2024 World Series of Poker

Ten-Seven Good for Dzivielevski

Level 27

No-Limit 2-7 Single Draw

Yuri Dzivielevski opened the hijack to 125,000 and Tomasz Gluszko defended his big blind.

Gluszko stood pat while Dzivielevski took one. Gluszko checked and Dzivielevski deliberated for a while before he tossed out a bet of 350,000. Gluszko did not take long before he called and Dzivielevski showed 10x7x6x5x3x which was good as Gluszko showed 10x9x.

"My hand is so face up there," bemoaned Gluszko as Dzivielevski raked in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Tomasz Gluszko pl
Tomasz Gluszko

Tags: Tomasz GluszkoYuri Dzivielevski

More For Julia

Level 27

Limit Hold'em

Nicholas Julia raised in the hijack and Scott Bohlman three-bet on the button which saw only Julia call.

The flop rolled out KJ5 and Julia check-called a bet from Bohlman.

Both players checked the turn 10 to the river 4 where Julia bet and Bohlman released his hand after some time.

Player Chips Progress
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner
Scott Bohlman us
Scott Bohlman
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: More For JuliaNicholas JuliaScott Bohlman

Julia Calls Down Dzivielevski

Level 27
Nicholas Julia
Nicholas Julia

Limit Hold'em

Yuri Dzivielevski raised and Nicholas Julia three-bet in the cutoff for the Brazilian to call. Dzivielevski then went for a check-raise on the AK3 flop for Julia to call before leading the 7 turn as well as the J river.

Julia pondered about his decision briefly and called to get shown the 55 for just a pair of fives. That was no good as Julia raked in the pot with QJ for the busted nut flush draw and rivered pair of jacks.

"Don't try this shit again, Yuri," Julia said with a big smile on the face while raking in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Nicholas JuliaYuri Dzivielevski

Ashish Gupta Eliminated in 6th Place ($33,095)

Level 27
Asish Gupta
Asish Gupta

Limit Hold'em

Scott Bohlman raised from the hijack and Ashish Gupta defended his big blind.

On the Q65 flop, Gupta check-raised a bet from Bohlman who called.

The turn brought the 5. Gupta bet, Bohlman raised, and Gupta called all-in for 285,000.

Ashish Gupta: A6 All in
Scott Bohlman: Q10

Bohlman was ahead with top pair and it stayed that way on the J river and Gupta was eliminated in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Bohlman us
Scott Bohlman
WSOP 1X Winner
Ashish Gupta au
Ashish Gupta
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Ashish GuptaScott Bohlman

Iijima Takes From Bohlman and Julia

Level 27

Limit Hold'em

Masafumi Iijima raised and Scott Bohlman three-bet from one seat over. Nicholas Julia called from the big blind, as did the initial raiser.

On the AJ2 flop, the action checked to Bohlman and he bet for both opponents to call. They checked down the 5 turn and 5 river and Julia announced a jack. Iijima revealed A7 and that won the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Masafumi Iijima jp
Masafumi Iijima
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner
Scott Bohlman us
Scott Bohlman
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Masafumi IijimaNicholas JuliaScott Bohlman

Dzivielevski Nears Five Million

Level 27

Pot-Limit Omaha

Nicholas Julia raised to 100,000 from under the gun and in the big blind, Yuri Dzivielevski three-bet to 350,000 which Julia called.

The flop rolled out 1077 and Dzivielevski bet 180,000.

Julia looked back at his hand, then threw his hand into the muck as Dzivielevski ascended higher up the counts.

Player Chips Progress
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Nicholas JuliaYuri Dzivielevski

ICM is for Poor People

Level 27

Pot-Limit Omaha

Scott Bohlman opened the hijack to 125,000 and only Tomasz Gluszko called in the cutoff.

On the 1085 flop, Bohlman led for pot of 375,000, Gluszko jammed for 840,000, and Bohlman called.

Tomasz Gluszko: A1087 All in
Scott Bohlman: AKJ6

Gluszko was ahead with top pair but Bohlman held the nut flush draw. Gluszko stayed ahead on the A turn, but Bohlman gained additional two-pair outs. However, the river was a clean 3 and Gluszko earned the full double.

Gluszko earlier announced, "Tell the world I am going to win this," as he wears a shirt reading "ICM is for Poor People".

Player Chips Progress
Tomasz Gluszko pl
Tomasz Gluszko
Scott Bohlman us
Scott Bohlman
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Scott BohlmanTomasz Gluszko

Julia Gets Iijima to Fold

Level 27


Nicholas Julia: XxXx / 6xAxAx
Masafumi Iijima: XxXx / 2xQxQx folded on fifth street

Nicholas Julia completed with a six and Masafumi Iijima raised for Julia to call. On fourth street, Julia bet his advantage and was called before both paired on fifth. Julia bet again and Iijima folded.

The player from Japan took another hit to the stack and dropped further behind chip leader Yuri Dzivielevski.

Player Chips Progress
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Masafumi Iijima jp
Masafumi Iijima
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Masafumi IijimaNicholas JuliaYuri Dzivielevski

Gupta Doubles Through Bohlman

Level 27


Ashish Gupta completed with an Ax up and Masafumi Iijima called with an 8x up. Scott Bohlman raised with a 6x, Gupta raised again, folding out Iijima and Bohlman called to put him all in.

Ashish Gupta: 6x2xAx5x7xJx2x All in
Scott Bohlman: 4x8x6x5x7x3x5x

Both players made a seven-six, but it was Gupta's that was better and he secured the double through Bohlman.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Bohlman us
Scott Bohlman
WSOP 1X Winner
Ashish Gupta au
Ashish Gupta
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Ashish GuptaMasafumi IijimaScott Bohlman

Iijima Wins Without Showdown

Level 27


Nicholas Julia completed with a 7x, Ashish Gupta called with a 4x, and Masafumi Iijima called with a 4x.

Nicholas Julia: XxXx / 7x10x3xJx - folded on sixth street
Ashish Gupta: XxXx / 4x4xKx - folded on fifth street
Masafumi Iijima: XxXx / 4x4x9x5x

Julia bet on fourth when both players paired their upcard but both players called.

On fifth, Julia bet and only Iijima called. On sixth, Julia checked and Iijima bet. Julia took some time but reluctantly folded in the end.

Player Chips Progress
Masafumi Iijima jp
Masafumi Iijima
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner
Ashish Gupta au
Ashish Gupta
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Ashish GuptaMasafumi IijimaNicholas Julia