2019 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
2,000,000 / 4,000,000

Main Feature Hands #19-24: Another Showdown Win for Gates

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Garry Gates
Garry Gates

Hand #19: Robert Heidorn raised to 1,100,000 from the cutoff and Henry Lu in the small blind made it 3,000,000 total. Heidorn gave it some consideration and folded.

Hand #20: First to act, Garry Gates made it 1,100,000 to go and Lu three-bet the second time, for 2,800,000 in total. Gates called and they headed to a {q-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} flop, on which Gates checked and faced a bet of 2,000,000. Gates came along and the {10-Spades} turn paired the board.

Gates and Lu checked through to the {q-Hearts} river and no betting action followed, Gates tabled {k-Clubs}{j-Clubs} and that won the pot.

Hand #21: From under the gun, [Removed:140] raised to 1,000,000 and Hossein Ensan called in the hijack. Gates in the big blind made it three ways to the {7-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} flop and they checked to the {k-Diamonds} turn, on which Ensan took the betting lead with 1,500,000. Gates check-folded and Rau called to see the {3-Clubs} river.

Rau checked once more and Ensan bet 4,650,000, sending Rau deep into the think tank. A fold by Rau followed and the pot was pushed to Ensan.

Hand #22: Lu raised to 1,100,000 and found no resistance.

Hand #23: Michael Niwinski opened to 1,000,000 in the hijack and picked up the blinds and antes.

Hand #24: Timothy Su raised to 1,100,000 and Ensan defended the big blind to a {q-Spades}{6-Clubs}{2-Clubs} flop. Ensan checked and a bet of Su for 750,000 ended the hand right there.

Player Chips Progress
Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Timothy Su us
Timothy Su
Day 5 Chip Leader
Garry Gates us
Garry Gates
Robert Heidorn de
Robert Heidorn
Henry Lu us
Henry Lu
Michael Niwinski ca
Michael Niwinski
[Removed:140] at

Tags: Garry GatesHenry LuHossein EnsanMichael NiwinskiRobert HeidornTimothy Su

Secondary Feature Hands #21-27: Marchington Four-Bet Shoves on Cai

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Hand #21: Kevin Maahs opened for 1,100,000 under the gun and Alex Livingston called a couple of seats over. Milos Skrbic came along from the big blind and {9-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{5-Hearts} flopped. Maahs bet 700,000 and only Livingston continued to the {2-Diamonds} turn. Maahs slowed down with a check and Livingston bet 2,700,000. Maahs let it go.

Hand #22: Livingston raised to 1,200,000 million second to act and folded to a Skrbic three-bet to 5,450,000 from the small blind.

Hand #23: Skrbic made it 1,250,000 on the button. Nick Marchington three-bet to 4,900,000 in the big blind. Skrbic peeled and they saw a {q-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{6-Clubs} flop. Marchington continued for 3,400,000 and Skrbic stuck around for a {q-Hearts} turn. Skrbic bet 4,000,000 and Marchington let it go.

Hand #24: Dario Sammartino raised to 1,100,000 second to act and took the pot.

Hand #25: Skrbic raised to 1,000,000 second to act and Marchington made it 3,200,000 million on the button. Skrbic let him have this round.

Hand #26: Marchington opened for 1,100,000 in the cutoff. Zhen Cai made it 5,200,000 out of the small blind. Marchington crammed it in for 19,600,000, about two-thirds of Cai's stack. Cai didn't need long before giving it up.

Hand #27: Sammartino completed the blind and Skrbic checked. Sammartino bet 600,000 on the {8-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} flop and Skrbic continued to the {2-Clubs} turn. Sammartino kept the aggression up with a bet of 2,000,000 and Skrbic conceded.

Tags: Alex LivingstonDario SammartinoKevin MaahsMilos SkrbicNick MarchingtonZhen Cai

Main Feature: Gates Doubles Through Ensan

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Garry Gates
Garry Gates

Hand #18: Garry Gates raised to 1,200,000 from the hijack, Hossein Ensan three-bet to 3,750,000 from the small blind, Gates four-bet to 10,000,000, Ensan five-bet to a covering amount and Gates called all in for 23,500,000.

Gates: {k-Clubs}{k-Spades}
Ensan: {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

Gates faced a similar situation yesterday, although he was on the other side of the race with ace-king and needed to catch to survive.

The flop was {8-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{3-Hearts}, keeping Gates in the lead with his pair of kings.

The turn was the {2-Diamonds}, leaving Ensan with just three outs to take an overwhelming chip lead.

The river was the {j-Clubs}, safe for Gates to double through Ensan and move into fourth place on the leaderboard.

