2023 World Series of Poker

Event #21: $1,000 Pot-Limit Omaha
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
200,000 / 400,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Dentale Flops a Boat

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Michael Dentale
Michael Dentale

Suk Bang opened to 60,000 from early position and Michael Dentale called. Chris Ginley then moved his final 79,000 chips into the middle from the big blind, with both Bang and Dentale making the call.

then flop of QKQ saw Dentale bet 100,000, only to see Bang pot it to 572,000. Dentale then moved all in for 869,000 and Bang called.

Chris Ginley: AAJ10
Michael Dentale: KQ98
Suk Bang: QJ103

Dentale had flopped a full house, with the 4 turn and 5 river changing nothing. Ginley was eliminated, while Dentale left Bang on the short stack.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Dentale us
Michael Dentale
Suk Bang us
Suk Bang
Day 1 Chip Leader
Chris Ginley us
Chris Ginley

Tags: Chris GinleyMichael DentaleSuk Bang

Level: 22

Blinds: 10,000/25,000

Ante: 25,000

Spurlin of the Moment

Level 22 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Jordan Spurlin
Jordan Spurlin

There must have been something in the air. A series of pot sized raises somehow left Michael Whitton all in, along side Suk Bang who had started the day with the chip lead, Jordan Spurlin got his chips in the middle and by the time it got back to Michael Dentale, there were three players' chip stacks sitting in front of them. Dentale was in a position where he could score a triple knock out if his hand could catch. Dentale did make the call after some deliberation.

Suk Bang: KQ48
Jordan Spurlin: KK47
Michael Whitton: AAJ2
Michael Dentale: 5432

One of Dentale's table mates chimed in that he wasn't in too bad of shape. The board then ran out J27 which didn't help anyone in particular, but when the 7 rolled off it put Spurlin in position to quadruple up. The river was a brick and Spurlin scooped a pot well over 2,000,000 in chips.

"Nice hand, kiddo.", said Dentale as he shrugged off the situation.

Bang was eliminated and Whitton was left with only a couple chips, which he lost a few hands later.

Player Chips Progress
Jordan Spurlin us
Jordan Spurlin
Michael Dentale us
Michael Dentale
Suk Bang us
Suk Bang
Day 1 Chip Leader
Michael Whitton us
Michael Whitton

Elezra Eliminated by Gorodinsky

Level 22 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Eli Elezra
Eli Elezra

Eli Elezra fired a bet of 85,000 on the 5J3 flop, which was called by Hyndi Khomutetsky in the small blind. Mike Gorodinsky then raised the pot from the big blind, with Elezra moving all in behind. Khomutetsky took a moment before getting out of the way.

Eli Elezra: AJ43
Mike Gorodinsky: AKKJ

Elezra was in the lead with two pair, but the 2 turn gave Gorodinsky a flush. "Not that deuce" said Elezra, as the 10 completed the board to end his tournament run.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Gorodinsky us
Mike Gorodinsky
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Hyndi Khomutetsky us
Hyndi Khomutetsky
Eli Elezra il
Eli Elezra
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Eli ElezraHyndi KhomutetskyMike Gorodinsky

Level: 23

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 30,000

Khomutetsky is Here and Alive

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Hyndi Khomutetsky
Hyndi Khomutetsky

Cards were on their backs and three players had the chips in the middle.

Middle Position: A5K9
Hyndi Khomutetsky: AQA7
Mike Gorodinsky: QJ109

The flop rolled 667 and Khomutetsky was further in the lead when the 7 came on the turn. The only card she needed to fade on the river was a heart and the 4 obliged.

"Thank the baby poker Jesus!", said Khomutetsky before she had another sip of her beer. It seems we won't be able to let this lady slide under the radar any longer, as she now has well over a million in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Hyndi Khomutetsky us
Hyndi Khomutetsky
Mike Gorodinsky us
Mike Gorodinsky
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Hyndi KhomuteskyMike Goroninsky