2024 World Series of Poker

Dzivielevski Doubles Twice to Take the Lead

Level 32
Yuri Dzivielevski
Yuri Dzivielevski

Pot-Limit Omaha

The final two hands in PLO provide fireworks and provide as many all-ins.

Nicholas Julia raised to 400,000 on the button and Yuri Dzivielevski called from the big blind. They checked the K33 flop before Dzivielevski check-called 400,000 on the 10 turn. Dzivielevski check-called all-in after the 8 river and doubled for 995,000 with KJ103 for treys full of kings, as Julia only had AA108 for aces up.

Dzivielevski then potted to 480,000 on the button and Julia repotted to receive a call. Following the J104 flop, Dzivielevski jammed and Julia called.

Yuri Dzivielevski: 101098 All in
Nicholas Julia: 9865

"I am dead ... well, I have back doors," Julia told his rail. Dzivielevski was ahead with his set and it remained that way on the K turn and Q river.

Initially, they thought it was a split pot before they realised the error.

"We are playing for a bracelet and don't know the rules," Dzivielevski joked. With the second double-up in a row, the Brazilian mixed game specialist leaped into a narrow lead.

Player Chips Progress
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Nicholas JuliaYuri Dzivielevski