Player Chips Progress
Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Timothy Su us
Timothy Su
Day 5 Chip Leader
Garry Gates us
Garry Gates
Robert Heidorn de
Robert Heidorn
Henry Lu us
Henry Lu
[Removed:140] at
Michael Niwinski ca
Michael Niwinski

Tags: Garry GatesHossein Ensan

Christopher Barton Eliminated in 14th Place ($500,000)

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Christopher Barton
Christopher Barton

Secondary Table Hand #20: Milos Skrbic raised to 1,000,000 from under the gun and Christopher Barton shoved on the button for 6,050,000. The blinds folded quickly and Skrbic snap-called.

Christopher Barton: {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts}
Milos Skrbic: {10-Spades}{10-Hearts}

The flop came {9-Clubs}{q-Spades}{7-Diamonds} which didn't change things.

The turn was the {2-Spades} which meant only another ace or king could save Barton's tournament life.

The river completed the board with the {5-Spades} which wasn't what Barton was looking for as he was eliminated in 14th place for $500,000.

Christopher Barton
Christopher Barton
Player Chips Progress
Milos Skrbic rs
Milos Skrbic
Christopher Barton us
Christopher Barton

Tags: Christopher BartonMilos Skrbic

Main Feature Hands #16-17: One for Rau and One for Ensan

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Hand #16: [Removed:140] raised to 1,500,000 from the small blind and Robert Heidorn folded his big blind.

Hand #17: Garry Gates raised to 1,100,000 from the cutoff and Hossein Ensan called from the big blind.

The flop was {a-Spades}{q-Spades}{j-Spades} and Ensan check-called 1,100,000 from Gates.

The turn was the {a-Hearts}, Ensan led for 1,100,000 and Gates folded.

Tags: Garry GatesHossein EnsanRobert Heidorn

Secondary Feature Hands #14-19: Barton Getting Short

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Hand #14: Dario Sammartino completed his small blind and Milos Skrbic raised to 2,300,000 in the big blind. Sammartino folded his hand.

Hand #15: Alex Livingston raised to 1,100,000 from mid-position and that was enough to pick up the blinds and ante.

Hand #16: Skrbic raised to 1,250,000 from the button and Nick Marchington defended his big blind. The flop came {2-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}, Marchington check-folded to the 900,000 continuation-bet of Skrbic.

Hand #17: Sammartino raised to 1,100,000 from the hijack and got no action.

Hand #18: Marchington raised to 1,100,000 from the button and Christopher Barton shoved in the big blind for 4,450,000. Marchington heard how much it was for and decided to fold.

Hand #19: Skrbic raised to 1,000,000 from mid-position Zhen Cai called in the big blind. The flop came {10-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{8-Clubs}, they both checked to see the {3-Clubs} land on the turn. Cai bet 1,600,000 and that was enough to make Skrbic fold.

Player Chips Progress
Milos Skrbic rs
Milos Skrbic
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
WSOP 1X Winner
Zhen Cai us
Zhen Cai
Nick Marchington gb
Nick Marchington
Day 6 Chip Leader
Kevin Maahs us
Kevin Maahs
Alex Livingston ca
Alex Livingston
WSOP 2X Winner
Christopher Barton us
Christopher Barton

Tags: Alex LivingstonChristopher BartonDario SammartinoMilos SkrbicNick MarchingtonZhen Cai

Timothy Su Aims for Proficiency as He Nears the Final Table

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Timothy Su
Timothy Su

As a recreational player with only $2,467 in lifetime tournament cashes, Timothy Su might seem like a long shot to win this year's WSOP Main Event. But the Boston-based software engineer has impressively wielded a big stack from start to finish, and, with over 100 million chips nearing the final table, he shows no signs of slowing down.

"I'm proud," he said of nimbly navigating the 8,569-player starting field. "When the big blind is the starting stack... to think that's what we all started with is unreal."

Originally from Allentown, Pennsylvania, Su is a self-professed "nerd" whose favorite pastimes—playing the oboe, reading, and listening to Tchaikovsky—might seem to be at odds with poker-playing. But nothing could be further from the truth for Su, who sees plenty of parallels between music, poker, and software engineering. "Fundamentally, you can treat everything with a mindset aimed at being proficient," he told PokerNews. "Practice, problem-solving, and thinking things through. Taking your time."

Su played poker casually in dorm room games at Northeastern University. After graduating, he was torn between a career as a musician and and as a software engineer. Eventually he settled on the latter path. But he kept playing music and—of course—poker as well.

