2024 World Series of Poker

Day: 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
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100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 3
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John Racener Spins Shortest Stack Up to WSOP Gold in Event #19: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship

Level 25 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante
John Racener
John Racener

It wasn't quite a chip and a chair scenario but John Racener did come into Day 3 of Event #19: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship at the 2024 World Series of Poker at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas at the bottom of the chips list, in a field that contained nine WSOP bracelet winners, and a former champion in this event.

The result? His second gold bracelet to go along with $308,930 for first place.

"I am so blessed and grateful to be here" Racener said shortly after defeating Chad Eveslage in heads-up play to secure the win. "I am just so happy to be out here, being able to play and grind."

Racener attributes much of his success so far this summer to his wife, who takes care of their two sons, allowing him to be focused when he is on the road.

Another woman he made sure to mention was his late mother. "I know she is watching above me right now...she is happy as shit right now." When Racener won his first bracelet in 2017 in the $10,000 Dealer's Choice, he wore a shirt reading 'for mom' as a tribute. At the time, he said he "really wanted to win one for her" and today he doubled down.

Within the context of his poker career, Racener says this victory will help motivate him to pursue his main goal, the accolade of WSOP Player of the Year. He came close in 2017, finishing second to Chris Ferguson but with a win under his belt so early in the series, another golden opportunity has presented itself. "It's a huge start for me. Every day I'm in Vegas I'll be playing ."

Despite his goal, Racener was clear that family comes first and, above all else, "being with my kids is the most important for me."

Event #19: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrize (USD)
1John RacenerUnited States$308,930
2Chad EveslageUnited States$205,954
3Marco JohnsonUnited States$142,245
4Anthony MarsicoUnited States$101,062
5Shyamsundar ChallaIndia$73,922
6Justin KusumowidagdoUnited States$55,715
7Ronnie BardahUnited States$43,311
8Andrew KelsallUnited States$34,759

Final Day Action

Several notable players fell early in the day, including Nick Schulman (13th-$21,992) and the winner of this event in 2019, Juha Helppi (10th-$24,740). The latter's elimination set the stage for the unofficial final table of nine.

Maxx Coleman was the first casualty of the final table after being on the wrong end of a nasty cooler against Marco Johnson.

Next to go was Andrew Kelsall, who had been hovering towards the lower end of the chip counts for much of the day before succumbing to the nines of Anthony Marsico. Not long after, Ronnie Bardah got his money in good with jacks but Johnson turned trips to send the player responsible for the infamous Miss Finland hand out in seventh.

Justin Kusumowidagdo had avoided large confrontations for much of the day but eventually the limits caught up to him and he was ultimately finished off by Eveslage.

One of the early chip leaders in the day was Shyamsundar Challa. He even came into the final table with a stack comfortably north of average, but from that point on, struggled to maintain his earlier momentum. The end came in fifth when his dominating ace was outflopped by Marsico.

Marsico was next out the door, first crippled by one of his opponent's nut flush, the rest taken soon after by Racener.

That left Johnson, Racener and Eveslage to battle it out, all starting with relatively even stacks. Due to the deep stack depth at that point, three handed play continued for quite a while. However, Johnson did end up busting in third, when his flopped open ender failed to hit.

Heads-Up Play

Both Racener and Eveslage still had plenty of big bets to work with but with the time getting late, they agreed to reduce blind lengths from 90-minutes to 45-minutes.

Racener proceeded to seize control of play, eroding Eveslage until eventually he was forced all in on the flop with bottom pair against Racener's top pair. Everything seemed poised for a Racener victory, that is until Eveslage turned two pair to double.

The next few hands also went in Eveslage's favor and it suddenly looked as if Racener was in danger of coming tantalizingly close to the bracelet only for it to be snatched away at the last moment.

Those concerns were allayed, however, when Racener managed to get Eveslage all in and at risk again, this time making two pair himself to secure the victory and condemn Eveslage to a runner-up finish and a healthy $205,954 consolation prize.

