2024 World Series of Poker

Event #81: $10,000 WSOP Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
2,500,000 / 5,000,000
Players Info - Day 10
Players Left

Hands #199-201: Tamayo Flops the Joint to Double

Level 43 : Blinds 2,000,000/4,000,000, 4,000,000 ante
Jonathan Tamayo
Jonathan Tamayo

Hand #199- Jonathan Tamayo raised to 10,000,000 with J2 and Jordan Griff called with the 106.

The flop came KK5 and Griff led out for 6,000,000. Tamayo called and the 2 fell on the turn.

Griff slowed down and checked as Tamayo bet 12,000,000. Griff folded.

Hand #200- Jordan Griff with the 106 raised to 12,000,000 and Jonathan Tamayo called with J6.

Griff continued for 10,000,000 on the A43 flop and Tamayo called. The turn was the 7 and Griff won the pot with another bet of 30,000,000.

Hand #201- Jonathan Tamayo raised to 10,000,000 before Jordan Griff three-bet to 35,000,000. Tamayo then moved all in for 155,000,000.

Griff shot out of his seat and asked for a count before calling.

Jonathan Tamayo: K10 All in
Jordan Griff: 77

Griff was racing for the Main Event title, but Tamayo smacked the QJ9 flop with a straight. The 5 turn left Griff drawing dead and Tamayo secured the double up once the K completed the board.

Jordan Griff Sweats the Flop With His Wife
Jordan Griff Sweats the Flop With His Wife
Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Jordan Griff us
Jordan Griff
Day 8 Chip Leader

Tags: Jonathan TamayoJordan Griff

Hands #202-206: Tamayo Regains the Lead From Griff

Level 43 : Blinds 2,000,000/4,000,000, 4,000,000 ante

Hand #202: Jordan Griff raised to 12,000,000 with A5 and Jonathan Tamayo called from the big blind holding K9, They headed to the J43 flop on which Tamayo checked, Griff then took it down with a bet of 10,000,000.

Hand #203: Tamayo raised it up to 10,000,000 with K8 and Griff called to see the 1098 flop. Griff checked, Tamayo bet 8,000,000 and Griff folded 54.

Hand #204: Griff made it 12,000,000 to go with K8 and Tamayo folded 82.

Hand #205: Tamayo opened to 10,000,000 with Q2 and Griff three-bet 86 to 35,000,000 in order to shut down Tamayo.

Hand #206: Griff raised it up to 12,000,000 on the button again, this time Tamayo called with 97 and they headed to the 983 flop. Both checked to the 4 turn and Tamayo overbet for 30,000,000 into a pot of 28,000,000. Griff called and the 5 then came on the river.

Tamayo bet again and made it 62,000,000 to go, Griff pondered only a few seconds before sliding 104 into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Jordan Griff us
Jordan Griff
Day 8 Chip Leader

Tags: Jonathan TomayoJordan Griff

Hands #207-212: Griff Cannot Bluff Tamayo

Level 43 : Blinds 2,000,000/4,000,000, 4,000,000 ante

Hand #207: Jonathan Tamayo opened the action with a button raise to 10,000,000 with 53 and Jordan Griff called out of the big blind. The J107 flop was checked by Griff and Tamayo continued with a bet of 8,000,000, Griff called.

Fast forward to the Q turn, they both checked and the river brought the K. Griff checked and Tamayo bet 62,000,000 into a pot of 40,000,000. Griff stared at his opponent for several seconds and eventually sigh-folded K10.

Hand #208: Griff raised to 12,000,000 with 63 and Tamayo folded 95.

Hand #209: Tamayo opened to 10,000,000 and Griff called. The KK7 flop was checked by Griff and Tamayo used his usual continuation bet sizing of 8,000,000, which Griff called.

On the 7 turn, Griff opted to check once more and Tamayo knuckled it back. The river was the 4 and Griff led for 20,000,000, Tamayo called. Griff showed the 94 and Tamayo won the pot with the 107 for sevens full of kings.

Hand #210: Griff raised the button to 12,000,000 with K3 and won the big blind as well as the big blind ante, as Tamayo folded the 42.

Hand #211: Tamayo's button raise to 10,000,000 with Q5 went through uncontested, as Griff laid down the 105.

Hand #212: Griff limped in with 32 and Tamayo raised the AQ up to 20,000,000 for Griff to fold.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Jordan Griff us
Jordan Griff
Day 8 Chip Leader

Tags: Jonathan TamayoJordan Griff

Hands #213-216: Last Hands Before Break

Level 43 : Blinds 2,000,000/4,000,000, 4,000,000 ante

Hand #213- Jonathan Tamayo raised to 10,000,000 with 52, Jordan Griff three-bet to 35,000,000 holding the A4, and Tamayo folded.

Hand #214- Jordan Griff folded the 83 and Jonathan Tamayo received a walk with K2.

Hand #215- Jonathan Tamayo raised to 10,000,000 with K4 and Jordan Griff called with the 64.

The flop came J72 and Tamayo bet 8,000,000. Griff folded and Tamayo took the pot.

Hand #216- Jordan Griff raised to 12,000,000 with KQ and Tamayo defended the J10.

The flop came AAJ and Griff bet 4,000,000. Tamayo called and both players checked the 8 turn.

