2024 World Series of Poker

Levin Doubles Through Bramley

Level 32 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Randy Levin was moved tables and opened to 600,000 right after to get called by Lavern Fross on the button and Mark Bramley in the big blind. On the KQ7 flop, Bramley check-jammed into Levin's bet of 900,000 and Levin called.

Randy Levin: AK All in
Mark Bramley: A9

"Give me some red cards, baby," Levin demanded and was as happy about the 3 turn as well as 4 river runout. He doubled for 3,375,000 to leave Bramley short.

Player Chips Progress
Lavern Fross us
Lavern Fross
Randy Levin us
Randy Levin
Mark Bramley us
Mark Bramley

Tags: Lavern FrossMark BramleyRandy Levin