2024 World Series of Poker

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1,215,000 285,000

Table 511 seat 6

Table 532Seat 3

Mid position raises. I jam KK. Small blind calls with 99 and big blind calls with AA. Out 103rd.

2,715,000 1,535,000
Table 521Seat 1
2,930,000 1,465,000
Table 532Seat 6
1,400,000 -1,800,000
Table 521Seat 3
5,300,000 1,800,000
Table 500Seat 9
1,825,000 725,000
612,000 187,000
Table 7Seat 511
905,000 -195,000
Table 532Seat 3
1,750,000 450,000
Table 532Seat 9
425,000 -1,880,000
Table 7Seat 511

QQ < AKs aip

1,100,000 -425,000
Table 532Seat 3
3,500,000 500,000
Table 500Seat 9
1,100,000 195,000
935,000 934,225
Table 511Seat 6
1,465,000 1,030,000
Table 530Seat 2
705,000 120,000
Table 485Seat 4
1,525,000 275,000
Table 532Seat 3
930,000 130,000
1,180,000 -820,000
Table 521Seat 1
775 -959,225
Table 511Seat 6
1,300,000 360,000
Table 532Seat 9
1,250,000 -100,000
Table 532Seat 3
3,200,000 -200,000
Table 521Seat 3
2,000,000 385,000
Table 521Seat 1
940,000 440,000
Table 532Seat 9
2,305,000 775,000
Table 7Seat 511