2024 World Series of Poker

Iijima Doubles Through Julia

Level 31
Masafumi Iijima
Masafumi Iijima

Omaha Hi-Lo

Masafumi Iijima was all-in for just 455,000 preflop against Nicholas Julia and in need of help.

Masafumi Iijima: K743 All in
Nicholas Julia: AQJ5

The board ran out K889J and Iijima doubled.

Yuri Dzivielevski then limped the small blind and Julia raised from the big blind. On the A84 flop, Dzivielevski check-called a bet and did so again on the 5 turn. After the 4 river, Dzivielevski checked once more and Julia bet. This time, no call followed and Julia won the pot.

Last but not least, Julia raised the small blind and Iijima called in the big blind with just 275,000 behind. Julia checked on a flop of K109 before folding to the all-in of Iijima.

Player Chips Progress
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Masafumi Iijima jp
Masafumi Iijima

Tags: Masafumi IijimaNicholas JuliaYuri Dzivielevski