2023 World Series of Poker

Event #25: $10,000 Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship
Day: 4
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 4
Players Left

Ben Lamb Runs "Hotter Than the Sun" to Win Second Bracelet in Event #25: $10,000 Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship

Level 27 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante
Ben Lamb
Ben Lamb

It took just three and a half hours on the final day of Event #25: $10,000 Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship to determine a champion and Ben Lamb has become the latest card shark to earn his second WSOP gold bracelet at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas.

It was yet another record field for a Championship Event of the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP), which drew a staggering 212 unique entries, and the top 32 finishers secured a portion of the $1,971,600 prize pool.

Lamb entered the final day with a narrow lead at the top of the leaderboard and proceeded to knock out all six of his opponents to secure the live poker's most coveted prize and $492,795 for the efforts. James Chen finished as the runner-up in a brief heads-up encounter while Poker Hall of Fame member Erik Seidel was eliminated in fourth place.

Event #25: Final Table Results

PlaceWinnerCountryPrize (in USD)
1Ben LambUnited States$492,795
2James Chen (US)United States$304,571
3Luis VeladorMexico$211,715
4Erik SeidelUnited States$150,445
5Robert YassUnited States$109,340
6Brad RubenUnited States$81,317
7Johannes BeckerGermany$61,919
8James ObstAustralia$48,300

Winner's Reaction

Lamb wrapped up the victory in lightning fashion and even before the winner shots were taken, he headed over to the side feature tables to embrace Shaun Deeb on the final two tables of Event #27: $1,500 Eight Game Mix.

"I guess I am not any more confident than I was, I mean, I don't know. Cards come and go, you have a hot streak and a cold streak, and I ran hotter than the fuckin sun, which was nice. Again, I think I am playing pretty good poker. I haven't been playing a lot but when I have been playing, I have been more emotionally invested and focusing harder," Lamb clarified during the winner interview, which perfectly sums up the run-good of the now two-time champion on the final day.

Since his first WSOP victory, Lamb had a few close calls including a third-place finish in Event #28: $50,000 HIGH ROLLER Pot-Limit Omaha and a runner-up finish in Event #60: $10,000 Short Deck No-Limit Hold'em one year ago during the 2022 WSOP. Lamb described the former as "that one hurt a lot" but he has now redeemed himself in the four-card variant.

Ben Lamb
Ben Lamb's winning hand.

A potential bid for a second WSOP Player of the Year title may also be on the cards as Lamb intends to increase his volume of play. "You will definitely see me in some tournaments that I don't normally play, whether that's the $250k or the 10k Razz."

Lamb expressed his particular love for the four-card variant with the special environment it is in. Where other high-stakes competitions may be rather dull and tense, that is not necessarily the case with four cards at everyone's disposal according to Lamb: "It is a very social game. If you play PLO, it is a bunch of people in PLO cash, they like having a good time, laughing and running it twice," he clarified.

With his bracelet counter now up to two, Lamb can now change the tunes on the golf course where the banter and prop bets are flowing. Whether or not it feels sweeter to win the money on the felt or the green is still not settled, however. "In golf you just go out there and can say, you won that ... in poker, in the first hour and a half, I played good. I made like thirty wheels, I scooped so many pots. It is always that thought in the back of your mind - did I play good or run good, or a combination of both. In golf, if you win you beat them".

Having played poker for more than 16 years, the thought of earning more WSOP gold bracelets wasn't as important during the first couple of years, especially given that may change in the near future. "Now the last couple of years I got some close shots, like damn, I wanted to win another bracelet. Now to get that monkey off my back, of course, but no one is ever happy with two ... or sixteen," Lamb said with a smirk on the face.

While Lamb didn't experience any swings on the final day, making it that far was a whole different story, however, as the eventual champion endured a roller coaster ride during the late stages of Day 3.

"You know, tilt is a funny thing. I went from chip leader nine-handed to low stack nine-handed and ended up chip leader seven-handed. Everybody gets tilted, like in my mind I was yelling at everyone and could stay in a dark place but if you think logically, I think you can just make your chips. Just slow down and think before you put chips in the pot and don't let that anger win."

