2023 WSOP Europe

Event #7: €1,650 NLH 6-max
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 WSOP Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Boatman's Nines Scuttles Marjanovic

Level 30 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Barny Boatman
Barny Boatman

Adem Marjanovic bet 230,000 from the button and was met with a shove from Barny Boatman in the small blind for 1,630,000. Marjanovic called without hesitation.

Barny Boatman: 99
Adem Marjanovic: AK

A classic race and Marjanovic gained the nut flush draw after the flop of 844. But no further help came as the J6 completed the board to give Boatman the double up.

Player Chips Progress
Adem Marjanovic at
Adem Marjanovic
Barny Boatman gb
Barny Boatman

Tags: Adem MarjanovicBarny Boatman

Panasiuk Gets Early Double on Final Table

Level 29 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Artsiom Panasiuk
Artsiom Panasiuk

Rafi Elharar bet 160,000 from the hijack and was called by Artsiom Panasiuk in the big blind.

Both players checked the 965 flop, but Elharar bet 400,000 on the 9 turn and was snap-called by Panasiuk.

Artsiom Panasiuk: 87
Rafi Elharar: A4

The Belorussian flopped the world making the Dolly Parton straight and Elharar was drawing dead. The 6 completed the board and Panasiuk dragged in the double up.

Player Chips Progress
Rafi Elharar il
Rafi Elharar
Artsiom Panasiuk by
Artsiom Panasiuk

Tags: Artsiom PanasiukRafi Elharar

Deividas Butnoras Eliminated in 9th Place (€11,700)

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Deividas Butnoras
Deividas Butnoras

Deividas Butnoras had chipped down since he was moved tables and then got it in preflop against Rafi Elharar. The call by the current chip leader followed and the cards were flipped over.

Deividas Butnoras: J10
Rafi Elharar: KQ

Elharar was ahead in a duel of suited connectors and nailed the 532 flop. It was all over for Butnoras on the 5 turn to make the 8 river a formality, while Elharar continued his hot streak.

Player Chips Progress
Rafi Elharar il
Rafi Elharar
Deividas Butnoras lt
Deividas Butnoras

Tags: Deividas ButnorasRafi Elharar

Panasiuk Doubles Through Peters

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Artsiom Panasiuk
Artsiom Panasiuk

Tobias Peters bet 125,000 from under the gun and was shoved on by Artsiom Panasiuk in the big blind for 580,000. Peters made the call.

Artsiom Panasiuk: 77
Tobias Peters: A10

Not only did Panasiuk have to dodge two over cards, but he also had to avoid the flush draw Peters picked up after the board read 9845 at the turn. The 8 was safe on the river and secured Panasiuk the double up and made a massive dent in Peters stack.

Player Chips Progress
Artsiom Panasiuk by
Artsiom Panasiuk
Tobias Peters nl
Tobias Peters
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Artsiom PanasiukTobias Peters

Christian Schneider Eliminated in 10th Place (€8,975)

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Christian Schneider
Christian Schneider

Rafi Elharar bet 125,000 from the cutoff and was met with a shove from Christian Schneider on the button for 560,000. Action folded to Elharar who made the call after a count.

Christian Schneider: 22
Rafi Elharar: A10

Schneider's pocket deuces got cracked on the flop as Elharar made a pair of tens on the completed board of 109783 to send Schneider to the exit with a pay day of €8,975.

Player Chips Progress
Rafi Elharar il
Rafi Elharar
Christian Schneider de
Christian Schneider

Tags: Christian SchneiderRafi Elharar

Joao Tomas Eliminated in 11th Place (€8,975)

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Joao Tomas
Joao Tomas

Joao Tomas opted to open-shove for his last 565,000 and Daniel Koloszar asked for an exact count before making the call on the button.

Joao Tomas: 109
Daniel Koloszar: AK

"I have never seen this hand win versus ace-king, and I am playing for thirty years," Barny Boatman pointed out.

The J85 flop was a sweat with the open-ended straight draw but the K turn and 3 river ended Tomas' run in 11th place for €8,975.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Koloszar hu
Daniel Koloszar
Joao Tomas pt
Joao Tomas

Tags: Barny BoatmanDaniel KoloszarJoao Tomas

Virgile Turchi Eliminated in 12th Place (€7,025)

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Daniel Koloszar bet 100,000 from the cutoff and was met with a shove from Virgile Turchi on the button for 575,000. Rafi Elharar went into deep thought in the small blind and elected to shove, covering both Turchi and Koloszar.

Koloszar looked frustrated and folded AJ face up to allow the other two to go to showdown.

Virgile Turchi: KQ
Rafi Elharar: 99

It was a flip to decide Turchi's fate, but the board of 10108104 gave Elharar a boat and sent Turchi sailing to the paycage.

Player Chips Progress
Rafi Elharar il
Rafi Elharar
Daniel Koloszar hu
Daniel Koloszar
Virgile Turchi fr
Virgile Turchi

Tags: Daniel KoloszarRafi ElhararVirgile Turchi

Ali Shahni Eliminated in 13th Place (€7,025)

Level 26 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Ali Shahni
Ali Shahni

Ali Shahni pushed all-in from an early position and David Boyaciyan called all-in for 590,000 in the small blind.

David Boyaciyan: 1010
Ali Shahni: A4

The 865Q6 runout reduced the stack of Shahni to fumes, and he was in the big blind next. That's when the remaining chips went in against Boyaciyan on the button.

Ali Shahni: 94
David Boyaciyan: AK

The AKQ410 board sent Shahni to the rail in 13th place, prompting another redraw for the final 12 contenders.

Player Chips Progress
David Boyaciyan nl
David Boyaciyan
Ali Shahni us
Ali Shahni

Tags: Ali ShahniDavid Boyaciyan

Florian Kraft Eliminated in 14th Place (€7,825)

Level 26 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Florian Kraft
Florian Kraft

Florian Kraft and Rafi Elharar got into a tussle again, this time Kraft moved all in from the button for 275,000 and Elharar called from the big blind.

Florian Kraft: J9
Rafi Elharar: A9

Elharar was ahead with ace-high, but Kraft picked up an open-ended straight draw on the flop of Q106. However, he couldn't find the straight as the board ran out 79 to give Elharar top pair, top kicker and sent Kraft home.

Player Chips Progress
Rafi Elharar il
Rafi Elharar
Florian Kraft de
Florian Kraft

Tags: Florian KraftRafi Elharar

Renji Mao Eliminated in 15th Place (€7,025)

Level 26 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Renji Mao
Renji Mao

Renji Mao open-jammed for 375,000 on the button and received a quick call by Deividas Butnoras in the big blind.

Renji Mao: K9
Deividas Butnoras: A10

Once the flop brought 1062, Mao vaulted out of his chair. He found no help on the 5 turn and 6 river to bow out in 15th place.

Player Chips Progress
Deividas Butnoras lt
Deividas Butnoras
Renji Mao cn
Renji Mao
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Deividas ButnorasRenji Mao