2022 World Series of Poker

Event #69: $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha 8-Handed Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Event #69: $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha 8-Handed Championship

Day 3 Completed

Shiva Dudani Rides Post-Dinner Heater to Final Five Chip Lead of $10,000 PLO Championship

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Shiva Dudani
Shiva Dudani

After a fast-paced day with bursts of lightning-quick eliminations, just five players remain to vie for the title in WSOP Event #69: $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Championship (8-Handed).

The man to beat will be two-time WSOP Circuit ring winner Shiva Dudani of Chicago, Illinois, who lit the tournament on fire after dinner, winning the two largest pots of the event to first take the chip lead, and then solidify it to bring 15,650,000 into Tuesday’s Day 4.

Michael Duek will go in with the second-most chips (9,405,000), while Tom Hu, who had the chip lead for much of the evening until he lost a huge pot to Dudani, comes in third with 7,330,000.

Tuesday’s final five will be playing for the $1,246,770 top prize and one of the most prestigious of World Series of Poker bracelets available.

Seat Assignments for the Final Day

SeatPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Joachim HaraldstadNorway3,580,00030
2Sean TrohaUnited States5,045,00042
3Tom HuUnited States7,330,00061
4Shiva DudaniUnited States15,650,000130
5Michael DuekArgentina9,405,00078

Day 3 Recap

Michael Duek
Michael Duek

The day began with 39 contestants, but that field was quickly whittled down by the first break with nine players sent to the rail, and not long after that the field was down to the three-table redraw with Duek’s elimination of Tommi Lankinen that saw him move up the leaderboard early in the day.

The next round of eliminations that led up to the dinner break included several notables, including Brandon Adams (24th), Jeff Madsen (19th), and David Coleman (17th).

Post-Dinner Bustout Bonanza

Tom Hu
Tom Hu

The PokerNews reporting team was unsure of what the final 12 players had for dinner, but whatever they ate inspired them to come out blasting their stacks, with double-ups and eliminations in quick succession, leading to a final table within an hour.

As mentioned, Hu had built up a healthy chip lead until Dudani doubled through him, then eliminated Thair Kallabat in a pair of ten million chip pots to wrap up Day 3 play before midnight.

Final Table Results and Remaining Payouts

PlaceWinnerCountryPrize (in USD)
1  $1,246,770
2  $770,556
3  $548,015
4  $395,465
5  $289,630
6Thair KallabatUnited States$215,326
7Nitesh RawtaniUnited States$162,542
8Toby LewisUnited Kingdom$124,611

A Champion Will Be Crowned Tuesday

Play will resume Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Bally’s Event Center with 11:09 remaining in Level 28 (blinds 60,000/ 120,000/ 120,000 big blind ante).

The final five will play down to a winner and the PokerNews live reporting team will be there for all the action as the largest PLO Championship event in the history of the World Series of Poker determines a champion.

Stay tuned for all the excitement from this and every event from the 53rd World Series of Poker from its new home at Bally’s and Paris Las Vegas.

Tags: Brandon AdamsDavid ColemanJeff MadsenJoachim HaraldstadMichael DuekNitesh RawtaniSean TrohaShiva DudaniThair KallabatToby LewisTom HuTommi Lankinen

End-of-Day 3 Counts

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

The five finalists will be back at 2pm local time on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 and determine the winner of the record-breaking WSOP $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Championship.

A recap of today's action is to follow.

Player Chips Progress
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani
Day 3 Chip Leader
Michael Duek ar
Michael Duek
Day 2 Chip Leader
Tom Hu us
Tom Hu
Sean Troha us
Sean Troha
WSOP 3X Winner
Joachim Haraldstad no
Joachim Haraldstad

Thair Kallabat Eliminated in 6th Place ($215,326)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Thair Kallabat
Thair Kallabat

Shiva Dudani has sent the final five players home for the night and extended his now massive chip lead with the elimination of Thair Kallabat.
Kallabat opened to 350,000 from the button and was met with a pot-sized three-bet to 1,170,000 by Dudani.

Kallabat came back with a pot-sized four-bet to 3,630,000, leaving himself approximately 1,700,000 behind.
Dudani opted to just call, but after a flop of {6-Spades}{k-Clubs}{q-Clubs}, Kallabat stuck the rest of it in and was instantly called.

Thair Kallabat: {a-Spades}{a-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{4-Clubs}
Shiva Dudani: {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}

Kallabat was actually well ahead with his aces, flush draw and gutshot Broadway draw, while Dudani's red cards had only second pair and his own gutshot Broadway draw, partially blocked by Kallabat's ten.

The turn {8-Hearts} changed nothing, but one of those three remaining tens magically fell on the river with the {10-Spades} to eliminate Kallabat and end the night with Dudani well in the chip lead as those final five players bag up for the night.

Player Chips Progress
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani
Day 3 Chip Leader
Michael Duek ar
Michael Duek
Day 2 Chip Leader
Tom Hu us
Tom Hu
Sean Troha us
Sean Troha
WSOP 3X Winner
Joachim Haraldstad no
Joachim Haraldstad
Thair Kallabat us
Thair Kallabat

Tags: Shiva DudaniThair Kallabat

Hu Chips Up Through Haraldstad

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Joachim Haraldstad raised to 300,000 in the hijack and Tom Hu then reraised the pot to 1,080,000 on the button. The reluctant call by Haraldstad followed and the flop came {j-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{3-Clubs} and Haraldstad checked before folding when Hu bet 700,000.

