
Fabio Peluso
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Deividas ButnorasFabio Peluso

Cohen Eliminated by Shahni

Level 19 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Yehuda Cohen
Yehuda Cohen

Ali Shahni raised to 16,000 and Dragoljub Martinovic called on the button. Yehuda Cohen then jammed out of the big blind for 58,000 and Shahni called, Martinovic folded.

Yehuda Cohen: A10
Ali Shahni: KQ

Cohen wished for an ace on the flop but instead, it came KK10 as the massage parlour owner gasped an "what the fuck is this shit?!" The 7 turn gave Cohen a flush draw but the 10 river only improved Shahni to the superior full house.

Player Chips Progress
Ali Shahni us
Ali Shahni
Dragoljub Martinovic rs
Dragoljub Martinovic
Ruslan Volkov ua
Ruslan Volkov
Yehuda Cohen il
Yehuda Cohen

Tags: Ali ShahniDragoljub MartinovicYehuda Cohen

Munteanu is the Stone Bubble of the 6-Max

Level 18 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Bogdan Munteanu bubble boy
Bogdan Munteanu bubble boy

Andrea Dato bet 12,000 from the cutoff and Bogdan Munteanu moved all in from the big blind for 43,000 which was called by the Italian.

Bogdan Munteanu: AJ
Andrea Dato: A6

While the players were waiting for the floor to come over for the showdown, Munteanu's friend on the other table shouted "Do you hate money?" as a player on the table only had one big blind remaining.

It was a terrible flop for Munteanu as Dato hit a six on the completed board of Q6288 for two pair. Munteanu headed to the exit as the bubble boy.

Bogdan Munteanu bubble boy
Bogdan Munteanu bubble boy
Player Chips Progress
Andrea Dato it
Andrea Dato
WPT 1X Winner
Bogdan Munteanu ro
Bogdan Munteanu

Tags: Andrea DatoBogdan Munteanu

Pazma Falls Close to the Bubble

Level 18 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Lukas Pazma
Lukas Pazma

Lukas Pazma bet 50,000 from the button only leaving 10,000 behind. Adem Marjanovic made the call from the small blind.

The flop came 873, and Marjanovic bet 10,000 to put Pazma at risk. Pazma waited until the clock was called on him and put his chips into the middle.

Before the floor asked the players to turn their cards over, Pazma kissed his hand for luck. Marjanovic said "I will make a counter-kiss!" and kissed his own hand.

Lukas Pazma: AJ
Adem Marjanovic: 1010

Pazma was behind but had two over cards. He gained additional flush and gutshot outs on the 9 turn, but the 9 ended his tournament and it sent to the rail two places before the money.

Player Chips Progress
Adem Marjanovic at
Adem Marjanovic
Lukas Pazma sk
Lukas Pazma
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Adem MarjanovicLukas Pazma