2023 WSOP Europe

Event #1: €350 NLH Opener
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 WSOP Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Wladimir Gerner Eliminated in 12th Place (€6,100)

Level 35 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Wladimir Gerner
Wladimir Gerner

Wladimir Gerner moved all-in for the second hand in a row, this time for 2,990,000 in the cutoff. Florin Bilan asked for a count on the button and pushed all-in over the top, the blinds folded.

Wladimir Gerner: QJ
Florin Bilan: KK

The suited connectors found one more spade on the 652 flop to keep the hopes of Gerner alive. However, it was all over with the 7 turn and the 4 river became meaningless as Gerner had to settle for 12th place.

Player Chips Progress
Florin Bilan ro
Florin Bilan
Wladimir Gerner de
Wladimir Gerner

Tags: Florin BilanWladimir Gerner

Roland Schweinstetter Eliminated in 13th Place (€6,100)

Level 34 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Roland Schweinstetter
Roland Schweinstetter

Lukas Pazma raised to 525,000 and Roland Schweinstetter three-bet jammed for 3,400,000 in the small blind, earning a snap call by the Slovakian.

Roland Schweinstetter: 99
Lukas Pazma: KK

When the cards were revealed, Schweinstetter sighed as he was on the brink of elimination on the Main Event bubble.

There was no help on the A42810 runout and Schweinstetter had to settle for 13th place.

Player Chips Progress
Lukas Pazma sk
Lukas Pazma
WSOP 1X Winner
Roland Schweinstetter de
Roland Schweinstetter

Tags: Lukas PazmaRoland Schweinstetter

Safwane Bahri Eliminated in 14th Place (€4,575)

Level 33 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Safwane Anwar Bahri
Safwane Anwar Bahri

One hand after his double-up, Safwane Bahri raised to 875,000 with 165,000 behind in the under-the gun position.

Alessandro De Michele called from one seat over and they headed to the A94 flop. Bahri check-called with his smallest of pocket pairs.

Safwane Bahri: 22
Alessandro De Michele: 88

The J turn and 7 river knocked out Bahri in 14th place, two spots away from securing a ticket for the 2023 WSOP Main Event while collecting €4,575.

Player Chips Progress
Alessandro De Michele it
Alessandro De Michele
Safwane Bahri fr
Safwane Bahri

Tags: Alessandro De MicheleSafwane Bahri

Claudiu Descultu Eliminated in 15th Place (€4,575)

Level 33 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Claudiu Descultu
Claudiu Descultu

Stefan Pezzarossa opened to 425,000 from under the gun before Claudiu Descultu moved all in for 1,160,000 from middle position. Stanislav Koleno then shoved on the button, with Pezzarossa taking a moment before getting out of the way.

Claudiu Descultu: 88
Stanislav Koleno: AQ

Descultu was flipping for his tournament life and stayed in front after the 102K flop. Koleno then connected with the A turn to take control, with the 7 river ending Descultu's tournament run in 15th place.

Player Chips Progress
Stanislav Koleno sk
Stanislav Koleno
Stefan Pezzarossa it
Stefan Pezzarossa
Claudiu Descultu ro
Claudiu Descultu

Tags: Claudiu DescultuStanislav KolenoStefan Pezzarossa

Mikkel Plum Eliminated in 16th Place (€4,575)

Level 33 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Mikkel Plum
Mikkel Plum

Lukas Pazma limped the small blind and Mikkel Plum jammed for 1,900,000 in the big blind only to get snapped off.

Even before the cards were shown, Plum could all but smile about the potential disaster ahead.

Mikkel Plum: 52
Lukas Pazma: KK

The board ran out 9623A and Plum was knocked out in 16th place. Plum also has chips for Day 2 of the next bracelet event and can jump right into the action.

