2024 World Series of Poker

Iijima Gets One Through Against Dzivielevsli

Level 29
Masafumi Iijima
Masafumi Iijima


Yuri Dzivielevsli: XxXx / 2x8x5xAx / Xx
Masafumi Iijima: XxXx / 5x4xAx7x / Xx

In a three-bet pot, Masafumi Iijima checked his lead on fourth street and Yuri Dzivielevsli bet. Iijima check-raised and Dzivielevsli called. What followed were bets by Iijima on every further street and Dzivielevsli called two times to then face the final bet of his opponent on seventh, who had just 20,000 chips behind.

Dzivielevsli went into a brief tank and folded. Iijima triumphantly raised his hands towards the rail in celebration.

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Tags: Yuri DzivielevsliMasafumi Iijima