2024 World Series of Poker

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Table 168Seat 2
1,030,000 500,000
Table 233Seat 4

Day2 !

1,530,000 955,000
Table 5Seat 506

end of day 1/start day 2

605,000 -15,000
Table 507Seat 2
1,865,000 605,000
Table 177Seat 1
Matthew Laslo photo
750,000 55,000
Table 151Seat 1
1,380,000 841,000

Tbl 158 seat 2

Rafael Reis photo
320,000 -50,000
Table 183Seat 6
Table 150Seat 2
1,260,000 759,000
Table 177Seat 1
620,000 200,000
Table 168Seat 2
370,000 90,000
Table 183Seat 6
695,000 301,000
Table 192Seat 7
1,045,000 515,000

Paris white table 170 seat 5

760,000 -260,000
480,000 215,000
Table 193Seat 7

KK va JJ all in pre-flop. Worked out

600,000 224,000
Table 147Seat 7