Player Chips Progress
Lukas Pazma sk
Lukas Pazma
WSOP 1X Winner
Mikkel Plum dk
Mikkel Plum

Tags: Lukas PazmaMikkel Plum

Scottie Howington Eliminated in 17th Place (€4,575)

Level 33 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Scottie Howington
Scottie Howington

Scottie Howington got through with a three-bet shove holding pocket nines and then found another pocket pair to make it 500,000 to go. Stephan Glausch jammed with the superior stack in the small blind and Howington called for the 2,200,000 he had behind.

Scottie Howington: 88
Stephan Glausch: A9

The Q96 flop vaulted Glausch into the lead and left Howington on the ropes. He gained a lot of equity with the 7 turn but the 3 river was a blank to reduce the field to the last 16 players.

There will now be a 20-minute break ahead of the final two tables.

Player Chips Progress
Stephan Glausch at
Stephan Glausch
Scottie Howington us
Scottie Howington

Tags: Scottie HowingtonStephan Glausch

Marcin Kacprzak Eliminated in 18th Place (€3,700)

Level 32 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Marcin Kacprzak
Marcin Kacprzak

Stefan Drusca open-jammed withe 106 out of the small blind and Marcin Kacprzak called in the big blind with the A7 for his last 920,000 behind.

The J95 flop kept Kacprzak ahead and so did the 7 turn. However, the 10 river improved Drusca and knocked out his opponent in 18th place for €3,700.

Player Chips Progress
Stefan Drusca ro
Stefan Drusca
Day 2 Chip Leader
Marcin Kacprzak pl
Marcin Kacprzak

Tags: Marcin KacprzakStefan Drusca

Schayan Schakeri Eliminated in 19th Place (€3,700)

Level 32 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Schayan Schakeri
Schayan Schakeri

Iman Ghashayar raised it up from middle position and Schayan Schakeri defended the big blind. They headed to the A108 flop on which Schakeri check-raised from 190,000 to 770,000. Ghashayar stuck around to the 9 turn on which Schakeri gave it some thought and then jammed, Ghashayar snap-called.

Schayan Schakeri: 1010
Iman Ghashayar: QJ

Schakeri needed the board to pair but the 7 river was a blank, knocking out Schakeri in 19th place for €3,700.

Player Chips Progress
Iman Ghashayar nl
Iman Ghashayar
Schayan Schakeri de
Schayan Schakeri

Tags: Iman GhashayarSchayan Schakeri

Jiri Kun Eliminated in 20th Place (€3,700)

Level 32 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Jiri Kun
Jiri Kun

Jiri Kun open-shoved a shorter stack from an early position and Alessandro De Michele did so from the button to isolate.

Jiri Kun: AQ
Alessandro De Michele: QQ

Kun found some additional outs on the K109 flop but the 3 turn as well as the 3 river ended his run in 20th place.

Player Chips Progress
Alessandro De Michele it
Alessandro De Michele
Jiri Kun cz
Jiri Kun

Tags: Alessandro De MicheleJiri Kun

Frank Leykauf Eliminated in 21st Place (€3,700)

Level 32 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Frank Leykauf
Frank Leykauf

What started with a battle of the blinds with an open raise to 370,000 by Frank Leykauf would turn into a lengthy hand as Stanislav Koleno stuck around in the big blind.

Leykauf bet the AK10 flop for 340,000 and Koleno called before the former checked the 4 turn. Koleno bet 550,000 and Leykauf reluctantly called.

After the 5 river, Leykauf checked and Koleno bet 2,000,000 for most of his stack. That sent Leykauf into agony and he tanked for four minutes before he tossed in a single chip for the call.

Koleno tabled the Q5 for a flush and Leykauf's K3 were shown before his stack was counted. Leykauf only had 1,950,000 at his disposal and was thus eliminated in 21st place.

Player Chips Progress
Stanislav Koleno sk
Stanislav Koleno
Frank Leykauf de
Frank Leykauf

Tags: Frank LeykaufStanislav Koleno