2024 World Series of Poker

Julia Pulls Back Into the Lead

Level 30

Limit Hold'em

Nicholas Julia raised in the small blind and Masafumi Iijima defended the big blind. Julia bet the K86 flop for his table neighbour to call and a second bet on the A turn by Julia did the trick to win the pot uncontested.

Julia then raised the button and Yuri Dzivielevski came along in the big blind. Dzivielevski check-called the K65 flop and Q turn, then checked the 9 river. Julia checked behind and won the pot with J5 versus 105.

Dzivielevski raised from the small blind next and Julia called, but quickly folded to a bet on the Q92 flop.

Player Chips Progress
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Masafumi Iijima jp
Masafumi Iijima

Tags: Yuri DzivielevskiNicholas JuliaMasafumi Iijima