This concludes coverage of Event #19: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship. Be sure to follow PokerNews as it continues to provide comprehensive coverage of the 2024 World Series of Poker at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas.

Tags: Andrew KelsallAnthony MarsicoChris FergusonJohn RacenerJuha HelppiJustin KusumowidagdoMarco JohnsonMaxx ColemanNick SchulmanShyamsundar Challa

Chad Eveslage Eliminated in 2nd Place ($205,954)

Level 25 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante
Chad Eveslage
Chad Eveslage

Chad Eveslage moved all in on the button and John Racener quickly called.

Chad Eveslage: 83 All in
John Racener: 102

Eveslage was behind and left drawing nearly dead following the 1042 flop. The Q turn confirmed his elimination in 2nd place prior to the inconsequential 7 river.

Stay tuned for a full tournament recap to follow.

Player Chips Progress
John Racener us
John Racener
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Chad Eveslage us
Chad Eveslage
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Chad EveslageJohn Racener

Marco Johnson Eliminated in 3rd Place ($142,245)

Level 22 : Limits 50,000/100,000, 0 ante
Marco Johnson
Marco Johnson

Marco Johnson raised on the button and was called by John Racener in the big blind.

The Flop came J410 and Racener checked it to Johnson who bet. Racener then raised Johnson all in, and Johnson made the call.

Marco Johnson: Q9 All in
John Racener: J5

Racener was ahead but Johnson could hit a queen or make a straight with an 8 or king to stay alive in the tournament.

The turn was the 7 and the river was the J giving Racener trips, and eliminating Johnson in 3rd place.

Player Chips Progress
John Racener us
John Racener
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Marco Johnson us
Marco Johnson
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: John RacenerMarco Johnson

Anthony Marsico Eliminated in 4th Place ($101,062)

Level 21 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Anthony Marsico
Anthony Marsico

John Racener opened from under the gun and then called after Anthony Marsico moved all in out of the small blind.

Anthony Marsico: 88 All in
John Racener: 1010

Marsico was in bad shape and was left doing the stand up routine following the 339 flop. It did not work, however, as the board completed KA to keep the tens ahead and eliminate Marsico in fourth place.

Player Chips Progress
John Racener us
John Racener
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Anthony Marsico us
Anthony Marsico

Tags: Anthony MarsicoJohn Racener

Marsico Flops a Flush; Johnson Rivers the Nut Flush

Level 21 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Marco Johnson
Marco Johnson

Marco Johnson raised on the button, before being three-bet by Anthony Marsico in the small blind. Johnson elected to make the call.

The flop came Q75 when Marsico lead out for a bet, then was raised by Johnson. Marsico made a three-bet, and Johnson called to see the turn.

After the turn which was the 2, again Marsico bet and was raised by Johnson. Just like the flop, Marsico put in the three bet, which Johnson called.

The river brought the 10 and Marsico bet and was raised by Johnson for the third straight street. Once Johnson made the raise, Marsico punched the tabled and yelled "What the F**k" before flicking in a call.

Johnson quickly flipped over A6 for the nut flush. Marsico was muttering curse words to himself before showing the table K6 for the second nut flush.

Player Chips Progress
Marco Johnson us
Marco Johnson
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Anthony Marsico us
Anthony Marsico

Tags: Anthony MarsicoMarco Johnson

Shyamsundar Challa Eliminated in 5th Place ($73,922)

Level 21 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Shyamsundar Challa
Shyamsundar Challa

Anthony Marsico opened in the small blind and Shyamsundar Challa three-bet out of the big blind. Marsico came back over the top with Challa ending up getting his remaining chips in the middle.

Shyamsundar Challa: A9 All in
Anthony Marsico: A8

Challa had Marsico dominated but the roles quickly reversed after the 586 flop. The 4 turn brought in a flush draw for Challa but the river bricked out Q to send him to the rail in fifth place.

