2017 World Series of Poker

Event #60: $888 Crazy Eights No-Limit Hold'em 8-Handed
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000

Hands #24-27: Lodge Doubles Through Kramer

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #24: Alexandru Papazian raised to 500,000 from the cutoff, and that was enough to scoop the pot.

Hand #25: Action folded to James Cappuci, who jammed from the button and took down the pot.

Hand #26: Small blind Vlad Darie open-raised to 700,000, and big blind Guillaume Diaz let his hand go.

Hand #27: Under the gun, [Removed:172] made it 430,000 to go. Six folds followed, but Harry Lodge defended his big blind, calling.

Lodge checked when the {K-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{K-Spades} flop hit the felt, and Kramer moved all in. Lodge instantly called off his remaining 1,265,000 chips.

Kramer held {2-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}, while Lodge had flopped trips, showing {K-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}. He avoided the two remaining deuces on the {9-Spades} turn and {A-Clubs} river to double up.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:172] de
Harry Lodge gb
Harry Lodge
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Alexandru PapazianGuillaume DiazHarry LodgeVlad Darie

Hands #19-23: Two Flops, No Action

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #19: Alexandru Papazian limped in from early position, and Harry Lodge checked his option in the big blind. The flop came {10-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}, and Lodge checked. Papazian bet 400,000, and that shut down all further action.

Hand #20: Ioannis Angelou Konstas moved all in and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #21: Vlad Darie raised to 400,000, and all opponents folded.

Hand #22: [Removed:172] took down the blinds and antes with a raise to 430,000 from the button.

Hand #23: Darie raised to 400,000, and James Cappucci defended his big blind. On a {K-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{2-Spades} flop, Cappucci checked, and Darie's bet of 225,000 forced a fold.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:172] de
Vlad Darie ro
Vlad Darie
James Cappucci us
James Cappucci
Harry Lodge gb
Harry Lodge
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Alexandru PapazianHarry LodgeIoannis Angelou KonstasJames CappucciVlad Darie

Hands #14-18: Cappucci Shoves

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #14: [Removed:172] raised from the button, and both players in the blinds folded, leaving the pot to Kramer.

Hand #15: Kramer raised to 430,000 in the cutoff, and Alexandru Papazian called on the button. Kramer continued with a bet of 450,000 on the {5-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} flop, and Papazian gave up.

Hand #16: Vlad Darie raised to 400,000 from under the gun. Next to act was Guillaume Diaz, who three-bet to 1,350,000. Big blind Michael Tureniec was interested in the amount of the three-bet but laid his hand down after a while. Darie folded, as well.

Hand #17: Papazian limped from the hijack, and small blind Michael Tureniec, along with big blind Darie agreed to see the flop for the minimum. They checked to Papazian on the {8-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} flop, and he bet 300,000. Both of his rivals mucked.

Hand #18: James Cappucci open-shoved from the cutoff, earning the blinds and antes.

Hands #9-13: Kramer Loses Some; Cappucci Jams

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #9: [Removed:172] raised to 430,000, and Michael Tureniec defended his big blind. The flop came {K-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{10-Clubs}, and Tureniec checked. Kramer continued for the same 430,000, and Tureniec called. Both players checked the {7-Hearts} on the turn, and Tureniec's bet of 975,000 on the {4-Clubs} river won the pot.

Hand #10: Kramer made it 430,000 to go and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #11: Kramer raised to 430,000, and all opponents folded.

Hand #12: Guillaume Diaz raised to 430,000 from the button, and Kramer called in the big blind. Kramer, a German now based in Vienna, checked on the {K-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} flop, and Diaz won the pot with a continuation bet worth 400,000.

Hand #13: James Cappucci moved all in from early position. In the big blind, Alexandru Papazian asked for a count. "Just the green ones please," he said, referring to the T-100,000 chips. Cappucci's shove was for just over 2,300,000, and Papazian folded.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:172] de
Guillaume Diaz fr
Guillaume Diaz
Michael Tureniec se
Michael Tureniec
WSOP 1X Winner
James Cappucci us
James Cappucci

Tags: Alexandru PapazianGuillaume DiazJames CappucciMichael Tureniec

Level: 33

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 30,000

Updated Counts After Level 32

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

New purple T-500,000 chips will be introduced for the next level, and the chip counts of the eight remaining players are as follows.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:172] de
Vlad Darie ro
Vlad Darie
Guillaume Diaz fr
Guillaume Diaz
Alexandru Papazian ro
Alexandru Papazian
WSOP 2X Winner
Michael Tureniec se
Michael Tureniec
WSOP 1X Winner
Ioannis Angelou Konstas gr
Ioannis Angelou Konstas
Harry Lodge gb
Harry Lodge
WSOP 1X Winner
James Cappucci us
James Cappucci

Hands #6-8: Kramer Loses Showdowns

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #6: [Removed:172] raised to 340,000 from the cutoff, and Alexandru Papazian called in the small blind. The {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} board was checked through. Papazian showed {Q-Spades}{J-Diamonds} and claimed the pot.

Hand #7: Kramer raised to 340,000 again and raked in the blinds and antes.

Hand #8: Once again, Kramer started the hand with a raise to 340,000. Michael Tureniec defended his big blind.

Tureniec called another 305,000 on the {A-Spades}{5-Hearts}{10-Spades} flop, and neither of the players bet on the turn {A-Diamonds} or river {J-Diamonds}. Tureniec opened his {K-Spades}{J-Hearts} for aces and jacks, and Kramer mucked.

Tags: Alexandru PapazianMichael Tureniec

Hands #3-5: Kramer and Darie Collide

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #3: [Removed:172] raised to 340,000, and James Cappucci moved all in for just over two million chips from the hijack. Kramer gave it some thought and asked for a rough count but elected to fold.

Hand #4: Vlad Darie raised to 350,000, and Kramer defended his big blind. The flop came {K-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. Kramer checked, Darie bet 800,000, and Kramer quickly let it go.

Hand #5: Darie made it 350,000 to go from the hijack, and Kramer, in the small blind, asked for his stack before three-betting to 1,560,000. Darie called.

The flop came {A-Clubs}{J-Spades}{7-Diamonds}. Kramer continued for 1,450,000, and Darie called. Both players checked the {Q-Spades} on the turn, and Kramer bet 3,800,000 on the {7-Hearts} river. Darie went into the tank for more than four minutes without any of the players calling the clock on him. Eventually, the Romanian folded, and Kramer claimed the pot without showdown.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:172] de
Vlad Darie ro
Vlad Darie
James Cappucci us
James Cappucci

Tags: James CappucciVlad Darie

Hands #1-2: Continuation Bets Work for Papazian at Start of Official Final Table

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #1: Alexandru Papazian raised to 340,000 from the hijack, and Vlad Darie called in the big blind. Papazian took down the pot with a continuation bet on the {3-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts} flop.

Hand #2: The second hand of the offical final table followed the same pattern as the previous one. Papazian opened to 340,000, and Guillaume Diaz defended his big blind. Papazian scooped the pot on the {A-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{7-Hearts} flop, as Diaz check-folded to his bet of 300,000.

Tags: Alexandru PapazianGuillaume DiazVlad Darie