Tamayo led out for 13,000,000 on the 4 river and Griff folded.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Jordan Griff us
Jordan Griff
Day 8 Chip Leader

Tags: Jonathan TamayoJordan Griff

Break Time

Level 43 : Blinds 2,000,000/4,000,000, 4,000,000 ante
Heads Up
Heads Up

The players are headed on a 20-minute break.

Blinds increase to 2,500,000-5,000,000 with a 5,000,000 big blind ante once action resumes.

Level: 44

Blinds: 2,500,000/5,000,000

Ante: 5,000,000

Hands #217-220: Griff Wins Small Pots

Level 44 : Blinds 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante

Hand #217: Jonathan Tamayo raised to 12,500,000 with K3 and Jordan Griff called out of the big blind with the A5. The 1042 flop was checked by Griff and he then called a bet worth 10,000,000 by Tamayo. Both checked the 4 turn and Griff then bet the 7 river for 7,000,000, Tamayo folded.

Hand #218: Griff limped in with 33 and Tamayo checked his 72 to the J109 flop, Tamayo checked and Griff took it down with a bet of 6,000,000.

Hand #219: Tamayo raised to 12,500,000 with the 85 and Griff opted for a three-bet to 40,000,000 with 99, forcing out Tamayo.

Hand #220: Another button limp by Griff with J7 saw Tamayo check his 63 to the 975 flop. Both players checked to the K turn on which Tamayo bet 7,000,000 and Griff called. Tamayo checked the 3 river and Tamayo showed the 63, which Griff had beat holding the J7

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Jordan Griff us
Jordan Griff
Day 8 Chip Leader

Tags: Jonathan TamayoJordan Griff

Hand #221: Griff Flips Into a Commanding Lead

Level 44 : Blinds 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante
Jordan Griff
Jordan Griff

Hand #221: Jonathan Tamayo raised to 12,500,000 on the button. Jordan Griff three-bet to 38,000,000 in the big blind and Tamayo wasted little time before pushing all-in with the covering stack.

Griff called for 233,000,000 and was the player at risk in yet another coin flip.

Jordan Griff: 66 All in
Jonathan Tamayo: A8

The J63 flop gave Griff a set of sixes and he needed to avoid running hearts. His double-up was secured with the 4 turn to make the 8 river a formality.

Jordan Griff
Jordan Griff
Player Chips Progress
Jordan Griff us
Jordan Griff
Day 8 Chip Leader
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching

Tags: Jonathan TamayoJordan Griff

Hands #222-226: Tamayo Doubles Back

Level 44 : Blinds 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante
Jonathan Tamayo
Jonathan Tamayo

Hand #222- Jordan Griff limped in with the 87, Jonathan Tamayo shoved for 131,000,000 with A2, and Griff folded.

Hand #223- Jonathan Tamayo raised to 12,500,000 with J5 and Jordan Griff folded the 84.

Hand #224- Jordan Griff limped in again with the J8 and Jonathan Tamayo shoved once more, this time for 146,000,000 holding the [KsQc6]. Griff snap-folded.

Hand #225- Jonathan Tamayo with the 74 raised to 12,500,000, Jordan Griff three-bet to 40,000,000 with J5, and Tamayo folded.

Hand #226- Jordan Griff limped in and Jonathan Tamayo checked his option.

The flop came 743 and Griff bet 7,500,000. Tamayo then raised to 23,000,000 and Griff moved all in. Tamayo ripped off his hood and leaned back in his chair before committing his last 133,500,000.

Jonathan Tamayo: 87 All in
Jordan Griff: 54

Tamayo was ahead with a pair of sevens against Griff's pair of fours and straight draw. The 3 turn took away some of Griff's outs, while the 9 fell on the turn and Tamayo doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Jordan Griff us
Jordan Griff
Day 8 Chip Leader
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching

Tags: Jonathan TamayoJordan Griff

Hands #227-230: Up and Down for Griff

Level 44 : Blinds 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante

Hand #227: Jonathan Tamayo raised to 12,500,000 and Jordan Griff called with the 74. The J75 flop brought with it a check from Griff and Tamayo bet 10,000,000. What followed was the check-raise to 35,000,000 by Griff and Tamayo called after a few seconds of consideration.

They both checked the 9 turn and the 8 came on the river. Griff now bet 50,000,000 for exactly the size of the pot. Tamayo reluctantly called and was good with his J2 for top pair.

Hand #228: Griff limped the button with Q7 and Tamayo checked his 105 to the 643 flop. Tamayo checked for Griff to bet 7,500,000 and the quick call by Tamayo followed. On the Q turn, Tamayo checked and then folded when Griff bet 20,000,000

Hand #229: Tamayo raised the button to 12,500,000 with 103 and Griff three-bet his AA to 40,000,000, forcing a quick fold.

Hand #230: Griff opened to 15,000,000 with the Q2 and Tamayo called with his 83, as they headed to the 994 flop. The check by Tamayo led to Griff's bet of 12,500,000 and Tamayo stuck around to see the 5 on the turn, which he quickly checked again. Griff opted to check it back and the J rolled off on the river.

Tamayo bet 36,000,000 and Griff folded.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Tamayo us
Jonathan Tamayo
Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Jordan Griff us
Jordan Griff
Day 8 Chip Leader

Tags: Jonathan TamayoJordan Griff