2019 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
2,000,000 / 4,000,000

Perfect Start for Hansen

Level 11 : 1,200/2,400, 2,400 ante
Gus Hansen
Gus Hansen

Gus Hansen has already more than quadrupled his stack during Day 3. Hansen first doubled up in a flip when his pocket sevens held against ace-ten.

Another huge addition saw him rise through the provisional standing when Gregory Kary opened to 5,200 in middle position and Hansen flatted in the cutoff. Todd Comeens squeezed to 21,700 out of the small blind and Kary called. Hansen thought about the situation for a while and then he decided to join them to the flop.

It fell {8-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{6-Clubs} and Comeens didn't waste a second before pushing forward his remaining 165,000 or so. Kary quickly folded but Hansen said, "Alright," and flicked in a chip.

Comeens had {k-Spades}{k-Clubs} but Hansen was ahead with {8-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. The rest of the board ran out {10-Spades} and {8-Clubs} and Hansen eliminated Comeens, improving to 425,000.

Player Chips Progress
Gus Hansen dk
Gus Hansen
WSOP 1X Winner
Todd Comeens us
Todd Comeens

Tags: Gregory KaryGus HansenTodd Comeens

Schulz Forces Out Harman

Level 11 : 1,200/2,400, 2,400 ante

Jen Harman bet 5,000 from the cutoff on {5-Clubs}{q-Clubs}{4-Hearts} and Robert Schulz check-raised to 16,500 from the big blind. Harman peeled and both checked the {9-Diamonds}, bringing a {9-Clubs}. Schulz bet 34,000 and Harman counted out calling chips before going the other way and mucking.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Schulz de
Robert Schulz
WSOP 1X Winner
Jen Harman us
Jen Harman
WSOP 2X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Jen HarmanRobert Schulz

Rourke Doubles Through Davies

Level 11 : 1,200/2,400, 2,400 ante
Seth Davies
Seth Davies

Christopher Rourke raised to 6,000 from the hijack, Seth Davies three-bet to 16,000 from the small blind, Rourke tanked for a bit before he four-bet shoved for about 39,000 and Davies called.

Rourke: {q-Spades}{q-Diamonds}
Davies: {a-Spades}{j-Spades}

The board ran out {q-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}, giving Rourke a set of queens to double through Davies.

Player Chips Progress
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
$25K Fantasy
Christopher Rourke us
Christopher Rourke

Tags: Christopher RourkeSeth Davies

Semin and Littleton Out as Greenberg Picks Up Aces

Level 11 : 1,200/2,400, 2,400 ante
Mikhail Semin
Mikhail Semin

Lawrence Greenberg started the day with just under 100,000 chips but has almost doubled that after the elimination of two opponents.

Murray Littleton started the day with less than ten big blinds, and Mikhail Semin with less than thirty, but the three got their chips in early in the first level.

Lawrence Greenberg: {a-Clubs}{a-Spades}
Murray Littleton: {k-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}
Mikhail Semin: {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}

The board was {q-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{7-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{5-Spades} with Aces holding to send both Littleton and Semin to the rail.

"At least you got the turn," someone said to Littleton who let out a wry chuckle.

"A good start to the day!" another player said to Greenberg as he stacked his chips.

Player Chips Progress
Lawrence Greenberg us
Lawrence Greenberg
Murray Littleton nz
Murray Littleton
Mikhail Semin ru
Mikhail Semin

Tags: Lawrence GreenbergMikhail SeminMurray Littleton

Two Birds, One Stone for Couden

Level 11 : 1,200/2,400, 2,400 ante
Joey Couden
Joey Couden

Bracelet winner Joey Couden was involved in three-way action on a board reading {j-Spades}{8-Clubs}{5-Spades}. Andy Bloch was seemingly all in for his final T-100 chip, while the rest of his stack had already gone in before the flop.

Robert Preston, seated in the small blind, had 20,000 in front of him on the flop. Couden raised to 125,000, enough to put Preston to a decision for his remaining, 59,500 in chips. He pondered for a while before calling it off for his tournament life.

Andy Bloch: {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}
Robert Preston: {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}
Joey Couden: {a-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}

Couden was miles ahead with top-top and faded the other players' outs on the {4-Hearts} turn and {4-Spades} river to score the double elimination.

Player Chips Progress
Joseph Couden us
Joseph Couden
Robert Preston us
Robert Preston
Andy Bloch us
Andy Bloch
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andy BlochJoey CoudenRobert Preston

Spinella Busts Hamby

Level 11 : 1,200/2,400, 2,400 ante

Jared Hamby shoved his last 30,700 from the button and Anthony Spinella isolated from the small blind, forcing a fold from Brian Dennis in the big.

Hamby rolled over {k-Clubs}{9-Hearts}, and while he had two live cards versus Spinella's {a-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}, the {10-Hearts}{2-Clubs}{a-Clubs} flop was a disastrous one. Hamby stood up, preparing to leave the table, and the {5-Diamonds} turn sealed his elimination, leaving the {4-Clubs} river a formality.

Player Chips Progress
Anthony Spinella us
Anthony Spinella
WSOP 1X Winner
Jared Hamby us
Jared Hamby
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Anthony SpinellaBrian DennisJared Hamby

Schulman Drops Early Pot

Level 11 : 1,200/2,400, 2,400 ante

Nick Schulman and Francisco Pena went to the flop which came {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}. Pena was first to act from early position and led out for a bet of 8,000 which was called by Schulman from the button.

The turn came the {7-Diamonds} Pena checked and Schulman bet 18,000 which Pena called. The river paired the board with the {7-Hearts}. Pena checked and Schulman checked behind.

Pena turned over the {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts} and Schulman mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Schulman us
Nick Schulman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Francisco Pena us
Francisco Pena

Tags: Francisco PenaNick Schulman

Ved Cracks Aces

Level 11 : 1,200/2,400, 2,400 ante

The cards of the player in the five seat were already in the muck and Kartik Ved raked in the pot with his {a-Clubs}{7-Clubs} still tabled for a full house on the {7-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{3-Spades}{6-Hearts}{6-Spades} board. According to Dirk Luenzer, Ved had three-bet and his opponent just flat-called with aces to end up second-best.

"I played fast, he took a long time," Ved added in table chat while he was busy integrating the chips into his own stack.

Player Chips Progress
Kartik Ved in
Kartik Ved
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kartik VedDirk Luenzer