2019 World Series of Poker

Event #33: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw
Day: 3
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Level: 28

Limits: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 0

Campbell Climbs Right Back

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

Robert Campbell opened from the button and was three-bet by Jared Bleznick in the big blind. He made the call, taking action to the first draw where Bleznick stood pat and Campbell took one. Bleznick fired a continuation-bet and Campbell called and draws again went pat and one. Bleznick bet again and Campbell called before both players stood pat on the final draw and checked through to showdown.

Campbell tabled {9-}{8-}{6-}{5-}{3-} and Bleznick mucked, prompting the dealer to send the pot Campbell's way.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jared BleznickRobert Campbell

Bach Wins Four-Bet Pot

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante
David Bach
David Bach

Robert Campbell raised the button and David Bach made it three bets in the small blind, Jared Bleznick four-bet and both opponents called.

Campbell was the only one to draw two, while Bach and Bleznick settled for one new card. They checked and did so again after everyone had taken one each on the second draw. Again nobody bet and Bach then stood pat, Bleznick and Campbell took one card.

Bach was first to show after everyone had checked and his {10-}{8-}{7-}{5-}{2-} was indeed the winning hand. "Dealt a nine and I broke," he said in table chat and pulled further into the lead.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
WSOP 1X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: David BachJared BleznickRobert Campbell

Campbell Bests Bach

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

In a battle of the blinds, Robert Campbell raised and David Bach made the call. Campbell drew two and Bach took one card, then check-called a bet by Campbell.

After taking two cards on the second draw and Bach taking one, Campbell bet and Bach raised. Campbell made it three bets and picked up a call.

Both stood pat and Bach check-raised only for Campbell to make it three bets once more. Bach called and Campbell dragged in the healthy pot with {7-}{6-}{4-}{3-}{2-}.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: David BachRobert Campbell

Bach Wins With Eighty-Seven

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

Jared Bleznick opened on the button and was three-bet by David Bach out of the big blind. Each player drew one and Bach made a continuation-bet. Bleznic called and both players stood pat on the second draw. Bach then checked and Bleznick followed suit. On the final draw, Bach took a few seconds and stood pat again, with Bleznick staying pat behind again. Both players then checked to showdown.

Bach tabled {8-}{7-}{6-}{4-}{2-} and his eighty-seven was good to take down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
WSOP 1X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: David BachJared Bleznick

Another Big Pot for Bach

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

A button raise by Robert Campbell was followed by a three-bet by David Bach in the small blind and Campbell called. Campbell took two and Bach one, a bet by Bach resulted in a call from Campbell.

After taking two on the second draw and Bach taking one, the latter bet once more and Campbell called.

The final draw saw both take one new card and Bach bet. Campbell raised and Bach made it three bets. That sent Campbell into the think tank and he eventually called to get shown {7-}{5-}{4-}{3-}{2-} for a wheel by Bach.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: David BachRobert Campbell

Campbell Chips Up Again

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

Robert Campbell raised the button and both his opponents called. David Bach in the small blind and Jared Bleznick in the big blind took two and Campbell took one, he then bet and received two calls.

Campbell stood pat on the second draw, Bach received two new cards and Bleznick one. Again, Campbell bet once the action checked to him and two calls followed.

Campbell stood pat once more, Bach and Bleznick took one and they checked it down. Eventually, it was Campbell that won the urgently needed pot with an {9-}{6-}{5-}{4-}{2-}.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: David BachJared BleznickRobert Campbell

Bleznick On Crumbs

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

Jared Bleznick raised on the button and was three-bet by Robert Campbell in the small blind. David Bach folded and Bleznick called. Campbell drew one and Bleznick three. Campbell then continuation-bet and was called. Second draws went pat and one with Campbell firing again. Bleznick called and the final draw again went pat and one. Campbell checked on the end to Bleznick, who checked back and the hand went to showdown.

Campbell announced a nine-eight and tabled {9-}{8-}{7-}{5-}{4-} which was met with a mucked hand from Bleznick as he was left with just over two big bets.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
WSOP 1X Winner

Bleznick Doubles With a Seven

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

David Bach raised the small blind and called a three-bet by Jared Bleznick in the big blind. Bleznick took one and Bach took two. Bleznick bet with 20,000 behind and Bach called, Bleznick stood pat and Bach traded two cards once more.

Bleznick's shove was called by Bach and he traded two again.

Bleznick rolled over {7-}{6-}{5-}{3-}{2-} and had the double locked up already, as Bach only had {8-}{4-}{3-}. The {4-}{a-} were a mere formality.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: David BachJared Bleznick

Bleznick Back To Scraps

Level 28 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

Jared Bleznick raised from the button and was called by David Bach in the big blind. Both players drew two and Bach led out with a bet after the draw. Bleznick raised and Bach called, taking the two to a second draw of one and one. Bach then led out again and Bleznick called.

On the final draw, Bach stood pat and Bleznick took one card. Bach bet once more and Bleznick checked his final card before shaking his head and mucking a pair of sevens face up, leaving just 115,000 left behind him.

Player Chips Progress
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
WSOP 2X Winner
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: David BachJared Bleznick