Action of the Final Day

The conclusion on the final day stands in stark contrast to the long hours of the previous days and last year's edition, which featured a marathon heads-up duel of more than seven hours. Lamb was the chip leader by one full bet when the action resumed but it took only one level for him to establish a commanding lead.

He first scooped Brad Ruben and then Luis Velador in quick succession before knocking out German mixed game expert Johannes Becker. In three-way action, Becker flopped the top two pair and a gutshot only to see Lamb turn over top set when the remaining chips went in after the turn. The run-good of Lamb continued when he turned a wheel against Ruben's set and flush draw to cut down the field to the final five at the end of the first level.

Erik Seidel
Erik Seidel was denied a 10th WSOP bracelet for now

Once the cards went back in the air, short stack Robert Yass quickly bowed out and Seidel became short before losing the last few chips to Lamb, too. During three-handed play, Velador tripled up while Chen was left short only for the one-time bracelet winner to become the next casualty when he couldn't beat the aces of Lamb.

Heads-up play between Lamb and Chen was a lopsided affair and the former held a lead of fifteen to one. Chen dropped all the way to just two big bets and survived three consecutive all-in showdowns via split pot before Lamb out-flopped him to seal the victory.

This concludes the PokerNews reporting for this event but you can follow the live updates of various other WSOP gold bracelet events in the 2023 WSOP hub.

Tags: Ben LambBrad RubenErik SeidelJames Chen (US)Johannes BeckerLuis VeladorRobert Yass

Chen Eliminated in 2nd Place ($304,571)

Level 27 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante
James Chen
James Chen

Short on chips, James Chen three-bet an open from Ben Lamb, with Lamb calling.

Chen would commit his remaining chips on the Q109 flop and Lamb called.

James Chen: AJ62
Ben Lamb: K1085

The dealer ran out the remaining two streets for a final board of Q10952, leaving Chen behind the two pair of Lamb and eliminating him from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
James Chen (US) us
James Chen (US)
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben LambJames Chen

Luis Velador Eliminated in 3rd Place ($211,715)

Level 26 : Limits 120,000/240,000, 0 ante
Luis Velador
Luis Velador

Short on chips, Luis Velador was roughly forced to commit his remaining chips from the big blind after a button raise from Ben Lamb and a call from James Chen in the small blind.

A side pot between Lamb and Chen would ensue after the dealer rolled out the 979 flop. Lamb bet out and Chen called. Both players checked the 10 turn and Chen would fold to a bet from Lamb on the 7 river.

Luis Velador: J1032
James Chen: JJ54
Ben Lamb: AA103

Velador didn't find the help he needed and was out in 3rd place.

The players are on a short break before starting heads-up play.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
James Chen (US) us
James Chen (US)
WSOP 1X Winner
Luis Velador mx
Luis Velador
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Ben LambJames ChenLuis Velador

Chen Doubles Through Lamb With Top Full House

Level 26 : Limits 120,000/240,000, 0 ante
James Chen
James Chen

Ben Lamb opened the action with a raise from the small blind and was met with a three-bet from James Chen in the big blind. Lamb called and the dealer put out a flop of K23.

Lamb checked-called a continuation bet from Chen and the 10 fell on the turn.

This time Lamb took the initiative and bet into Chen, who raised all-in his remaining chips.

James Chen: KKJ7
Ben Lamb: J963

The final board read K23102 and Chen would get the double-up with kings full of deuces to avoid elimination.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
James Chen (US) us
James Chen (US)
WSOP 1X Winner
Luis Velador mx
Luis Velador
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Ben LambJames Chen

Vital Triple Up for Velador

Level 26 : Limits 120,000/240,000, 0 ante
Jose Luis Velador
Jose Luis Velador

Ben Lamb raised first to act and was called by James Chen with the AJ52, Luis Velador also stuck around as they went three ways to the KJ8 flop. Chen opted to check and Velador bet. Lamb eyeballed the stack of his opponent and called, as did Chen and they headed to the 6 on the turn.

Chen checked again and Velador bet, Lamb raised and that sent Chen into the tank before he folded. Velador got it in for 635,000 and Lamb called as they flipped over their cards.