Player Chips Progress
Tom Hu us
Tom Hu
Joachim Haraldstad no
Joachim Haraldstad

Tags: Joachim HaraldstadTom Hu

Duek Chips Up With Very Aggressive Play

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Tom Hu opened the action with a raise to 350,000 in the cutoff to get called by Thair Kallabat on the button and Michael Duek in the big blind. The flop brought {8-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{4-Clubs} and Duek bet 450,000 to force two folds.

Shiva Dudani then raised to 350,000 on the button and Duek raised the pot to take it down.

Duek raised on the button to win the blinds.

Dudani then raised to 350,000 once more and Duek potted from one seat over to claim the next pot uncontested.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Duek ar
Michael Duek
Day 2 Chip Leader
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani
Day 3 Chip Leader
Tom Hu us
Tom Hu
Thair Kallabat us
Thair Kallabat
Sean Troha us
Sean Troha
WSOP 3X Winner
Joachim Haraldstad no
Joachim Haraldstad

Tags: Michael DuekShiva DudaniThair KallabatTom Hu

Dudani Doubles Through Hu in Biggest Pot of the Tournament

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Shiva Dudani
Shiva Dudani

Shiva Dudani raised to 350,000 in first position and was called by chip leader Tom Hu in the small blind.

Hu checked the {q-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{j-Clubs} flop, then called a bet of 550,000 from Dudani.

The fireworks really came on the {3-Diamonds} turn as after Hu checked, Dudani bet the size of the pot (2,060,000). Hu then check-raised pot, covering Dudani's 4,725,000 total remaining. Dudani called and their monsters were revealed with Dudani at risk.

Shiva Dudani: {a-Spades}{a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}
Tom Hu: {k-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}

Dudani had aces with a club draw and a gutshot Broadway draw, while Hu had top two pair with a diamond draw.

Dudani's flush came in on the river with the {3-Clubs}, sending the over 11 million chip pot to the new chip leader of the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani
Day 3 Chip Leader
Tom Hu us
Tom Hu

Tags: Shiva DudaniTom Hu

Haraldastad Wins Showdown Pot Against Dudani

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Shiva Dudani raised to 350,000 on the button and was called by Joachim Haraldstad in the big blind. The {9-Spades}{6-Hearts}{5-Hearts} flop was checked and the same also applied for the {9-Hearts} turn. Haraldstad bet the {k-Hearts} river for 200,000 and Dudani reluctantly called to then muck when the Norwegian tabled the {a-Spades}{8-Spades}{7-Spades}{4-Clubs}.

Tom Hu then raised to 300,000 from under the gun and picked up a call by Sean Troha out of the big blind. Once the {5-Spades}{4-Spades}{3-Diamonds} flop appeared, Troha checked and subsequently folded when facing a bet worth 400,000 by Hu.

Haraldstad limped the next button and Hu checked out of the big blind. The {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} flop brought a check by Hu, a bet worth 200,000 by Haraldstad and a fold.

Player Chips Progress
Tom Hu us
Tom Hu
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani
Day 3 Chip Leader
Sean Troha us
Sean Troha
WSOP 3X Winner
Joachim Haraldstad no
Joachim Haraldstad

Tags: Joachim HaraldstadSean TrohaShiva DudaniTom Hu

Duek Is Ready to Duel

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Michael Duek
Michael Duek

The most active player at the final table has been Michael Duek, who has been raising most pots folded to him. This was the case again as he opened from the hijack for 300,000, with only Thair Kallabat sticking around to defend his big blind.

On the {j-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{7-Hearts} flop, the action was checked through, but after Kallabat led out for 300,000 on the {k-Hearts} turn, Duek raised to 1,200,000.

Kallabat paused briefly then folded, sending the pot to Duek.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Duek ar
Michael Duek
Day 2 Chip Leader
Thair Kallabat us
Thair Kallabat

Tags: Michael DuekThair Kallabat

Quick Hands Without Major Drama

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Joachim Haraldstad raised it up to 300,000 on the button and Tom Hu three-bet to 960,000 in the big blind. No call followed and the pot was shipped to Hu.

Sean Troha then raised to 300,000 and Thair Kallabat defended the big blind. They checked it down all the way on the {k-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{6-Spades} board and Kallabat won the pot with the {8-Spades}{7-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{3-Spades}.

Troha's next raise to 300,000 was called by Shiva Dudani in the big blind. On a flop of {a-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}, Dudani checked and got out of the way when Troha bet.

Hu then earned another two quick pots as he continued the aggressive playing style. Troha recovered some of the previous losses while Michael Duek and Haraldstad have suffered some losses.

Player Chips Progress
Tom Hu us
Tom Hu
Thair Kallabat us
Thair Kallabat
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani
Day 3 Chip Leader
Michael Duek ar
Michael Duek
Day 2 Chip Leader
Sean Troha us
Sean Troha
WSOP 3X Winner
Joachim Haraldstad no
Joachim Haraldstad

Tags: Joachim HaraldstadMichael DuekSean TrohaShiva DudaniThair KallabatTom Hu