Player Chips Progress
Anthony Marsico us
Anthony Marsico
Shyamsundar Challa us
Shyamsundar Challa

Tags: Anthony MarsicoShyamsundar Challa Eliminated

Justin Kusumowidagdo Eliminated in 6th Place ($55,715)

Level 21 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Justin Kusumowidagdo
Justin Kusumowidagdo

John Racener opened from under the gun and action folded around to Shyamsundar Challa on the button who three-bet. Justin Kusumowidagdo came in with the cold four-bet out of the small blind while things got even spicier after Chad Eveslage put in a five-bet in the big blind. Racener quickly vacated the pot but both Challa and Kusumowidagdo called to generate a large pot heading to the flop.

Kusumowidagdo moved all in on the 277 flop for less than a bet. Eveslage and Challa each wagered one bet to put Kusumowidagdo at risk and get action going on the side.

Eveslage continued to pump up the pot on the 2 turn. Challa was still not going anywhere, instead making the call.

The J river saw Eveslage get one last bet paid off by Challa as he tabled KK for a winner, with Challa holding 99. Kusumowidagdo, meanwhile, could only muster an ace-high hand to bring his deep run to a close in 6th place.

Player Chips Progress
Chad Eveslage us
Chad Eveslage
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Shyamsundar Challa us
Shyamsundar Challa
Justin Kusumowidagdo us
Justin Kusumowidagdo

Tags: Chad EveslageJohn RacenerJustin KusumowidagdoShyamsundar Challa

Ronnie Bardah Eliminated in 7th Place ($43,311)

Level 21 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Ronnie Bardah
Ronnie Bardah

Marco Johnson opened on the button and called after Ronnie Bardah three-bet out of the small blind.

Bardah bet almost as soon as the 459 flop hit the felt. Johnson raised, Bardah moved all in and his opponent called.

Ronnie Bardah: JJ All in
Marco Johnson: Q9

Bardah was in good shape to get the double, that is until the turn came 9 to improve Johnson to trips. Nothing changed on the 10 river to send Bardah out in 7th place.

Player Chips Progress
Marco Johnson us
Marco Johnson
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Ronnie Bardah us
Ronnie Bardah
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Marco JohnsonRonnie Bardah

Andrew Kelsall Eliminated in 8th place ($34,759)

Level 19 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
AJ Kelsall
AJ Kelsall

Anthony Marsico raised under the gun and action folded Andrew Kelsall on the button. Kelsall who only had 30,000 chips remaining went all in. Ronnie Badrah in the big blind called the raise from Marsico.

The flop came 556 and Bardah called once Marsico bet.

The turn was the K and Marsico bet once again and got Bardah to fold.

Andrew Kelsall: A6 All in
Anthony Marsico: 99

Kelsall was at risk and would need an ace or six to stay in the tournament. But when the river came J Kelsall was eliminated in 8th place.

Player Chips Progress
Ronnie Bardah us
Ronnie Bardah
WSOP 1X Winner
Anthony Marsico us
Anthony Marsico
Andrew Kelsall us
Andrew Kelsall
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andrew KelsallAnthony MarsicoRonnie Badrah

Maxx Coleman Eliminated in 9th Place ($28,829)

Level 19 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Maxx Coleman
Maxx Coleman

After action folded to Maxx Coleman on the button who put in a raise, Marco Johnson made a three-bet, which Coleman called.

The flop came QAK and Johnson fired out a bet, which was raised by Coleman, who only had 20,000 chips left behind. Johnson three-bet Coleman all-in, who made the call.

Maxx Coleman: KQ All in
Marco Johnson: J10

It was a cooler for Coleman who had bottom two pair vs the flopped straight of Johnson. Coleman would need a king or queen to fill up, to stay alive in the tournament.

But unfortunately for Coleman the turn came the 8 and the river was the 2 officially eliminating Coleman in 9th place.

Player Chips Progress
Marco Johnson us
Marco Johnson
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Maxx Coleman us
Maxx Coleman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Marco JohnsonMaxx Coleman