Key Hands

Su got off to a blazing start in his first-ever Main Event. He finished Day 1a with 297,000 chips and was the Day 2ab chip leader. He kept accumulating chips and eliminating talented opponents. On Day 3, he busted high-stakes phenom Igor Kurganov in a set-over-set cooler. On Day 5, he busted three-time bracelet winner Brian Yoon with aces over Yoon's kings. And on Day 6, in a hand that the poker world is still buzzing about, he eliminated Sam Greenwood when he shoved all-in on the turn with a straight draw and got lucky on the river.

“There wasn’t much thought that honestly went into it,” Su said of his decision afterward. “It was near a pay jump and I thought he could have a lot of hands that he would probably bet-fold. When he flipped [two aces] over, I think he had one of the best hands to call it off with. So, kudos to him. And then the cards just determined where the money went.”




Throughout the tournament, Su has adopted a jovial, chatty demeanor at the tables. As the hand against Sam Greenwood demonstrates, he's also willing to take an aggressive, creative approach when the situation calls for it. Where does this mindset come from? Maybe it links to his background in music and improvisation. Or maybe, as an exuberant member of his rail called out, "He's a killer! Bracelet or bust!"

Hearing those words, Su shook his head and said, smiling, "I'm just trying to play well."

Tags: WSOP Main Event

Main Feature Hands #11-15: Niwinski Bests Gates At Showdown

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Hand #11: Michael Niwinski opened to 1,100,000 first to act and earned the blinds and big blind ante.

Hand #12: Robert Heidorn raised the cutoff to 1,100,000 and found no resistance.

Hand #13: Hossein Ensan opened the action with a raise to 1,000,000 in the cutoff and Henry Lu three-bet to 2,600,000 from the button. The blinds got out of the way and Ensan called. On a flop of {q-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{4-Spades}, Ensan checked and faced a bet of 1,800,000 by Lu, which he called.

The {k-Spades} followed on the turn and Ensan checked the second street in a row, this time Lu checked back and they saw the {k-Hearts} appear on the river. Suddenly, Ensan bet enough to put Lu all in for the last 17,400,000 and Lu folded. The {a-Clubs}{10-Clubs} were shown and the German rail responded with a loud "jaaaaa."

Hand #14: Niwinski raised to 1,100,000 on the button and Garry Gates called from the big blind. On the {q-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{5-Clubs} flop, both players quickly checked and the {2-Diamonds} turn was also checked through. The {5-Hearts} river completed the board and Gates now bet 1,300,000 to receive a quick call from Niwinski.

Gates tabled {6-Hearts}{x-} and Niwinski claimed the pot with {q-Spades}{10-Clubs} for queens and fives.

Hand #15: Timothy Su raised to 1,100,000 on the button, which won the blinds and big blind ante.

Player Chips Progress
Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Timothy Su us
Timothy Su
Day 5 Chip Leader
Garry Gates us
Garry Gates
Robert Heidorn de
Robert Heidorn
Henry Lu us
Henry Lu
[Removed:140] at
Michael Niwinski ca
Michael Niwinski

Tags: Garry GatesHenry LuHossein EnsanMichael NiwinskiRobert HeidornTimothy Su

Secondary Feature Hands #7-13: Skrbic Getting Rolling

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Hand #7: Nick Marchington opened for 1,100,000 second to act. Zhen Cai three-bet to 4,000,000 in the cutoff. Milos Skrbic won the pot with a cold four-bet to 10,700,000 out of the big blind.

Hand #8: Skrbic limped in on the button. Marchington checked his option and they saw a board of {2-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{9-Hearts} for the minimum. Skrbic won with a bet of 1,000,000 on the turn.

Hand #9: Cai raised to 1,200,000 in middle position and Skrbic made it 3,900,000 on the button. That was enough to rake in his third straight pot.

Hand #10: Sammartino raised to 1,100,000 in middle position. Marchington called in the small blind and Alex Livingston in the big came along for an {8-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop. Sammartino continued for 1,400,000 and Livingston called. They both checked the {8-Clubs} and the {5-Spades} and Livingston's {q-Spades}{9-Clubs} was good.

Hand #11: Skrbic raised to 1,000,000 and won the pot from middle position.

Hand #12: Livingston raised to 1,100,000 on the button. He won the pot.

Hand #13: Cai completed the blind and Sammartino checked. They saw {2-Spades}{a-Spades}{3-Hearts}{q-Diamonds} for the minimum and Cai won with a bet of 650,000.

Player Chips Progress
Milos Skrbic rs
Milos Skrbic

Tags: Alex LivingstonMilos SkrbicNick MarchingtonZhen Cai