2024 World Series of Poker

Day: 2
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Rampant Arieh Sends Bush to the Rail

Level 12 : Limits 5,000/10,000, 0 ante
Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh

Josh Arieh opened from early position before Ernest Bush three-bet one seat over. Action folded back around to Arieh who called.

Arieh check-called a bet from Bush on the 3J4 flop.

Bush moved all in for his last few chips after the turn came Q and Arieh did not hesitate to put his opponent at risk.

Ernest Bush: A2All in
Josh Arieh: A10

Bush was in rough shape and found no help on the 7 river to bring his tournament to a close short of the money while Arieh added to what was already one of the largest stacks in the room.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Defending Champion
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Ernest Bush us
Ernest Bush

Tags: Ernest BushJosh Arieh

Prizepool and Payouts

Level 11 : Limits 4,000/8,000, 0 ante
Stacks of Cash
Stacks of Cash

A total of 133 players entered Event #19: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship, generating a prizepool of $1,236,900. That sum will be split among the top 20 finishers, each of whom is guaranteed $20,945 with $308,930 and a coveted WSOP gold bracelet slated to head the eventual winner's way.

Elezra Walks Away, Binks River

Level 10 : Limits 3,000/6,000, 0 ante
Eli Elezra
Eli Elezra

Picking up the action on the turn on a board reading 7662, Eli Elezra was all in and at risk from under the gun with side action ongoing between Maria Ho on the button and David Lieberman in the big blind.

Lieberman checked to Ho, who bet, prompting Elezra to stand up and walk away from the table. Lieberman made the call to see the river.

The Q rolled off the deck on the river and both Ho and Lieberman checked to showdown. Ho tabled 99, good enough to best Lieberman for the side pot but Elezra held Q10 for the rivered pair to take down the main pot. By this point, he was halfway across the room and had to be called back to the table by Ho. "Oldest trick in the book," Elezra explained to the table as he re-took his seat.

Player Chips Progress
Maria Ho us
Maria Ho
$25K Fantasy
David Lieberman us
David Lieberman
Eli Elezra il
Eli Elezra
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: David LiebermanEli ElezraMaria Ho

Arieh Back For Day 2 Looking to Defend His Title in Event #19: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship (8-Handed)

Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh

Day 2 gets underway at 1 p.m. local time at the 2024 World Series of Poker in Event #19: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship (8-Handed). Of the 104 entries, 64 bagged up for Day 2 at Paris and Horseshoe Las Vegas, with the chip leader after Day 1 being Juha Helppi with 254,000 chips.

Right behind Helppi at top of the leaderboard is Max Hoffman (237,000) in second and Mike Lang (218,000) in third. Here is the complete list of the big stacks heading into Day 2.

Top Ten Chip Counts After Day 1

1Juha HelppiFinland254,000
2Max HoffmanUnited States237,000
3Mike LangUnited States218,000
4Anthony MarsicoUnited States216,500
5Shyamsundar ChallaUnited States196,000
6Emery MartindaleUnited States186,500
7Michael MoncekUnited States179,500
8Chad EveslageUnited States176,500
9Andrew KelsallUnited States175,000
10Jon KyteNorway162,500

Five-time bracelet winner and defending champion in this event, Josh Arieh, began his title defense yesterday and managed to bag 116,000 chips. Although not among the chip leaders, Arieh has plenty of chips coming into the day and will be one of the big stories to watch during Day 2.

Some other notable names to look out for on Day 2 include Michael Moncek (179,500), Chad Eveslage (176,500), Dan Shak (152,000), David "ODB" Baker (126,500), Maria Ho (118,500), John Monnette (115,000) and Patrick Leonard (76,000).

Michael Moncek
Michael Moncek

With late registration being open through the first level of Day 2, there is expected to be many big names of the poker world joining the already star-studded field.

When action resumes on June 6, players will start out in Level 10 at the 3000-6000 betting limits. They will play eight levels with the first four levels of the day being 60 minutes and the last four being 90 minutes. There is a 15-minute break scheduled after Levels 11, 13, 15, 16, and a 60-minute dinner break after level 14.

Be sure to follow PokerNews as we will be giving live updates of notable Day 2 sign ups and cover all the action throughout the day.