2017 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,500,000 / 3,000,000

Blumstein Over Salas in Three-Bet Pot

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

Jonas Mackoff opened to 225,000 in middle position and got a call from Damian Salas on the button. Scott Blumstein made it 700,000 to go, and only Salas continued. On the {j-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{8-Diamonds} flop, Blumstein tanked over a minute before he bet 660,000, and that was enough to earn him the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Damian Salas ar
Damian Salas
Day 4 Chip Leader
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Scott Blumstein us
Scott Blumstein
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Damian SalasJonas MackoffScott Blumstein

Shove by Reard; Pot for Dubini

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

Jack Sinclair raised to 225,000 and was called by Wesley Pantling on the button and Michael Krasienko in the big blind. The flop came {J-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{3-Spades} and a bet of 300,000 by Sinclair won the pot.

One table over, Daniel Turner raised to 250,000 and Alexandre Reard moved all in. "That's like 1.3 million? Can you count it please?" Turner asked. Reard's all in was for 1,325,000 and Turner folded.

Back to Sinclair's table, he defended his big blind against a raise to 225,000 by Richard Dubini and Richard Gryko also came along from the button. On the {K-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{3-Spades} flop, Sinclair checked and Dubini bet 300,000. Only Gryko called and the {J-Diamonds} turn went check-check. After the {7-Clubs} river, Dubini bet 1 million and Gryko folded.

Player Chips Progress
Richard Dubini ar
Richard Dubini
Day 1B Chip Leader
Richard Gryko gb
Richard Gryko
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Jack Sinclair gb
Jack Sinclair
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Dann Turner us
Dann Turner
WSOP 1X Winner
Alexandre Reard fr
Alexandre Reard

Tags: Alexandre ReardJack SinclairMichael KrasienkoRichard DubiniRichard GrykoWesley Pantling

Huge Double for Sarkisyan, Joldis Takes a Hit

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante
Karen Sarkisyan
Karen Sarkisyan

Cosmin Joldis raised to 225,000 in late position and was called by Marcel Luske in the cutoff and Karen Sarkisyan on the button. The flop came {K-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} and it checked around. On the {2-Hearts} turn, Joldis and Luske checked, and Sarkisyan bet 450,000.

After a long pause, Joldis check-raised to 1,250,000. Luske got out of the way and Sarkisyan thought for a little while and then called.

The river was the {7-Hearts}. After several seconds, Joldis moved all in with Sarkisyan covered. Sarkisyan called rather quickly and the cards were on their backs.

Joldis: {10-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}
Sarkisyan: {7-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}

Joldis was good with his pair of tens until the seven on the river gave Sarkisyan a set. Sarkisyan's stack was counted at 4,235,000 and Joldis matched it. The hand put Sarkisyan up close to 12 million chips and left Joldis with around 16 big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Karen Sarkisyan ru
Karen Sarkisyan
Cosmin Joldis ro
Cosmin Joldis

Tags: Cosmin JoldisKaren SarkisyanMarcel Luske

Lohnert Doubles Through Crivello

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

Frank Crivello raised to 250,000 from middle position and Florian Lohnert three-bet to 850,000 from the small blind. Crivello called and the flop came {10-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{4-Clubs}.

Lohnert led out for 950,000 and Crivello tanked for a couple moments. When he announced all in, Lohnert quickly called and the cards were tabled. Lohnert showed {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds} and Crivello held {5-Spades}{5-Diamonds}.

"I thought you had ace-king," Crivello said, explaining why he moved all in.

The turn was the {8-Hearts} and the river brought the {k-Spades}, giving Lohnert a full double-up at the hands of Crivello.

Player Chips Progress
Florian Lohnert de
Florian Lohnert
Frank Crivello us
Frank Crivello

Tags: Florian LohnertFrank Crivello

Zhou Loses to Sinclair

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

With 650,000 already in the pot and the turn reading {A-Spades}{8-Clubs}{4-Spades}{9-Diamonds}, Jack Sinclair bet 350,000 in the small blind and Wen Zhou raised to 700,000 in the big blind. Sinclair clicked it back to 1,400,000 and Zhou quickly moved all in, picking up a snap-call by Sinclair.

Even before the cards were tabled, Zhou shook his head and knew he was caught with the fingers in the cookie jar.