Luis Velador: KQJ8
Ben Lamb: AK72

The Q on the river failed to improve Lamb and he also missed the low to see Velador triple up while Chen was now the far shortest stack.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Luis Velador mx
Luis Velador
WSOP 2X Winner
James Chen (US) us
James Chen (US)
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben LambJames Chen (US)Luis Velador

Chen Survives All-In Against Lamb

Level 26 : Limits 120,000/240,000, 0 ante
James Chen
James Chen

Ben Lamb raised from the button and was three-bet by James Chen in the small blind. Lamb made the call and the two players took a flop of 983 which would prompt Chen to commit his remaining 105,000 chips. Lamb called and the cards were tabled.

James Chen: AQ93
Ben Lamb: 10932

The final board ran out 983J2 and Chen would survive by outkicking Lamb with the same two pair, nines and treys.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
James Chen (US) us
James Chen (US)
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben LambJames Chen

Erik Seidel Eliminated in 4th Place ($150,445)

Level 26 : Limits 120,000/240,000, 0 ante
Erik Seidel
Erik Seidel

Down to just 90,000 and on the button, Erik Seidel was all-in and looked up by Ben Lamb out of the small blind.

Erik Seidel: A752
Ben Lamb: AKJ7

The board ran out 10967K and Lamb made kings and sevens to knock out Seidel, as there was no possible low, sending the Poker Hall of Fame member to the rail in fourth place.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
James Chen (US) us
James Chen (US)
WSOP 1X Winner
Luis Velador mx
Luis Velador
WSOP 2X Winner
Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 10X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Ben LambErik Seidel

Robert Yass Eliminated in 5th Place ($109,340)

Level 26 : Limits 120,000/240,000, 0 ante
Robert Yass
Robert Yass

Shortly after the previous chop, Yass was all-in for 320,000 preflop and looked up by the run-away chip leader Ben Lamb.

Robert Yass: A733
Ben Lamb: AQ76

The J98 flop was bad news for Yass while the 5 turn locked up half the pot already. Yass then missed the low draw with the K and bowed out in fifth place.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Robert Yass us
Robert Yass

Tags: Ben LambRobert Yass

Brad Ruben Eliminated in 6th Place ($81,317)

Level 25 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante
Brad Ruben
Brad Ruben

The action started with a raise by James Chen and Brad Ruben called in the cutoff, as did Luis Velador. Once Ben Lamb called in the big blind, Velador joked "oh no, not that guy again" and Lamb replied "I probably gonna buy it" before they headed to the AK3 flop.

Lamb bet and that forced out Chen while Ruben then opted to raise. Velador got out of the way and Lamb inquired how much Ruben had behind before he called.

"You got four?!" Lamb asked once more and Ruben nodded when they were on the 2 turn. Lamb then bet, Ruben got it in and was snapped off.

Brad Ruben: A722
Ben Lamb: AQ54

Lamb had hit gin on the turn with the wheel and nut low but wasn't secured the entire pot yet against a set and flush draw. However, the J river was a brick and that knocked out Ruben in sixth place in the last hand before the first break.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
James Chen (US) us
James Chen (US)
WSOP 1X Winner
Luis Velador mx
Luis Velador
WSOP 2X Winner
Brad Ruben us
Brad Ruben
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Ben LambBrad RubenJames Chen (US)Luis Velador

Johannes Becker Eliminated in 7th Place ($61,919)

Level 25 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante
Johannes Becker
Johannes Becker

Ben Lamb raised in the cutoff and was called by Johannes Becker in the small blind and Erik Seidel in the big blind.

"How much do you have?" Lamb inquired and Becker replied he started the hand with 900k. The flop came AK9 and it checked to Lamb, who bet. Becker mulled it over to then check-raise for Seidel to fold and Lamb made it three bets to earn a call from Becker.

On the 8 turn, Becker had fewer than two bets behind and bet, Lamb raised and the German called it off.

Johannes Becker: AKQ10
Ben Lamb: AA94

Becker was in dire shape with his top two pair and needed a jack to survive, as he held no low draw. The 5 fell on the river and ended his run in seventh place for $61,919.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
Day 3 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 10X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Johannes Becker de
Johannes Becker
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben LambErik SeidelJohannes Becker