Anatoly Filatov opened with a raise to 2,500 from under the gun. Action folded around to the button who raised to 8,500. Action folded back to Filatov and he called quickly.
The flop came down and Filatov checked to his opponent who put out a bet of 6,000. Filatov quickly put out a stack of orange T5,000 chips, which was enough to put his opponent all in. The player thought for a second.
"Hmmm," he said pushing his chips forward. "Ok, let's do it."
The board completed with the and and that allowed the player to double through Filatov with his flopped set of kings.
"I didn't think you had a bad hand," the player said. "But sometimes you Russians can show up with some bad hands there after you call."
While Brian Altman, Chris Hunichen and Gang Wang chipped up on Day 2a, Dennis Berglin, Anthony Hope and Said Abuqartoumy have all been eliminated. Abuqartoumy was sitting next to Ian O'Hara, who already doubled up his stack in the first two hours and some.
Bracelet winner Sam Soverel was in middle position and facing a decision for 6,500 from the player in the big blind. Soverel moved all in for about 40,000 and his opponent called.
Big blind:
Soverel had a commanding lead preflop with his kings, but that changed when the flop fell to give his opponent a set. The turn and river were no help to Soverel and his opponent took the pot to send him to the rail.
Action opened with a raise from under the gun to 2,000. His raised was called by the cutoff player, Jameson Painter on the button, and the player in the big blind as well.
The flop came down and everyone checked around to see the on the turn. The big blind checked, prompting a bet of 3,000 from the original raiser from under the gun. Action folded to Painter who made it 10,000. The big blind folded, but the original raiser called.
On the river, the original raiser checked to Painter. Painter put out a big bet of 30,000 and without thinking about it for too long the player folded, allowing Painter to take the pot.
Dmitry Ponomarev raised to 1,700 and short stack George Wedemeyer moved all in for his last 7,400. Ponomarev called and tabled , while Wedemeyer had for a coin flip.
The board ran out and Wedemayer doubled.
Below are further updated chip counts from Miranda at the end of level six.