Sinclair: {9-Spades}{9-Hearts}
Zhou: {2-Diamonds}{2-Spades}

A meaningless {5-Diamonds} on the river saw Sinclair double up for massive 7,050,000 and Zhou was sent all the way back to 12 big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Sinclair gb
Jack Sinclair
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Wen Zhou us
Wen Zhou

Tags: Jack SinclairWen Zhou

Joldis Takes a Small Bite Out of Pisane

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante
Cosmin Joldis
Cosmin Joldis

Cosmin Joldis moved all in for his last 1,365,000 from under the gun and action was on Randy Pisane in middle position. After about a minute, Pisane came in with a raise to 2,600,000 and everyone else folded.

Joldis was at risk and flipping with {q-Spades}{q-Hearts}, up against Pisane's {a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}.

The flop came {9-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{2-Hearts} and Joldis remained in the lead with two queens, while taking away some of Pisane's outs since he held the only heart. The turn was the {9-Clubs} and Joldis said, "Five!" Sure enough, the river was the {5-Clubs} and Joldis locked up a double.

Player Chips Progress
Randy Pisane us
Randy Pisane
Cosmin Joldis ro
Cosmin Joldis

Tags: Cosmin JoldisRandy Pisane

Connor Drinan Eliminated in 56th Place ($121,188)

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante
Connor Drinan eliminated in 56th Place
Connor Drinan eliminated in 56th Place

Justas Vaiciulionis raised to 260,000 and action folded around to Connor Drinan who was in the big blind.

"Are you committed?" Drinan asked. "I feel like you looked at my stack and thought: What raise can I commit to?"

Vaiciulionis shook his head. Eventually, Drinan moved all in and Vaiciulionis quickly called.

Drinan: {A-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}
Vaiciulionis: {4-Spades}{4-Clubs}

"Did you see how quick everyone else folded?" Drinan asked Vaiciulionis. "That means they didn't have any aces or kings to three-bet your ass. That means I'm like a 70/30."

Unfortunately for Drinan, the flop of {5-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} left him drawing very thin. He needed a jack, three, two, or queen just to stay alive on the turn. But the turn was the {9-Diamonds} and that left him drawing dead. The river was the meaningless {Q-Hearts} and that meant Drinan was eliminated from the tournament in 56th place while Vaiciulionis moved over 4 million chips.

Player Chips Progress
Justas Vaiciulionis lt
Justas Vaiciulionis
Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Connor DrinanJustas Vaiciulionis

Pisane Takes from Bazeley

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

On a board reading {a-Hearts}{k-Spades}{9-Spades}{9-Diamonds}, Jake Bazeley checked from the big blind and Randy Pisane checked behind from late position.

The river was the {j-Diamonds} and Bazeley led out for 850,000. Pisane thought for a bit, and then raised to 2,725,000. Bazeley was in the tank for awhile, trying to get a read off his opponent. He also couldn't believe that Pisane could have the best hand every time.

"Do you always have it? Do you always make a set?" Bazeley was asking, but no response was given. Bazeley eventually folded his hand as he flashed half of the table a {9-} in his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Randy Pisane us
Randy Pisane
Jake Bazeley us
Jake Bazeley

Tags: Jake BazeleyRandy Pisane

Paul Vas Nunes Eliminated in 55th Place ($121,188)

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante
Paul Vas Nunes' Elimination
Paul Vas Nunes' Elimination

At the feature table, the flop read {Q-Spades}{J-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Paul Van Nunes was all in from the hijack for about 2,275,000 with {A-Hearts}{8-Hearts} against Dan Ott on the button with {K-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}.

The {4-Diamonds} turn and {6-Clubs} river completed the board, no help to Vas Nunes, ending his Main Event in 55th place.

Player Chips Progress
Dan Ott us
Dan Ott
Paul Vas Nunes gb
Paul Vas Nunes

Tags: Dan OttPaul Vas Nunes

Wen Zhou Eliminated in 54th Place ($145,733)

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante
Jack Sinclair_ Wen Zhou
Jack Sinclair_ Wen Zhou

Wen Zhou shoved all in under the gun for 1,065,000. Action folded to big blind Jack Sinclair, who put in a call.

Sinclair: {q-Clubs}{10-Clubs}
Zhou: {6-Clubs}{6-Spades}

The race proved a short one as Sinclair hit {a-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{8-Clubs} to give him a flush. The turn was a {k-Clubs}, ending things for Zhou, and the meaningless river was a {5-Hearts}.

Zhou wished everyone good luck on his way out.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Sinclair gb
Jack Sinclair
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Wen Zhou us
Wen Zhou

Tags: Jack SinclairWen Zhou